Universal credit lcwra

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hi I'll make this short as possible.

currently claiming universal credit, lcwra element and housing benefit.

due to receive last payment from work which will be the holiday pay I've accrued due to being off sick. Will I receive any benefit in the period after I receive this pay.

universal credit payment is the 10th sept

final company payment is 25th. sept

or am I correct in saying I wont receive benefit until 10th November.

any advice appreciated

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3 Replies

  • Posted


    It will depend on how much you receive from work. As you have LCWRA then you'll have a work allowance and for you because you receive the housing element your work allowance is £287 per month. Anything up to this amount isn't counted but over this amount and you'll start to see deductions of 63p for every £1 over that amount. Whether it reduces your amount to zero will depend how much pay you receive.

  • Posted

    ah ok. that's what I thought. I just thought that maybe because I haven't actually "worked" would there be any significant difference. my holiday pay is gona be around 21 days pay est:£2100 so going off what you say I wont receive UC on the 10th of October. Am I right in saying my payments will continue as normal in November as there will be nil earnings? Thanks

    • Posted

      Even though you haven't actually worked, you will still receive that money during your assessment period and that figure will almost certainly reduce your UC payment for that month to zero.

      The following month you should receive your payment as normal.

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