Unsettled stomach feeling and hot flushes
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I have a question for the lovely ladies on here . I wonder if anyone can help me . Sometimes just as I feel that a lot of my symptoms have gone away , I get this sick feeling in my stomach and an overwhelming heat that travels up my my body from my waist . What I would like to know if this is normal or is this to do with my anxiety that almost brings these symptoms on , as I hate feeling sick . It's s bit like the chicken or the egg , which came first . Are these real symptoms or psychosomatic ? Am I slowly going mad ? As I have said in a different post today all of this stemmed from my mothers death last year and seemed to come out of nowhere . Ever since then I have been a nervous wreck and seem to have suffered from so many ailments . I have just turned 49 and still have periods . I am suffering from hot flushes , any exertion and I am sweating and need to cool down . It's a nightmare and my migraines are worse . Please let me know if any of you gets these sicky feelings or is it all in my imagination ? I hate being so anxious . Lots of love Jane X
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michelle46271 jane63977
Hi Jane
I'm going through the nauseous stage at the moment. I've been like it for 4 weeks. It's horrible. Take care x
michelle_79406 jane63977
Sick feeling could just be from anxiety. The go hand in hand. And as for the anxiety if you reduce your sugar intake it will dramatically reduce anxiety . I have recently stopped eating choclates and high sugar stuff and omg I can't believe how my anxiety levels have dropped . I would definitely reccomend it. I went from highly anxious to so cool and calm . So I really do not have problem doing without the goodies. Just to feel less stressed.
debbie12340 jane63977
Hi Jane
So sorry to hear about your Mom, I'm not supriesed it's affected you so badly ! Anxiety definitely makes me feel sick and hot ? But equally the Perimenopause cause anxiety in the first place ?? You have to try and ignore the feelings otherwise they escalate, I know that's easy said than done
I hope you will feel better love Deb xx
debbie12340 jane63977
Hi Jane
So sorry to hear about your Mom, I'm not surprised it's affected you so badly ! Anxiety definitely makes me feel sick and hot ? But equally the Perimenopause cause anxiety in the first place ?? You have to try and ignore the feelings otherwise they escalate, I know that's easy said than done
I hope you will feel better love Deb xx
Michellestar87 jane63977
Jane this is all so natural and so soon after your mum passing I'm sure it's all anxiety related.i lost my son aged 9 and it shook my world to the core,I suffered exteme anxiety which led to panic attacks and debilitating agoraphobia,I didn't leaves house for 3years 10 months.i have suffered all your symptoms and my migraines are horrendous until my dr prescribed sumatriptan my life saviour.i sweat and feel hot after anything I do I feel ill with it sometimes,remember peri menopause can itself being all thainkn.i am also 49 hope this helps xxx
Lolasmom jane63977
It seems that is your precursor to your hot flash. I have been 9 years post meno, and still getting hit flashes. My precursor is a very quick dizzy felling.Then my stomach feels upset , then bam .The hot flash. I still get this everyday even though no period for 9 years. It just sucks
DearDoe jane63977
Yes, i can relate totally. To make a long story short, I am in perimenapause and that exacerbated my anxiety leading to very real physical symptoms. I found a website that explained the physical connection between anxiety and symptoms and have learned a lot from it also,I have been seeing one of.their counselors and have started being able to live my life again. If your interested in the website info, or anyone is, message me. I can't post it on here cause they Block it. Basically, your nervous system is all screwed up and we need to learn ways to learn how to calm it down and keep it calm we also have to learn how not to fight all the symptoms.
may69987 DearDoe
I'm 41 and I start having hot flashes and it upset my stamock but the weird think is when I'm walking in some place that is very cold I get the hot flashes and special in my legs they get so hot and red does anyone had the same symptoms and is it primanipouse please some one tell me what is this feeling and after the hot flashes my hand get so dry 😤😤
kim74983 jane63977
lana07071 jane63977
Guest jane63977
Hi Jane I'm also turning 49 an have all the same symptoms it's a vicious cycle cause when I start feeling funny anxiety kicks in.... I also get that hot feeling an my cheeks go Red..... its def part of peri menopause I'm using vit B, vit E, magnesium, zink an calcium.....
we got a long wat to go so we need to learn how to cope I alway carry water wth me an deep breath it helps....
pinkcatfairy jane63977
Wannaflbttr1 jane63977
hello Jane,
I have all these symptoms and more! Aren't we the lucky ones?? I was sitting in the movie theater tonight and had a quick burst of an acid feeling in my stomach followed by some light headedness and then a hot flash. Im starting to think that there is something seriously wrong with me. I just had an upper endoscopy on Wednesday which said mild gastritis, reflux and possible barretts (wating for the biopsy results on that ). this all started after the sudden death of a very close friend followed 3 weeks later by my Uncle. i am 53 and have not had a period since June...also battling the GI stuff in addtion to neck and eye issues, dizziness, etc. I am on a very strict reset type diet <fruits, veggies and protein only,no beans or legumes andn o night shades. I also have hashimotos.....so many things playing into it...im just tryting to stay positive. From the comments on your post you can know you are not crazy or alone in this. Anxiety is a diagnosis of exclusion and often a fall back for not being able to explain what is going on. Id say rule out the other things first, then consider anxiety. that being said though, we all could use better insight on how to relax because if our symptoms arent caused by anxiety, they are sure causing it!!
Beverlys1 jane63977
I am new to this but first I would like to tell all you ladies it is so great to get feed back from each other, I also have hashimotos and colitis, and if you have issues going into this they are always made worse in my opinion especially a week or more before your cycle...hot flushes all day and hot flashes all night... Cramping sometimes for days and an upset stomach quite often, I get very dizzy sometimes and my condensation can be way off and I used to wear high heels everyday. I am 50 yrs young and own my own business but there are days I can barely get off the couch the exhaustion can come on fast and hard it is crazy, I never dreamed what some of us would go through....take care ladies we are all in this together I just hate when doctors ignore this stuff... It is real!!!!??????