Unexplained Chronic Nausea

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Hi all

I am writing in the hope that someone can relate to what I am going though and maybe offer some support or advice.

Seven weeks ago I woke up feeling extremely nauseous. I also had bad muscle pains, joint pains, a headache every day (now gone), and felt extremely fatigued; so fatigued that some days I find it hard to walk around as my legs feel like paper on bad days. I have been like this every single day for weeks. I have actually had similar symptoms on other occasions in the past. On those occasions, it has usually lasted about six weeks and then disappeared. This time it is showing no signs of abating. I lay on my bed most days feeling too sick to move around.

Because this has happened before, my GP thinks it might be M.E and I am waiting to go to a clinic to see someone about it. Meanwhile, each day is like torture to me.

I wake up very nauseous as soon as I open my eyes. I can not bear to eat until around midday but usually feel slightly better for eating something....if it does not give me bad wind and I end up burping for hours. I am just eating tiny amounts often. I have acid reflux but my throat isn't sore with acid. I also have a hiatus hernia though it's very small. I am on PPIs for this.

I can not take anti sickness meds as I react badly to them. No doctor will give me them so I have to brave this without any help. I cut out caffiene, I don't drink alcohol, and I eat a healthy diet...I have to because I have chronic kidney disease, my cholesterol has suddenly gone up, and I am high end of normal for blood sugar. In fact, I am on so many restrictions it seems sometimes like there is only veg left!

I am waiting to see a gastroenterologist as my GP is hoping he will do a colonoscopy to rule out bowel disease. I don't want it. I have to have CT scans every six months because I had kidney cancer two years ago, and I get so anxious beforehand and go to pieces. I have one due in two weeks that is causing me a huge amount of stress. I have to have the dye this time too and I am scared of it. I have claustrophobia.

I have been to the doctor about five times in seven weeks. It has been deduced that I am depressed to boot...who wouldn't be? Otherwise all blood tests have been fine and physical exam doesn't point to anything. I have just done a stool test and awaiting results. My GP really doesn't know what's wrong with me. I ended up in casualty one day as I collapsed on my stairs. I had been in a bad way for about five weeks. My sats were okay, blood test fine, chest x-ray fine..sent home.

I am starting to go out of my mind methinks! I am worried and sometimes it feels like I can't breathe through such stress. I get light headed, feel almost depersonalized, and sweat with fear at times.

Has anyone suffered in this way and for so long without diagnosis? I would welcome any kind of response.

Thanks smile

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111 Replies

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  • Posted

    I feel your pain. All my blood work, xrays, etc have come back normal. I also lay in bed on some days because I feel to bad to get up. My legs feel like jelly, but is getting better. I also went to the doctor more often than every before. I had my gallbladder out, which the doctor said was what was causing my symptoms. I feel worse now.

    I am on anxiety meds and he thinks I am depressed. The only thing I am depressed about is that no one can figure out what is wrong with me. My doctor would also like me to have a colonoscopy, but I don't want to and can't afford to.

    I believe I am losing my mind, too. I have no quality of life and can't do the things I love. I need to get back to work and make some money, but I wouldn't last an entire 8 hour shift.

    • Posted

      Hi. Sorry you are suffering so bad too. Do you feel they got it totally wrong about your gallbladder because it's awful to think they would remove it wihtout good reason.

      I don't want a colonoscopy unless it's absolutely necessary. I am seeing a gastroenterologist in a couple of weeks and I want to talk at length about the reasons it's thought necessary. 

      Like you, I just want a diagnosis. I want to know what could make me feel this ill and put a halt to my everyday normal life. I am starting to feel like a pest at the docs though my GP is sympathetic. I don't want sympathy though...I want answers.

      How long have you had the symptoms? Do you get very nauseous?

    • Posted

      I was starting to feel like a pest at the doctors, but after a while, I don't care. Monday I will see my doctor and I'm not leaving without a few more answers. I have had the symptoms since January of this year.
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      I had gastro do the scope both ways!! Yesterday I suspected gallbladder?
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    Yes I am in the usa. It was a 3 hour test. I had to blow into a tube that they put threw some machine every 40 minutes or so. My test was negative. 
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      Hi Janis

      Did you find out why you had the chronic nausea?

