Unwanted thoughts

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hello everyone,i ask here if someone experience,those thoughts thats stock in my mind,like i have a friend,died almost 3years ago then,i rember her,and now shes always in my mind thats stuck in my thoughts that its feels me wierd.idont know how to get rid of that thoughts somebody help me it cause me anxiety.thank you

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    I also get popping images/thoughts of people from my very far past (30 years ago, acquaintances at the most, ) i don't even remember their names (which sometimes freaks me out although everyone tells me it's normal), and , as you said, it's very disturbing. When this happens, I try to ground myself (focus on what i see, hear, smell, touch, etc) and it helps me somehow. This usually happens when I am alone (home, car), so i also have music on, which again helps. On a funny side, one day I listened to this online Miami based radio for several hours which helped keeping my obsessive thoughts away,, but when i went to sleep, all i could hear in my head was rumba, salsa songs, and I am not even a big fun of these genres. I like to listen to all kind of music, so that night I was thankful to have these music genres popping in my head instead of the obsessive thoughts.

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