Unusual hair growth, moods - and HRT
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Hi Ladies
I started HRT mid February this year together with AD's mid January as things just gotten way out of control. - I am better but still not good The physical full blown panic symptoms have pretty much disappeared yet the mental is still there. I also still wake up about 3x during the night, without a particular reason (no hot flashes) but then get tired around 11ish again. Moods still up and down or just plain flat....as in no motivation. Still some brain fog, like mixing up days and not thinking clearly etc.Amongst other things.
So, I also started to have peach fuzz on my face the last few months to a year, yeay! Plus what was an occassional black hair around my right nipple has become a more regular pattern and on both breasts. I just pluck them out. - HRT has not helped that either so far.
I just wonder if A: is HRT helping with that hair issue (lucky I'm blonde yet still (ah never mind my skin is pretty yucky too)? And I also wonder if by now i should have better results from the HRT than what I have?
I am taking Femoston 2/10 tablets.
I read though that:
1. Skinnier ppl tend to store estrogen less good. (I'm 48 kg and 5.2" "tall") - I used to put on weight the last few years for unkown (well now I know) reasons, but lost it over December/ January this year with all the symptoms
2. I am 41 and in peri for quite a while, based on my FSH readings over the last 2 years and bloodtest that came as far down as Postmeno in all areas (although they jumped again)- apparently we need more too?
3. I am a smoker (yes I know smack me for it!) which works against estrogen anyway. (I WILL STOP, but I need to get a bit more level first)
Sooooo, perhaps my body is not getting enough estrogen??? and that would / could cause the hair stuff? And the moods...I wonder if you ladies have any experience with that? Also, if I be changing from pills to patches would I experience a worsening of the symptoms again? What are your experiences?
Thank you xoxoxo
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mel64317 manuela67667
As to the hair problem......when our bodies are no longer making oestrogen the pituitary gland sends out a follicle stimulant to try and stir our poor ovaries into action..but it reaches ALL follicles...which includes anywhere we grow hair !!!
You may eventually need a stronger dose to start....and then lower as you go on. And the big deal about patches is that it's only taken in through the skin to the localised area....so not being processed all over your body...
I took HRT in tablet form and then patches for 8 years...in my 60s now, weaned myself off when I felt the time was right....and am FINE truly.
But keep a diary of moods, symptoms and reactions to medications and preparations.......SO useful to show a Doctor, partner and anyone else who can't understand how you're feeling.
good luck with it all, and tell the doctors if you don't improve.💕
manuela67667 mel64317
mel64317 manuela67667
i was on the same dose....just in the form of a patch.....they said it was better as only taken in through the skin.
But if you change the type of HRT ie, a different drug...then your symptoms can return....until your body gets used to it.
I was fine Hun.💕
helen36974 manuela67667
I suffer from brittle asthma (therefore on a number of drugs to deal with that) restless leg syndrome, underactive thryroid plus high cholestorol...I am 62.
I wanted to try HRT years ago but with the other drugs!? ... just too much medicine.
Still experience hot flushes and wonder if, and when, they are (on average) supposed to subside...ever hopeful...
susan21149 manuela67667
Try a small dose of an antidepressant they help with menopause issues. Tsalk to your doctor thats why I do not trust HRTsÂ
manuela67667 susan21149
I do have an extremely fast metabolism, my body burns off everything in no time, on top of it, after having gained 5-6 kg over the last 2 years (obv. being estrogen dominant that time) I have lost all that again start of this year so back to my skinny me (48 kg, 1m63). I think that is all not helping either.
Anyhow Wendsday moring I decided thats it, I just chuck a patch on, which is, as I'm on week 3 a combined one. I did expect to either A: getting spotting or bleeds or B: getting some sort of withdrawal/sideeffects from not taking the oral anymore- but nope, nothing. I did feel slightly "high strung" as a bit tensed up (physically) by Wendsday Evening, that carried on Thursday but during the day I started to feel superb. Mental clear, no anxieties, no depression nothing, nada. Same Friday. My Partner came over and Friday morning he said "you look stunning"- and I: what???! - He said he could see it in my face and as a whole that I was feeling great. It was visible. Saturday, I did wake up with a headache, which carried on all day, I decided to change the patch Sat. NIght, so 3.5 days exactly. Besides the headache I was feeling ok, lots of energy I was on a roll lol! Saturday evening changed patch and yesterday no headache again. Still feeling fairly good, not quite as good as Thursday and Friday but still better.
Have not have an eyeache yet either. I used to get eyeaches (occ. migraines) a few years ago, they diminished thought last year, until I started the oral HRT and I got them back. One day on, next day off, next days on, then off again. Pretty unpredictable.
Either way, not sure if my feel good days are because of the patches, or wether my hormones gone up (being middle month (I do not ovaluate regulary anymore)) or just generally considence, however will continue the patches and see my GP on the 18th to rediscuss and go from there
mel64317 manuela67667
give yourself time to let this all settle down, and discuss with professionals any interactions of drugs you are taking....have you had a thyroid test lately ? You may want to check that out? I'm not a doctor but your symptoms sound similar.
keep a diary Hun, symptoms/ feelings....really useful for doctors and partners.
Good luck💕