Undiagnosed left sided abdominal pain for many years - help!

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I am hoping someone can help me as I am at the end of my tether. I have had severe abdominal pain in my lower left side my entire life, to the left of my belly button. I have had every test done possible (so I have been told). I am undiagnosed and I can not cope with the pain any more. I can not walk my dog or go to the shops on most days. 

I do not have allergies, wheat, dairy etc. I have tried different diets. My GP insists it must be constipation so we have tried every laxative over the last few years. Nothing helps. (Usually 1 bowel movement a week which I know is less than normal). A member of my family is also a GP and IBS has been suggested. The pain has no pattern and does not correspond with my bowel movements at all. 

All signs point to basic constipation but I have been on laxatives for about a month, having a bowel movement every day, and today my pain is so severe I have decided to make this post. If it is constipation then I have been constipated my entire life. The pain is actually not constant, it comes in waves but it is so bad my only escape is sleep, and if I clench my left side hard enough the pain eases but I can’t do this all the time. 

I am under the impression that my GP thinks I have created all of this in my head. I saw a new doctor recently, who suggested it may be my ovaries, and I get the blood test results next week. 

I have been googling and researching for years and I have no answers. 

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    You are suffering but don't seem to be too serious. Don;t wait for blood tests which usually show nothing. Instead go to a hospital emergency room where they have comprehensive equipment that can properly diagnose you  and give you treatment for your condition.

  • Posted

    Do you mind me asking, what kind of food do you eat? Avocado and olives are really good for softening stools. Also a glass of v8 every morning is so good for you. Periods can effect bowel movements, avoid sugar, caffeine and alcohol before your periods, they will bloat you and make your period pains worse. Try and take multi vitamin and mineral tablets every day and see how you get on. If you are still getting this pain, you need to see a gastroenterologist.
  • Posted

    this should come from ovaries. I had similar pain but brief and i felt sth pinching under my skin. very crazy feeling. I tried to walk more eliminate all those foods with added sugar over 6gr intake multivitamin and try to avoid any urinary infection.
  • Posted

    Sounds like you have a slow bowel. They can test you for that. Might have a small obstruction in lower intestines. Also check if you might have a hernia. Intestines breaking through muscle wall. Please get checked for those.
  • Posted

    It sounds like IBS which does have a pattern which will be either food or stress.  I thought I had no pattern to my abdominal pain but it turned out to be IBS triggered by stress.  Try a food diary and monitor your stress levels to see if a pattern emerges.  Wait to see what your blood tests show.  If they are clear as well as all the others you have had, IBS can be diagnosed.

    Your doctor will be able to diagnose you; it just takes time.  It took me three and a half months to get an IBS diagnosis.  Googling your symptoms will only cause anxiety and will nit give you answers.  Only listen to your doctor.

  • Posted

    I initially thought my pain was purely because of my constipation but it was my IBS that was causing it.

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