Universal credit Denise

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I've been silly I thought I was doing ok but got offered 16 hours so took it went on w t c

but now having odd day off due to anxiety

I feel thst I don't want to start process again with esa stress me out more

so got a new job 10 hours just round corner from me and no bus travel

my question is if I take this job come of w t c I will have to claim uc which does pay as not a threshold of 16 hours for single parent but I read thst if I make a new claim for uc and reduce my hours I may may sanction

but reason for a reason I am doing this so I don't go no on sick is this right or will dwp look at each case diffrentley

or is it diffrent that it's a new job but less hours that why I need to claim uc

If I reduced my hours in my 16 hour job then surly that would be a sanction

sorry for this any help would be appreaciate

kind regards x

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Pls can anyone help

  • Posted

    Hi happy 🐝 sorry no one has yet replied to your question, I'm sure that Denise or one of the other well informed people will be on soon to let you know exactly how you stand, sadly I have no knowledge of work-related benefits but I'm sure that with a little help you can make a decision take care

  • Posted


    You're right with WTC if you reduce your hours to less than 16 per week then you won't be entitled to claim this and your money will stop but if you receive CTC then that will continue.

    If you claim UC then your tax credits will stop and any housing benefit you claim will continue for a further 2 weeks then stop. Both of these will then be paid in with your UC payment.

    If you claim UC then you will be expected to look for work for the required amount of time (35 hours) the hours you work will be deducted from that. So if you work 10 hours per week then you'll be expected to look for work for a further 25 hours on top of that. Being a single parent and having no work requirements only applies to those with a child under the age of 1.

    You can of course send in a fit/sick note from your GP and you will eventually be referred for a work capability assessment (same procedure as ESA) evidence will be needed and you'll eventually be sent a work capability assessment form (UC50) a face to face assessment will most likely be needed as most have them.

    Once a decision is made you'll either be given limited capability for work (LCW) limited capability for work related activity (LCWRA) or you'll be found fit for work. If the decision is LCWRA (support group) then you'll receive an extra £328 per month from the 4th month of your claim from when you sent in your first fit note.

    You will also have a work allowance if you have dependent children.

    You really do need to get face to face advice from an advice centre near you because UC is extremely complicated and it's very difficult to give you advice on an internet forum, i could be here all day and it's even worse if you don't understand it. Very few people understand UC.

  • Posted


    but been told because I have reduced my hours to ten new employment

    I may be sanction on uc because I have reduced my hours

    this is due to my mental health before it gets worse surly I won't be sanction for this on new claim I have a good reason my health is this true what o heard

    k8nd regards

    • Posted

      You won't be sanctioned for reducing your hours. You would only be sanctioned if you quit your job completely, or you were sacked. If you do claim UC then speak to your GP for a sick note.

  • Posted

    Thank you

    on u c it does say you will be sanctioned if you reduce your hours before claim to uc

    so what does this mean pls

    I am reducing my hours due to my health so have a good reason confused

    thanku Denise it says on c a b.advise 're uc

    • Posted

      It took me a long time to find that and i was almost pulling my hair out. lol.

      You are correct, i just found this in the universal credit guidance website. Copied and pasted for you here.

      You will be sanctioned for 91 days for your first higher level sanction in any 364 day period, 182 days for your second, or 1095 days for your third if you:

      have to meet the ‘work preparation requirement’ and you fail to take part in Mandatory Work Activity

      have to meet the ‘work search requirement’ and you fail to apply for a particular job when told to do so

      have to meet the ‘work availability requirement’ and you refuse a job offer

      leave work or reduce your hours of work, whether voluntarily or due to ‘misconduct’ (while claiming Universal Credit or just before your claim)

      Take note of what it says in the last part "just before your claim"

      Whether this will still happen if you reduce your hours because of a health condition is don't know, i'm afraid. You really do need to get some expert advice as previously advised.

    • Posted

      Well that didn't work out lol. I tried to copy and paste what i read but it went all wrong.

      It says you can be sanctioned at the highest level for up to 92 days if you reduce your work hours immediately before you claim UC.

      Whether this will happen to you i really don't know because the reason you've reduced your work hours is because of your health condition.

      I'm still going to advise you to get expert advice regarding this and speak to a local advice centre near you.

  • Posted

    I knew I had read it right.

    But also I am being bullied at work old job due my anxiety and o CD tendacey I have put in a grievance with the help of my union and that's why I leaving

    boss shouts ECT and puts me down

    got evidence so that's the truth

    so I do hopefully have a good reason to find a new job less hours but it's only job I could find near my home and keeps me going surly I won't be sanction due the facts why I reduced my hours

    this is stressing me our sorry Denise xx x x

    so do I stay or go

    thanku xxx

    • Posted

      I'm sorry to hear that but i can't tell you what you should do. All i can tell you to do is speak to an advice agency near you about the sanctions on UC. CAB or welfare rights will be a good place to start. Good luck!

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