Unpleasant and embarrassing issue, ladies please read!
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I am 58, last period over 4 years ago. I have had all kinds of issues, but this one bothers me greatly. Namely, I sometimes have stool leakage that I am not aware of at all, until I go to the bathroom! Thank dear God, at this point it is really little, but I do not understand how can that happen when a person is not aware at all of any need to go to the bathroom? Less then two years ago I visited rectal surgeon for this and he examined me and said that it happens very often with hemmorhoids because your bottom apparently cannot close properly. He did the procedure where you burn internal hemmorhoids and I was really fine for a year... but now it started happening again, and it may be little worse. Years ago had colonoscopy which was all clear, and a year ago I did DNA colon cancer screening test which was also negative. But, this issue bother me very much - there are days and days that it does not happen, and then all of a sudden I have to wash myself twice . I cannot see it, thank God, on my panties or anything like that, but when I pee now, I am in the habit of wiping my bottom too, and sometimes there will be little stool or traces of it on the toilet paper - and sometimes it is little bit more that that. If anyone experienced something similar, please share your story, and maybe a piece of advice if you have it. Maybe I should visit the doctor again? It also gives me additional anxiety, from which I suffer as it is.
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ImagineOneDay lana26181
So sorry to hear this. I don't have this experience but my husband has it and he is finding it very unpleasant too. He keeps wet wipes at work.
lana26181 ImagineOneDay
Did your husband find out the cause? Did he visit doctor for that?
Thank you in advance
ImagineOneDay lana26181
Unfortunately he never mentioned that to his GP. I did suggest a few times but he was reluctant. He puts it down to getting old, and muscle control. He is not that old, he is only 54. If i happen to persuade him to go to the gp and get advise i will let you know. I hope you get it sorted soon. Best wishes
ImagineOneDay lana26181
Also, he thinks he has fibre rich diet and it makes the stools too loose so the leakages. But not sure that's really the reason.
lana26181 ImagineOneDay
Thank you ImagineOneDay.
I made an appointment for February 20th. Nobody likes to not have control over things like this, so I would like to see what I can do about it. I hope and pray that it is just hemmorhoids again.
ImagineOneDay lana26181
Good luck on the 20th. I am sure it is not serious. But i hope they can help you u to stop it. Let us know w how it goes. Best wishes
dev77856 lana26181
if u r sure that it started after menopause then thats probably it. that has happened to me a couple times but it passed. sometimes when i pull my back out it happens.
its just a small amount. if it happens all the time for weeks thrn id be concerned but ifnits occasionally i wouknt worry about it
sabrina1971 lana26181
I've had hemmorhoids a few times and that has happened to me so it does sound like the same cause for you. It didn't happen when I was younger, but the last bout of hemmorhoids it has definitely happened and I had never related it to age/menopause but it makes sense now! This is probably also TMI, but if I fart a lot that obviously helps things along a bit more. 😦 I do better if I increase fibre in my diet and plenty of water for that additional fibre. If going to the doctor is too much right now, try some hemmorhoid treatments to see if that helps clear it up? Sounds like the internal ones have made a comeback for you.