Undiagnosed pain and problems, what do I do??

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Hiya All

I'm new and very very fed up

I'm 25 years old and had knee problems for a few years now, I remain undiagnosed

I'm in pain alot of the time with my knees and hips, I've just learnt to deal with it but then sometimes the pain can get very severe

My left knee makes an awful grinding noise, both knees crack alot, when I'm walking they suddenly give way which is getting more and more frequent

If i sit still for a certain amount of time, my knees crack with every step for the first few steps, can become very stiff if still for too long aswell and takes a while to shake off

They can become hot too touch and swell up if I do too much and by too much I mean just normal weekend at work

I've been doctors a rediculous amount of times, i was referred to orthotics, they said i had flat feet, knock knee when weight bearing and generalised joint laxity, had specially made insoles to help combat me walking on the outside of my foot... didnt work

I need further help diagnosis, above conditions shouldn't cause the amount of pain and problems I'm in, doctors just continually fob me off, they've put me on cocodamol and naproxen

Can anyone help with further diagnosis or ideas of what it could be please?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    See an orthopedic surgeon in the group that handles your local professional teams (NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, etc.).  They will do x-rays and MRIs...if you need it, then probably a knee scope to repair what they can.  At 25, I doubt very much they will do a TKR.  Look up Synvisc...ask them about it.  The youngest person I ever hear of getting a replacement was over 35.  A really good surgeon will give you your options.  In the meantime, get an RX for Voltaren Gel.
  • Posted

    In so sorry to hear this. I feel your pain. I had the same issues for years as well in my right knee. I also went to several doctors and they all said it was because I'm knock kneed. Both my knees were constantly cracking and my right knee would get locked if had it bent for a long amount of time. I had more than one MRI and nothing ever showed up. I also just learned to live with it and was cautious. Two months ago I simply jumped down and I felt my right knee give way and I heard a pop. Next thing I know I have a torn ACL, MCL, and meniscus. My doctor was shocked that I messed it up so bad by just jumping down. I honestly think there was something wrong in there since the beginning. I don't know if you've gotten any kind of screenings done but I would suggest that you push for one. I would hate for you to hurt yourself the way I did. And have you tried any kind of therapy. It might seem like you wouldn't be able to get through it but it talky does help. Other than that I don't know how else to help you. Just please be careful with your knees. Good luck.I hope you can get some answers from someone.

  • Posted

    I sense that you are in the UK, so all that I may say may not work for you.  In the US, when we look for a doctor to treat the problem we have with knees, we probably research one who specializes in either knees only, or knees and spinal problems, or pain specialists, or orhtopedic surgeons etc.  We have kinds of choices , dependent on our insurance. But you may have to just see a first stop person and then get referred here and there as that person sees the need.  You talk of terrible pain in your knees and at your young age, you should definitely not be having that.  But sometimes, there is "referred pain" which means that some other bone group of joints is also interferring with your knee pain or maybe a nerve pathway is damaged somehow. I think you need a doctor who will oversee your whole spinal condition as it refers to your hip pain and knee pain.  Your gait, or the way you walk is probably very abnormal at this time and you have already investigated inserts for shoes and other remedies that didn't help.  So now it is time for other measures. I am assuming that you have had Xrays of these joints to see the hard bones and what they are doing.  If nothing appeared out of the ordinary here, then you need an MRI to see what is going on in the soft tissue.  Once again, I can't spell out how you do that in another health system other than my own, but i feel your pain and frustration and can only advise you to be pro-active on your own behalf and talk up and make the calls and follow up to get what you need to be able to continue employment and enjoy life.  I have no medical training, just common sense and a lot of years of pain  like so many of us here on the forum.

    ?Something is wrong and it won't get better without knowledge.  Get going!

    ?Hoping relief is right around the corner!.

  • Posted

    My doc always told me a little popping was normal . As long as it don't hurt when it does it. I had arthroscopic on my left knee 3 times. If it pops or grinds and hurts,its usually cartilage floating around in there getting caught in the joint. Had alot of pieces taken out. Material ground off knee cap to stop grinding. Get synvisc series done every 6 months. Been doing them for over 10 years. They don't like doing replacements if your under 60 years old as they don't last usually 10 years. And will end up replacing them again. MRI showed a tear. Surgery showed much more damage. Pieces floating around. Cracks in my thigh bone,etc. I can tell the weather better than any weather man. Lol. It aches if a storm iscoming

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