Undiagnosed - Severe acute episodes 4-6 weeks apart (was every 3 months) lasting up to 18 hours

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Hi everyone, I'm posting as I'm at my wits end as to what may be wrong with me, and can't really find anyone with similar symptoms to what I experience. 

Ive recently turned 40, still youthful and healthy ,and for the last 2 years have been having these isolated episodes. At first they happened almost exactly 3 months apart, then began much closer together now around 6 weeks apart, I have had 9 episodes in total.

The only stomach complaints I have had in the past were mild IBS, I was feeling the need to go to the toilet during meals quite often and almost 'emptying out' when this happened, doc gave me Mebeverine to tighten my stools up, this seemed to help greatly. I quite often have iffy days especailly when I first awake in the mornings, but again just put this down to mild IBS problems.

Anyway back to the now, so without any warning, I will start feeling nauseous, then extremely nauseous, ill break out quickly from clammy to an extreme cold sweat. Ill be at the sink by now trying to vomit, normally I will throw up at the start, while trying to be sick at this point , ill go from cold sweat to bright red, flushed , then back to chalk white again. this happened about 6 times the other day, while trying to be sick.

After throwing up, all I can do is go lie down in bed, the pain is ridiculous.

I'll now be lying down in bed totally soaked from head to toe , shivering away for about 3 hours straight. I can also feel boiling hot while this is happening.

After the cold sweats and shakes die down, I'm just left with what can only be described as wave upon wave of extreme nausea, its practically with every exhale, so there is no respite. I can be up and down to the sink every 30 minutes or so trying to be sick at these points.

This period can last up to 12-14 hours then it will steadily go away, sometimes if im sick near the end, this will clear it completely.

To explain, I cannot do anything during these attacks, as im completely immobile, almost delirious with the pain, nothing helps, ive been in hospital before with this and they were giving me all sorts of anti sickness meds but nothing would scrath the surface.

Once the pain recedes, I feel perfectly fine, instantly, just as I was before the attack came on. Although saying that, the last two episodes have lingered on a bit for a day or two after (usually coming on again mildy in the afternoon of the next day)

Ive now has bloods tested for everyting, including Helicobator , and everyting has came back clear. Just waiting for an endoscopy appointment.

I'm curious if anyone has experinced anything similar? thanks in advance


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I have these symptoms but not as bad as what you are experiencing but i know exactly how your feeling! I get all the cold hot sweats being sick everyday I'm on the toilet more than I'm off it and yes being sick does help the pain.

    I have developed a lump that sticks out the middle of my tummy since all this sickness, do you get heartburn?

    Also I had my gallbladder removed under emergency operation 2 years ago as I had acute pains in my tummy after chocolate cake have they ever done an ultra sound on your tummy? Have you had any weight loss? Sorry if I've talked more about me than you and your discussion it's just I can totally related to your symptoms


  • Posted

    Sounds like you are passing Gallbladder Sludge or a small Stone to me smile 
  • Posted

    lve had severe nausea, but daily rather than episodes and wasnt sick with it, also had gall bladder removed, due to acute pain on a few occassions. With it being bouts weeks apart, does sound like something your passing out of your body on occassions, Severe pain could be your gall bladder, l think going red, then pale with sweating chills is wiped out, can happen with severe nausea vomiting when your body is trying to pass something that it thinks is toxic, l had simular experience once, short lived, but feeling very sick, sweating wet then hot,  throwing up 3 times till my stomach was empty, for me it was a prescribed tablet, danol, which to my body was toxic, not to others l guess, were all different, but yours is long lasting and reoccurring, Did the hospital do a scan, xray, or ask about your gall bladder. l think a lot is dismissed if bloods come back ok, happens with many, lots of posts saying the same,  but often things dont show in blood tests, but gall bladder should show on scan, mine did. l hope you get your scope appt through soon.
  • Posted

    Have you looked at cyclic vomiting syndrome or abdominal migraine?

    The cyclical nature of it, complete incapacity and fact you feel fine afterwards just reminds me of them.

  • Posted

    Thank you for the replies, Thankfully I have been feeling good since the last episode (18th Dec) , I had been off alcohol completely for the 7 weeks leading up to that episode as I thought that could be the trigger, but I can now rule that out and have been drinking again peroidically sice the 18th Dec with no ill effects.

    Since looking into the gallbladder angle, I am just waiting on an ultrasound scan hopefully within the next two weeks and I have a consultation in 3 weeks time with regards to an endoscopy.

    I have also been reading into CVS so thank you for that idea,

    Any other ideas or comments would be most welcome.

    I would say at this point Benny Blancos post regarding the gallbladder looks the most likely as my symptoms seem to match with billiary colic, many thanks again.

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