Universal credit

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How much do you get on universal credit not including housing benifits I'm over 25 do you get extra if you got mental health and autism

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    Over 25's standard monthly allowance is £317.62 per month.

    Mental health and Autism doesn't automatically entitle you to any extra money when claiming any benefits.

    If you have a limited capability for work then you'll need to send in sick notes from your GP to start the work capability assessment process off. Once this is done you'll eventually be referred for a work capability assessment. You'll receive forms to fill in and return with all your evidence to support the reasons why you're unable to work. You'll then need to attend a work capability assessment where they will assess your ability to do any type of work.

    A report will be written and sent to DWP and a decision will be made on your claim. If you're given LCWRA then you'll receive an extra £336 per month from the 4th month of your claim from when you sent in your first sick note.

    If the decison is LCW then your money will remain the same.

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