unexplained strong abdominal pain lasting 2 months nothing helps

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Hi there,

for about a 2 months i am suffering terrible pain in my abdomen. First month it was an agony, i was on the floor in pain and did not what to do with myself.

Pain appears once a day only, afternoons, is not related to any food (checked all, wrote a diary, observe myself) or drink.

I do not eat fried food, take aways, do not eat redy prepared stuuf, do not join together starches/proteins and carbs.

As a celiac patient -from years- restrict my gluten free diet.

I am/was taking omeprazole/lansoprazole, renitidine, alverine and colpermin. Nothing helps or take the pain away.

I am keep seeing my gp and complaining so he took my blood test for liver, kidneys, full blood count, any inflamories and it came back clear. I got recently ultrasound scan and did not show any changes as well!!!

Not like a wish there will be something wrong with me but at least will now why i am in pain!

When pain appears is so strong i am bending down. No painkillers, warm baths, position changing helps. Pain last for 4 hours, then slowly is fading away. While it's there i go at least once to toilet for bowel movement. Stool is normal, not loose, not hard. The only weird thing is it's flattend, full of undigested food. It's always like that. And i am bloated when that appers as well.

I am sick living in pain which unables me to functioning as normal person. I am single mum, with two small kids (3yo and 7 mths), and when pain is on i cant do anything around kids and they are watching me being in agony...

Does anybody have any suggestions what that pain could be? IBS? But if so why no alverine or colpermin help? And i dont have other typical symptoms...

Please! somebody help me as I am sooo fed up and worried.

Thank you in advance.



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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you been checked for pancreatitis?
    • Posted

      No i didn't as my gp said... i am too young for pancrea's problems... ?!

      I am 27 tho, but my friend died age of 35 from pancrea cancer, so there is not such thing as being too young for disease..

  • Posted

    Hi Emmy,

    l think you need to go back to gp,s, maybe see a different doc, or keep emphasising how badly its affecting you and your children.  With my own experience of it taking many years to have intersticial cystitus diagnosed, after numerous tests, xrays, scans, my kids also saw me affected by symptoms of that, as you cant always keep them from seeing and hearing, and know it can make you feel worse, it  took scope to id my ic, by which time gps had id it as phycalogical, so a relief just to have id and treatment which helped a lot.. lve in recent times spoke to others in passing  where the gp has, even along with tests missed serious health problems, some diagnosed through urgent visit to a and e following bad attack, one diagnosed with leaking kidney,s, another pneumonia,and another  infected apendicitus. So if you know  your abdominal pain is disabling you and  frequently they could be missing something, abdominal pain such as pancreatitus and other causes needs  id, but its not alwasy serious problems, sometimes gluten is in foods you dont expect,  but you need to know,

    try seeing a different gp if you can, good luck

    • Posted

      Thank you for answering and understanding.

      Was thinking to go to hospital during the attack but i am worried all they will do will be xray or scan which are fine and will tell oh well don't know take a worm bath - as usual.

      Tomorrow have gp app. so will ask for colonoscopy.

      And got letter for gastroscopy on 03.03....

      Oh and it is not a gluten reaction as my response to gluten is throwing up and diarrhoea for hours.

      I am worried i have cancer and they are not picking it up early enough...

      Will keep you updated.

      Take care.

    • Posted

      l had a gastroscopy a few week back, diagnosed gastritus, though my symptoms more debilitating nausea and lost appetite, than pain, taking omprezole for it, so far not helping much, but also waiting for cystoscopy, what are we like, walking wounded,  but seems with one immune problem you can get others, at least were getting the scopes which seems good way of id. good luck with appt and scope,


  • Posted

    If you have a quantity of undigested food in your movements there is a HIGH chance of lots of fermentation throughout the gut-producing hydrogen, methane, carbondioxide hydrogen sulphide etc. Pain from gas can be excruciating. Its the most obvious cause of a once a day pain-  check it out first and exclude
    • Posted

      Hi Bob,

      well that will make sense as during the attacks i am VERY bloated!!! Feel like i need to fart and if just will do it will feel better, but can't!

      How can i check it? Any ideas?


    • Posted

      Try a bowel cleansing (epsom salts?) followed by eating no food for 24 hours, water only.  See what are the effrcts. This can provide additional evidence for your health care professional.

      Sometimes a kidney stone can create incredible pain across gut area also. A hot towel across the gut for 30 min  can help resolve pain sometimes- worth a try. 

  • Posted

    Hi, I don't know what your age range is, but what you are describing sounds like something I had experienced a couple of years ago.  I was experiencing these horrible abrominal pains that just had me on the floor. It would come on sporadically, but when it did, I just didn't know what to do with myself.  Sometimes I felt like I had sort of an upset stomach but didn't really have one, I was just confused.  This went on for a couple of months and when I eventually visited my gp, he did the usual tests, X-ray, sonogram, etc, etc.  asked if I was pregnant and I told him no, because I had my tubes tied about a year prior.  Well it turned out that I had an Ectopic pregnancy that had ruptured (where the pregnancy ends up in your tubes).

    turns out that even after a tuba ligation there is a 1% chance of getting pregnant again, and I fell into that category.  Had minor surgery and have been fine ever since.  Sot I am not saying this to scare you but just something extra to get checked out.  Better safe than sorry.


  • Posted

    Oh no, that sounds terrible!

    I am 27 now.

    I am not pregnant...

    Well had my ultra sound which came back clear, blood is fine.

    Had gastroscopy today.

    Well all looks healthy. Only my small intestine is inflamed (doc says it is from gluten but can't be as I have bad reaction to it and last time had gluten it was november... So really don't know why small int. is inflammed?)

    Oh last week i am taking lansoprazole and ranitidine together 30 mins before breakfast and then again before dinner, and aparently it takes pain away or make it easier to take.

    Oh and about what  bob33372 said. It makes sense i think... But can't make test as i am breastfeeding...

    Thank you all for support and sugesstions!

    So nice knowing I am not alnoe!

    Any ideas why my small int. is inflammed?

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