Unexplainable high diastollic pressure
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Hi everyone,
I come to you at the end of my rope, as no doctor seems to know what the problem is, as well as leaving me feeling misunderstood and not believed.
6 months ago I was a healthy 31 year old female, starting a new career, having the time of my life. I am overweight, always have been, so i was on monitor for diabetes, cholesterol, the works, and these results were always perfectly within normal ranges, in fact they still are!
However a couple months ago i started to get pain in my belly area, I went to the GP and he measured my pressure, it was 220/130, so very high... I was sent home with Lisinopril and that was that. I bought a home meter because it got me worried. I started measuring and slowly but steadily the BP went down, the GP added Amlodipine, but as a result I started getting palpitations, problems with my heart rate, it kept being far too high. Metoprolol retard was added and my BP was perfect for a good week. Now since 4 days I’m having a new problem. Until around 4 PM my BP is perfect, all well within normal ranges, then after 4 the Diastolic pressure goes up, and up and up.... It lies between 95 and 110, it gets even far higher when I stand up. All the while the systolic pressure stays pretty good, between 110 and 130, standing up as well.
I do not know what is going on anymore, I’ve had blood works done, this was all fine, I’ve ad an ECG this was also fine.
Whenever this diastolic pressure goes up, I feel such enormous pressure in my head, my lips tingle, my cheeks glow, it’s a horrible feeling, and I don't understand why....
?Does anyone recognize this at all?
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mrsmop jess63822
Hello Jess, I'm sorry you are going through all of this. Are you in the UK?
I am older than you & have had high blood pressure for about 20 years but recently, over the past 12 months or so, it has become very erratic. I ended up in Casualty twice because of nose bleeds. The last Casualty doctor I saw, said I should be referred to a Cardiologist because my blood pressure had been erratic for too long.
The other day, I had an abdominal scan to check that I didn't have an AAA [abdominal aortic aneurysm]. Fortunately I didn't. I am waiting to see the Cardiologist now.
I think when a problem like you have, has not been solved by your GP, then you should ask to be referred to a Cardiologist.
Good luck.
jess63822 mrsmop
Thank you for your answer! Might sound wrong, but I am happy there are others like me struggling with these problems. Ive also had a full body MRI, and they didn't find anything weird on there, I believe they checked for aneurysms too.
Basically they keep telling me I should lose weight and then everything will magically get better,.. What strikes me as odd though is te fact it all happened so suddenly, My BP was fine for years, and all of a sudden it's crap and I ave to take 3 heavy pills for it, which only work half the day. I have another GP appointment in 2 weeks, I will ask then for a referral, because it's slowly doing my head in, and I really don't want to start feeling depressed ...
stephie120782 jess63822
hi jess
this sounds just like me im 35 2 years ago I was getting eye problems went to get them checked they took my bp 300/200 had all test done nothing was found .... I'm now on 5 bp tablets my blood pressure does the same late afternoon my distolic starts to rise have recently seen cardiologist and spoke to him about everything he was really good .....he said they is something wrong but we don't know what it is like with most people with high blood pressure and just to do my best to live my life. .... i said to him my local doc dont seam to know what to do with me ....he said thats because they cant give you a answer all they can do its treat you with tablets and hope this works .....feel your pain .... as long as bp is under control you will be fine .... sometimes my bp goes very high what I do is try to relax for a hour take it again most times it comes down on its own if it stays high then I speak to the docs and they come up with a plan .....I swear when the docs see me they think in they ohh ohhh it's the challenging patient .....ha sorry hope this helps your not on your own ....
jess63822 stephie120782
Tank you ! I feel better knowing I am not the only one going through these problems, what worries me most is the fact it all came so suddenly, here I was going about my business and the next thing I know is I'm on 3 different high BP tabs, hope my liver can keep up... lol
mrsmop jess63822
I am taking 4 drugs to try to keep my blood pressure down. I was told that they don't like to use more than 3.
It may interest you both, Jess & Stephie, to know that I am part of a blood pressure 'time trial'. The researchers are based at Ninewells hosp Dundee. When we were taken on, we were told either to take our meds in the morning, at 6am or in the evening. I am morning, so I am not certain of the evening time. I think they are aiming to prove [or disprove] that the meds are more effective when taken in the evening.
I have some auto immune diseases & see several different Consultants. My Dermatologist told me that his father's BP was out of control, so the family [all doctors!] told him to take his meds in the evening. This solved my Consultant's father's BP problem.
I now take 3 of my drugs at 6am & the 4th at 13.00hrs & my BP is ok -ish! I hope that once I have seen the Cardiologist & she has ruled out benign tumours, which they were looking for, that I can change my medication time to the evening because when I have ended up in Casualty, they have given me a top up tablet in the evening & I have felt much better.
It might be worth mentioning the Dundee Time Trial to your doctors, they will be aware of it. I will post the link.
gill70346 mrsmop
mrsmop gill70346
mrsmop jess63822
stephie120782 mrsmop
very interesting I also have underactive thyroid. .....I take 3 bp tablet in the morning and 5 at night as I struggle with the side effects split my dose between am and pm don't think the trail would be suitable for me I prefer taking them at night as less side effects ....
mrsmop stephie120782
They aren't taking on new patients to the trial but I think they are feeling that it would benefit most patients to take their drugs in the evening/ at night. I think I would benefit but am waiting until I see the Cardiologist.
I don't know when they are going to publish the results from the trial because they are still gathering data from us.
Siberian jess63822
I also had episodes of unexplained high diastolic pressure with head pressure and facial flushing (>110), that spanned a few months. I also went through extensive testing, and the best explanation was potentially “vasospasms” of my circulatory system. I would encourage you to ask your cardiologist for a vascular study. Mine have abated as I cut back on blood pressure medication, but I have yet to get a comprehensive explanation. If its any help, I’ve had them peridocally for three months, and I’ve been fine through all of them, Amlodipine helped the most. I will share any explanation I ultimately get, and I’ll post here.
jx41870 jess63822
?I didn't see that you are taking a diuretic, often prescribed for BP. For me, I could take whatever, and it had no effect until I also took the diuretic. Then it turned out I could get by with the diuretic and nothing else!
?Your BP measurement should always be taken in the same situation, relaxed and sitting down. If you are active, stop and wait ten or fifteen minutes or you will get elevated readings, that's all perfectly normal. So the talk of "standing" high numbers is quite expected.
?And yes, of course losing weight is a better answer, odds are you could have normal BP without any pills, if you had "normal" weight. And some of those other conditions may bite you too at some point, and they will tell you the same thing, they can try to treat them but if you would only lose weight they wouldn't have to.
?I took amlodipine for years before I realized it was giving me heart arrhythmias, so if you already have seen that I suggest you work your way off it - and it takes a week or two to clear out of your system. If the diuretic does help, getting off the amlodipine would be the next step.
Good luck.
mrsmop jess63822
Jess, I had forgotten that a side effect of Amlodipine, amongst other side effects, is, that it can cause weight gain. I was given it in Casualty & subsequently took it for 2 or 3 weeks. I put on a stone in that time & my ankles were vast!
Having re-read the side effects, it could well be the Amlodipine that is causing your symptoms. Read through this leaflet & do a little research of your own. It took me a couple of months to get the Amlodipine out of my system.