Unpacking and Repacking Scrotum Post Op
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First, glad theres a place to talk about these things with people who understand.
I had my Hydrocelectomy two Mondays ago. Ever since, I've had recurring appts with my urologist every other day to remove gauze and repack it. I've got another 3 of these torture sessions left next week at least. I cannot find a single forum where this is normal for anyone post op. My doc says it is to ensure healing from the inside and to let the inflammation go down. But... I've had an open hole down there for two weeks now. Just checking to find a similar experience.
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abhijit29770 Krash
Please immediately change your Urologist to another very reputed Urologist surgeon who has had several successful Hydrocele surgeries. What you have is not normal at all. There is no need for frequent gauze removal. It should be only once. Something is not right about your Urologist. You need immediate attention by an expert Urologist surgeon.
Krash abhijit29770
Thats fairly concerning. May I ask your qualifications for this position? Not questioning but this is a fairly big decision. Thank you for the reply.
abhijit29770 Krash
I am a scientist with 40 plus years of experience. My room mate was a doctor and I studied at least 20 scholarly medical papers on Hydrocele. The doctors were happy to speak with me as I knew just about everything about Hydrocele.
I am not prescribing anything to you. I am only asking you to change your Urologist. Go to a senior Urologist with at least 20 years experience and having done many Hydrocele surgeries successfully and have no records of complaints against them. Also request the Urologist to prescribe you a course of antibiotics after surgery to be 100% safe.
bry07102 Krash
That doesn't sound normal at all - I had mine 2 months ago came home with gauze on my stitches and would put a non-stick gauze on the stitches while it oozed for a few days but it was good to go in less than a week.
Krash bry07102
If you don't mind my asking, how large was yours? I'm gunna look for a second opinion tomorrow.
bry07102 Krash
400 ML
john6969 bry07102
mine was 709 ml removed 9 days ago, i change my own pads once a day after a shower, i had a slight streak of blood on my pad today, other than that its pretty healed up. i don't even see my uroligist for another 4.5 weeks. hope your all healed up by now.
dwayne50565 Krash
I understand exactly what you’re going through. I had a huge hydrocele for more than 6 years and finally decided to have surgery. Swelling was really bad and I stitches broke slightly after causing a blood clot and frequent gauze changing. I was told this was normal and I am continuing to bleed. The hole is slowly closing but this is very annoying
Krash dwayne50565
So... i ended up having a second surgery to clean out the right side two weeks ago and the healing has been faster, however, I've never been sewn up and doc says the hole will close on its own. I'm still doing the unpacking and repacking thing. it's far beyond old... but i see an end in sight. just need to get there and get back to work. this has sucked. i had my hydrocele for as long as I can remember (I'm 36 and it's been there at least since i was 16...). Guess I should have addressed it earlier, just never had an issue.
abhijit29770 Krash
This is unusual problem. So long as experienced Urologist performed surgery in reputed Hospital and all care was taken during surgery, I think following Urologist advice and routinely visiting him to let him monitor progress of healing, you should be fine. Lot of care is required for preventing infection. On Doctor's advice a full course of antibiotics should help. Also take plenty of rest. Paying attention to nutrition and sufficient water intake will help. Less movement and more rest will help too.
Krash abhijit29770
i have been seeing the urologist every other day and gone thru three different antibiotics regimes. Rest has definitely been the main part of my days. I am definitely and finally feeling better and thats exciting. thanks for your thoughts and advice. Earlier I did get a second opinion from a Urologist who is highly reputed and has 40 years of experience. He concurred with my unique circumstances and the plan. My doc has 30 years of experience. Hopefully, I'm in good hands. 😃
abhijit29770 Krash
great to know. Even perfectly normal or routine surgery of hydrocele creates unusual discomfort and it lasts few weeks. Mine lasted for 3 weeks. But when recovery begins, it accelerates and one starts feeling normal and then it's all gone...So under expert Urilogist's care and no infection should see you through this phase in short time.
abhijit29770 Krash
great to know. Even perfectly normal or routine surgery of hydrocele creates unusual discomfort and it lasts few weeks. Mine lasted for 3 weeks. But when recovery begins, it accelerates and one starts feeling normal and then it's all gone...So under expert Urilogist's care and no infection should see you through this phase in short time.
john6969 Krash
i had my surgery 6 days ago, i change my own packing every morning after a shower with anti bacteria soap, i apply 2, 4 inch sterile pads with a strip of triple anti biotic ointment then keep it there with a jock strap. they gave me a 1 time dose of antibiotic in surgery thru my IV site injection. im scheduled to see my surgeon in 5 more weeks. stitches look good, very little drainage or old blood. my pain is tolerable. when standing. gone when sitting.