Undiagnosed Stomach/GI problems
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I have had the most frustrating couple of months ever. I began having severe bloating a few months ago to the point I looked 3 months pregnant. I tried pro biotics/cutting bread etc and nothing worked. I already don't eat dairy. I eventually saw my GYN who did an ultrasound etc and all was normal. She sent me to a GI. Soon after, my constapation got very bad and was followed by severe gas issues and what felt like an attack after eating (bad burping, trouble swallowing, stomach pain etc) It almost felt like heart palpitations so I had to see a cardio Dr who said I am fine also. Back to the GI, I had an ultrasound and CT scan with contrast. I was told they were all normal. My constapation turned to diahrea for the past two weeks and I have hardly been eating i'm so miserable. MY DR's just keep blowing me off and i'm so frustrated.
My family has severe gallbladder issues and everyone has had theirs out before 30. My Dr's dissreagard that and refuse to let me have the HIDA scan done saying they don't think i'm symptomatic of it. I am also concerned that my appendix area has sharp random pain and they did not see it on the CT or bother to look at it on the Ultrasound. I was told I don't have chrones because my colonoscopy from 2 years ago was normal. I just want to cry in a ball and give up. I'm so miserable.
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Portacrean rain69835
Don't know what the problem is , but don't give up ! I've had every test know to man I think and still don't have answere. Hida scan , ct scans , xrays, endoscopes and now I've moved to the cardiologist. Still testing with him. Extreme neausea for over a year with abdominal pain. 24/7. Theses bound to be and answer to these problems
darlene21892 rain69835
I have the same problem as you and asPortacream and many others if you have read many of the abdominal problem blogs as mine is one of them. We all are at a loss and tests show normal, certain medications make you feel worse, we all can't beleive there is so many of us out there with the same problem and in todays world with edlucated people and modern technologly that some solution can not be found for us suffering in pain. I know this is not much help. Ihave gone to the health foof store and explained my problem and I am trying 2 prodcuts right now which for the past week have given me some relief and going to do another week to see how things go. It is difficult to discuss this with my family doctor as he really does not beleive in vitamins. I will try to keep my results posted on my blog.
Anaheimkaren rain69835
I have IBS. Maybe you do too. Here's what helps me...probiotics, Metamucil (for diarrhea and constipation), peppermint and/or chamomile tea, Pepto Bismol. Hope this helps.
rain69835 Anaheimkaren
I probably do-i've been on probiotics 6 months though and they havent helped one bit.
Portacrean rain69835
philippa61759 rain69835
Maybe you have IBS. Try keeping a food diary and look at the Fodmap diet. If you are worried about your gallbladder, perhaps change your doctor and ask again for a HIDA scan and explain your family history. Also get a stool sample tested for h pylori if this hasn't been done.
rain69835 philippa61759
cmross1108 rain69835
I agree with Philippa - do NOT give up as you know that something is wrong. Be very adament, change doctors. Do what you need to do to get yourself healthy. Have they tried PPIs? The bloating, burping and swallowing sound kind of like an acid problem to me. The diarrhea could be too much acid as well. Maybe try that route first as it's easy to just pop some PPIs and see if they work (should feel some relief within a few days). You could even make an appointment for a HIDA scan and try the PPIs while waiting. Hopefully you can find a doctor to help you do whatever it takes. The HIDA scan is what came back abnormal for me - 98% EF and I'm getting my GB out this afternoon. I have nausea in the AM (some days), lack of appetite, burping, sour stomach (some days), diarrhea, some mild RUQ discomfort and back pain. And it doesn't necessarily only happen with fatty food.
rain69835 cmross1108
I ended up in the ER today because my pain got so bad. To be graphic-last night I had some clots and bleeding after a fissure tear from being so sick. I called my GI and she was so very rude!! She said she had no reason to see me even after that and to try a corrective surgeon for hemoroids etc. I said what about my stomach pain and issue causing allthis? I finally convinced her to do a HIDA scan but she was p*ssed about it. At the ER they did a bunch of bloodwork and checked organ function and urine and all was clear. They sent me home and even told me to find a new GI themselves. They recommend an endoscopy.
I've been taking anti acid pills but to no avail. The Dr's keep blowing off that it could be my gallbladder because my pain isn't on the right side which is not always how it is. My sister just had hers out and her pain was in the middle. Are PPI's the same as antiacids? I can't live liek this it's awful.
sanya11314 rain69835
Sorry to hear all that rain, you need a new GI.
As to anti acids
- PPI (Meprazole, Esomeprazole, Lanzaprazole, Rabeprazole, Pantoprazole )
- H2 Receptor Anatagonists (Cimetidine, Famotidine, Ranitidine, Nizatidine)
- Antacids (Mylanta, Gaviscon) - neutralise existing already made stomach acid.
So "anti acids" sounds very similar to "antacids" unfortiunately.
PPI are anti acids (less acid in stomach by reducig the amount of stomach acid that is made),
but are not antacids (do not reduce amount of stomach acid, but neutralise existing)
All clear re anti acids?
Angliis rain69835
Omg I feel the same way! I have never had to worry about what I ate or having a huge stomach area infact if anything I always had a small waistline. Now I look as if I am 6 months pregnant, can't hold down anything but bland food, and my stomach is constantly filling with air so I am passing gas or burping constantly! I have had every test I could have and no one seems to want to help me or even care!
I am really tired of being so sick! My insides feel like they are bruised! All my tests have been normal and the only thing they have said for sure is that my stomach was severely inflamed! My stomach was like that even though I hadn't ate for 12 or more hours and took no medication!
I just want to stop being sick! Throwing up all the time eats away at your esophagus but they honestly don't seem to concerned! Who knows what's going on because I sure as hell don't!!
amanda24885 rain69835
I have gone through it all and still am. I had my gallbladder out 3 years ago. And I feel worse now then I did before the gallbladder came out. I constantly feel nauseous and bad upper stomach pains and bloating. EVERY single day I feel this way. Almost as if my body isn't tolerating anything I eat. I still get what feels like a gallbladder attack but the drs can't figure out why. I go from being constipated to having diarrhea. I have seen a number of different doctors and I'm getting no answers! I hope you find some answers soon.