    • Posted

      No I didnt Sue. I go back to the GI doctor on the 14th. Probably going to have a ct scan and or endoscopy because this surgeon really botched up this surgery for sure. I have been suffering like  crazy. My upper abdomen looks like im 4 months pregnant its now giving me back pain besides the front. Ctazy
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      interesting as my daughter had glandular fever just before my symptoms started and I know the two are related....wonder if I should have a test for that. Is it treatable?

  • Posted

    I have suffered much of the same symptoms of fatigue,  leg weakness, pain and extreme nausea, becoming lactose intollerant, guten sensitivity,gastro problems, depression etc.  All my problems began, and my doctor did a blood test for Epstein Barr syndrome and it came back positive. Also came back Vit D deficient and anemic.  You will feel better for awhile and then a flare up begins and all symptoms return.  My flare ups usually last 4-5 weeks.  It is horrible feeling bad all the time.  I make sure I keep up on vitamins, such a C, B complex, Zinc, and Iron.  Through these flare ups I usually lose weight because of the nausea and fatigue.  I hope you can figure everything out. 
    • Posted

      interesting as my daughter had glandular fever just before my symptoms started and I know the two are related....wonder if I should have a test for that. Is it treatable?

    • Posted

      Have you been tested for Fibromyalgia?  All those symptoms would fall under that unbrella.  It is not a phantom illness.  It is finally recognized as real and testable and it can be controlled.  I'd try that first, before anything else...and fibro flares like you described.
    • Posted

      l think your right in l also think many symptoms are the multiiple symptoms of fibro, me cfs lupus, all systemic.  ld 9months of nausea daily, horrible, finally scope showed bit of gastritus, though gastrologist puzzled extent of symptoms due to it, l,d also lost 2stone, as couildnt eat. Came across fibro and discovered its multi symptoms, including gastric disturbances, as with the fatigue, general aches and pain, specific ones, even the more obscure symptoms such as heightened sense of smell, craving choc or carbs, others, l found l fit most of them, including bladder problems, interesticial cystitus, and many with that get fibro. So went into gps with info, met with usual cynicism, casual response, but finally did get one to refer me to rheumy, still waiitng for appt. So l,d also advice anyone to check out immune type conditions like fibro, m.e, lupus, could be the answer. 
    • Posted

      Good luck with it, Lynne.  It looks like you aren't in the US...we don't weigh ourselves in stones.  lol.  Here, doctors are finally coming around to understanding fibro and it's many, many manifestations.  I went to doctor after doctor for over 2 years trying to find out why I hurt so much.  The day I got the diagnosis was one of the happiest days in my life.  No, it can't be cured, but at least I knew what it was and it could be treated and relieved.  There won't be total relief, but you won't be suffering like you are now.  I hope you get a diagnosis for what is bothering you soon.  If it is fibro, join one of the fibro groups online.  You will learn a lot and on days when you are really, really, down, there are people there who know what you're going through and will support you.  Sometimes, just a friendly ear helps.
    • Posted

      Hi, Some dr,s dont seem to get how important diagnoses is, one said to me well we cant do anything about it, so does it matter, l said yes it does, l want a label on it.  Many in uk have the idea that in usa, with being private medicine, be it insurance, unlike our nhs, that you wont have problems waiting for diagnoses referrals to specialists, but read quite a few posts from usa where people have had big probs also.   We are supposed to be kilo,s now, being metric eu, or at least lbs, just old habits using stones, we used to be a stone of potatoes, so quite appropriate, l often feel like a bag of potatoes, or a sack of them maybe,  Well bank holiday weekend here, sat waiting for my private jet for weekend in paris, in my dreams, but pain moderate today, and that is a treat, just the usual tiredness, hoping sun will come out and stay a while, just to g et into garden and potter about is good.  Take care.
    • Posted

      Fibro is mainly mine, but I know it has to be something in the water! I'm going to check for the aero hydrophila and Epstein Barr syndrome. Ty very much and God bless!

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