Unsettled stomach
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So ladies , this is the second month that i have skipped a period . It is three weeks since my last period was due and seven weeks since I was last on . Before when this happened I had lots of symptoms and this time it seems to be following that pattern . A mixture of things that come and go , headaches , migraine , lethargy , achy and flu like , nausea , upset stomach , ibs pain and so the list goes on . Is this all normal ? Im wondering that as I am now missing months the hormones are all over the place , so causing all these problems . Over the years i have suffered from bouts of ibs , so I guess thats to be expected . The thing is I also feel like I am going to come on , but nothing happens , just that continuing ache and unsettled stomach feeling . Anyone get this ?
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Guest jane63977
hi jane, same here. no period since 8/27...was having every 21-26 days... ovulated and symptoms really bad fatigue, vertigo, aches pains, weird leg feelings, hit, then chills, GI issues, big sore boobs, bloated, gassy...no period. just some spotting a couple weeks ago. I am on a med for migraines, so thankfully my head is not exploding with migraines as bad. My longest i between periods so far is 57 days. I took a pregnancy test just to ease my wandering mind! Impossible though, hubbie has a vasectomy
susan39015 jane63977
HI Jane im having all the symptoms you are having, first let me say im sorry youre feeling thus way:) it sucks:( This is everday for me plus a lot of other symptoms. What was the feeling you said at the end that never ends up happening? I didnt understand how you worded it. I bled last week for the first time in 8 months. I also at some point get a lot af mucus does that happen to you? A Lot of gas i always had digestive issues which turned into a eating disorder on top of everything else feels like my body rejects everything. Altho im going to be 48 I dont know if i sped things up and royally f****d up my hormones because of overexercising and not eating a lot. I ended up weighing 92 Lbs. Ive put on 10 Lbs but feel worse. Always had anxiety but now i wake up in the morning wth that anxiety feeling in my stomach and even lower in my pelvic area its so bizarre. Its like an over sensitized feeling that doesnt go away and stays all day, Maybe relieved a little after urinating. Are you having any mental symptoms as well? I Have very vivid dreams EVERY night, excessive gas thru night, overstimulated cant stop my thoughts cant relax. Tingly Pressure in back of head neck tightness which causes my whole body to tighten and basically feels like my digestive system has completely numbed or shut diwn. Severe dry mouth bad breath tingly burning tongue. I have gone to so many drs spent so much money even went to a genetic specialist. Literally feel like im rotting and going crazy. My friends are horrified because i dont go out anywhere anymore and my family is so worried. They all want me to go on medication but i dont want to. I have always believed i have horrible gut flora- more bad then goid and they say most of your hormones are produced in your gut so it makes me wonder. Im sorry ive been no help to you and rambled on about myself. I dont know about yiu but i cry almost every day. Have you had any of these other symptoms? Currently seeing a gastro and integrated dr who is running some tests on my gut to check bacteria flora and parasites. Hang in there, sending you hugs:)
Cloutie jane63977
Hi Jane... All sounds perfectly normal... I couldn't stand the uncertainty, irritability and uncomfortable feelings and went onto HRT.... Best thing ever for me.
I feel so much happier.... Only very occasional IBS...... And if I am happy then my family is happier too.
There are so many options, please speak to your doctor or a menopause specialist.
Some women sail through... Whilst some of us struggle..... So go get help and find your happy healthy self again.
Guest Cloutie
Hi Cloutie,
What HRT did you decided to go on? Very happy it had made a positive difference in your well being! I am investigating for myself.
Cloutie Guest
Hi Kim
Everol Sequi.....but am changing to Estalis so that I can stop having periods. If it doesn't agree with me, I will go back to Everol but the Everol conti... So no period either.
Try it, see if you feel better, hopefully it works for you.
Let me know!
Guest Cloutie
Thanks so much for the info! I am menopausal - no period in 3 years. I tried Vivelle Dot estrogen patches but took it off after a week because it made my nipples so sore, gave me a daily headache (not migraine), and terrible bloating. I was prescribed the patch and 100mg. of progesterone to take at night but I decided to try just the patch first to see how I reacted to it. I never got around to taking progesterone seeing I stopped the estradiol after a week.
Do you get any side affects from the Everol Sequi?
Indifferent jane63977
I am a day late for mine...this never happens. House full of company for the weekend...headaches and migranes for the past month. Running to poop every hour today and yesterday. I really need some quiet right now...hiding in the bathroom at the moment with the fan on...lol. I feel about to burst. And tonight is my birthday dinner....whoo-hoo...😄
Guest Indifferent
Happy Birthday! Good to have the home toilet advantage on these days!
may69987 Indifferent
happy birthday
Cloutie jane63977
Happy birthday.. Hope you get some calm downtime soon.
CarolKelso jane63977
yes jane.... this was the most distressing thing for me....lots of wind, neasea, migraine and more..id a scope down my tummy and all well just wind i was told...my bowel too can be all over the place...i take a tablet for wind which helps with neasea...this affects many women through the change and you are not alone. exercise and drink plenty....its a tummy bumpy ride to say the least but you aint alone...check in here for support. go easy...it passes with time ...CK