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Hi girls, are you relax in bed because I can't seem to stay quiet at times till I try and drop off so horrible while you are trying to settle down, my Dr now gave me a few sleeping tablets to help.
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kelly55079 maria76995
maria76995 kelly55079
kelly55079 maria76995
dora_39625 maria76995
I sometimes have difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep.
A friend recommended magnesium spray and there is also magnesium drink. Both are available in health shops and possibly pharmacies.
Google them and read up.
Hope this helps
leslie95604 maria76995
Herbal aids have done absolutely nothing for my insomnia. May as well eat celery for sleep. I have to take 30mg Tamazapam to get a few hours. Chronically fatigued. Is there no end to this? Doesn't seem to be in my case. I am obviously very down at the moment. Sorry. Over two years of this s**t and I am p****d my life is gone.
lori10136 leslie95604
dora_39625 maria76995
I've tried Dr.Strauss Valerian tea from health shop and actually works!! Only took it the once as found it potent.
It said to drink a cup full but could feel effect after half cup!
I found this very similar to sleeping tablets so be careful.
Speak to your doctor and see what they recommend.
Dora x
maria76995 dora_39625
I bought the tablets today and took one so I'm hoping they will work
liz67338 maria76995
Hi Maria when I first starting experiencing the horrible unsettled unrelaxed feeling youre talking about when going to bed (it's confusing when you go to lie down and rest but that's when you feel more unsettled and nervy) I started a strict regime that has finally helped me sleep better.. .a 40 min bath with Epsom salts and calming essential oils (lavender chamomile clary sage ylang ylang bergamont) whilst listening to meditation music . An hour before bed a glass of blended celery juice and a glass of tarte cherry juice, lots of lavender oil on my pillow and sheets...and i avoid anything that will stimulate me...like tv or phone or even talking to anyone (during the day lots of seeds and stints of walking and moments of 'stillness and quiet and deep breathing) this has since helped me get to sleep and stay asleep for longer. Hope it helps you if you try. Ps I also take magnesium supplements.
maria76995 liz67338