Undiagnosable stomach problems - need help
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I am a 28 yr old male suffering from unknown stomach problems and really need your help. 6 months ago i got an upset stomach that just wont go. I am suffering from severe constipation along with droughts of diareaah. I am never able to complete a full bowl movement and my stool generally is sticky and floats. I have gone to pretty much every doctor, had every medicine, tried elminating foods, tried using a low foodmap diet, but nothing seems to work.
I took medicine (secnidale forte ), Vibraymycin (antibiotic) along wiht taking rounds of probiotics, digestive enzymes and L glutamine. However it has no impact on my stomach. I workout 6 days a week and eat a very macro counted diet. Usually breakfast dinner adn lunch is the same (eggs for breakfast, minced meat with potatoes for lunch and chicken roast for dinner). i have tried eliminating gluten and lactose but it did not help either.
I got my CBC, H plyori, 3 stool tests for giardia, hydrogen breath test, LFT, Occult blood stool test, Serum C reactive protein, vitamin D, igA IgG test but all came back negative.
I never feel hungry, regardless of the fact i can go 2-3 days just on one banana and still manage to workout 1 hour every day wihtout feeling fatigued. I am constantly bloated, feel fullish (but when i eat i can eat a horse), my motivation has gone down i have contant anal itching and burning. ( i have tried medicine for fissures).
Currently i am just fed up of this situation and would really like to know if anyone else has suffered from the same.
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pippa58442 ozzman
ozzman pippa58442
yes i do have IBS and tave tried the elimination diet, however that was of no help. currently i have the same foods on a daily basis to see what is affecting my bowel. I just never feel hungry but can always eat if i sit down. it burns after a bowel movemnt or spicy foods, Stool DR test were clean. will look into my gallbladder i guess. Thanks
pippa58442 ozzman
sanya11314 ozzman
ozzman sanya11314
sanya11314 ozzman
Good! Only for 'giardia' sounded a bit too specific.
The breath tests were for what please? (h.pylori, fructose, lactose, glucose, lactulose, sorbitol....)
ozzman sanya11314
The breath test was for Lactose only. Came back clean.
Had a LFT done today to just ensure nothing to do with the liver all clean. My Serum C reactive protein was also normal. along with b12. IgA was 1.32 and igG was 1.72 both being negative. occulant blood (stool ) was also negative. Hpylori (stool) was also negative.
Just to summarize i am a very conscious eater (have tried eliminating things for a week at a time no luck). have not had gluten or dairy in a while although i had tests and was not allergic to either. I can go for 3-4 days wihtout food and still ahve energy. I was a fitness freak with body fat of 10% and for the past 3 months even though my calorie intake is almost a quarter of what i ate and carbs are almost nil (apart from fruit) my weight has stayed the same and feel bloated. Stools are floating often and im always feeling full. My energy levels dropped, mood swings and eye itches.
Currently all doctos just say IBS and i have tried every doctor in the city. I am desperate to get back into training properly and eating for results. Any help would be appreciated.
sanya11314 ozzman
I do feel for you because it's life disabling.
Now, you seem to have some form of indigestion but what the reason.
We are all not docs, but from experience look at your blood parameters, if your pancreas was checked (lipase, amylase), l
ook at the the possibility, if the gallbladder was checked (I miss imaging like ultrasound completely in your list). There are pain free function tests like the HIDA scan.
Constantly floating stool is either gassy or fatty due to a number of reasons, mostly disappearing on their own especially if due to some imbalance in gut flora. If bile or pancreas enzyme, some digestive system problem other than gut flora existed, needs to be investigated a bit further.
Fructose breath test is harmless, too, but you don't sound like those fructose intolerant people, who get belly pain, rumbling belly and diarrhea upon consumption.
That's another point I highly recommend to anyone: take probiotics daily, not just during an antibiotic treatment, always, for months, for years, swap brands. They do not always colonize the guts, but their presence when passing through is enough to help with symptoms or keep bad guys in check.
Diarrhae is often an 'overflow' response mechanism to constipation, the try to get out and flows around the rabbit droppings.
You could do all kind of things to avoid rabbit droppings from taking osmotic laxatives to eating more or less fiber (really, there is not one shoe that fits all, some go better with fiber, others especially with soluble fiber like those husks get more constipation, some need to relax the guts by actually being fiber less for weeks, there is not one patent recipy for every individual in the world). Osmotic laxatives will not treat the root cause, but free you from constipation.
It's really hard to pin down, but I think before you get into the IBS area where no one looks any further anymore, I think you have quite some points to check first (imaging/scopes) and trials ahead (probiotics, digestive enzymes).
All the best and please keep us posted when something was found (or excluded).
Take care!