Unwell for 2 years. Pressure in ears and head. Very fatigued.
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Looking for an opinion on my last 2 years of being ill. I'm 46 years old, male, and in a good state of fitness. I'm not over-weight, have never smoked, and rarely drink.
I've seen numerous doctors and don't seem to be any closer to a diagnosis. I started visiting my GP with what felt like a lingering flu. Early symptoms included being over tired, pressure in ears, and generally not feeling well. I'd been dealing with a very stressful business situation in the 12-18 months before the symptoms started and was advised that I was probably run-down. Each time I went to the doctor they would take a blood test. Over at least 6 tests they would always tell me something different, but it always seemed to be that I had some unknown virus. At times my blood cell count was too many white cells, or too many red cells. The frustration was they could never tell me what was wrong. I had stress tests for my heart, CT scan and MRI. All came back normal. During this period I would sometimes have 2-3 weeks where I felt normal and was able to work and exercise. These periods of good health never lasted. Fast forward to about 6 months ago. My [now new] doctor referred me to an endocrinologist as it was thought there may be a thyroid problem. My first test did indicate that I may be hypothyroid but they didn't want to give me any medication as they thought it wasn't required. I didn't get any better over the next few months with the same symptoms continuing - pressure in my head and ears, fatigued, unable to concentrate etc. At my next visit to the endocrinologist my thyroid function had worsened slightly and I was put on 50mg of euthyroxine. My blood pressure was also fluctuating a lot with periods where it was around 150/104. I was prescribed medication to try and bring this under control. Around 4 weeks ago I was on a trip away from home and started to feel really awful. I felt my head pressure was increasing and when I shut my eyes the only thing I could hear was my heart beating with a pulsing feeling my head. I had frequent hot flushes, dizzy spells, and never ending ear pressure. I was sleeping frequently for hours during the day, but struggling to get a good nights sleep, perhaps due to building anxiety about what was wrong with me.
Now back home, I went back to the doctor and explained how bad I was feeling. The main symptoms now being extreme fatigue, constant pressure in my ears, and a very strange feeling at the top of my head. I felt on a few occasions that I was going to faint, especially in the morning. I had tried exercising [cycling] one morning, and had to abandon after only a short time. I had also started to feel aches and pains in my legs and back. I explained to the doctor that the main symptoms that were worrying me were the inability to work [tired and no concentration span], the pressure in my head and ears, and the strange pounding sensation from my heart. I was thinking at this time that these may all be connected to being hypothyroid. The doctor ordered a new thyroid function test which came back right in the middle of the normal range. That has scared me as I feel dreadful, and have been pretty much consigned to bed for the last week. When I do get up I feel dizzy. My eyesight has changed. Hard to explain but it's just not feeling normal. I also feel that driving has a different sensation and I don't feel entirely safe. I still have episodes of feeling like I will faint, but never do. My doctor had asked me to take Zoloft [as she felt I was over anxious]. I didn't want to take them but did, thinking it would do no harm. The morning after taking it I felt even worse, with the dizzy feelings increased. Even 2 days later I still feel the effects.
I'm trying to find out what could cause my symptoms and came up with various reports on labyrinthitis. As this seems to be a viral problem that can cause the feeling of ear fullness it seems to be a possibility. It's all I've come up now that it doesn't look thyroid is the source of the problem. Right now, I'm in the worst health I've been in years. I can't work, exercise and need to sleep 4-5 hours during the day. I have constant ear pressure, pressure in my head, dizziness, lack of energy, and muscle pain. Can anyone suggest what this could be. It's been 2 years now and I just seem to get worse. Writing this from bed as I don't seem to have the energy to stand up.
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mary49563 marcuscent
terrie27149 mary49563
ThThe posts are months old, but I have the same symptoms. I'm mot as tired tho. I am still able to work and function but I do stay sleepy and no.matter how much sleep I get I still want to sleep but again, I am able to work still. Iv got the disoriented feeling. When driving I feel the same way. Vision is strange. Can't describe. Like yes the depth and distance feels strange. Even when I walk it feels like my eyes are moving along with my steps. All so strange. Wonder if anyone has found any answers..
Muche terrie27149
Please see my response to kate2127. Good luck.
lily1999 marcuscent
This is the closest I've found to anyone with similar symptoms, or at least similar enough to hopefully identify!
4 years ago, I had a very sudden onset of vertigo that lasted a couple days. Within weeks. I had a sudden attack that was so bad, I could not move. My husband had to get me and carry me to the bed. It got increasingly better over weeks, but i was left with a 24/7 ringing in my ears. It never left, and I still have it. At the time, they did an MRI to check for tumor, MS, etc. but found nothing. They said it was a virus that could take weeks to clear.
I have not felt well since that time! Fatigue, pain, swelling, fogginess, memory is crap. I used to get this weird "scrunchy" feeling in the top of my head that felt awful enough to keep me up at night, or just wore me out during the day. I have foggy days when my head is just tight, or feels stuffed(not "stuffy"/allergies). I too feel odd sensations occasionally when driving, even after the vertigo had left - not exactly dizzy, but as if I could go weak and drop the wheel or pass out...but not. It's a sudden and short sensation. Weird that someone else would say that.
Two years in, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, and I thought I'd found my answers. (To symptoms I'd felt long before, but since a bad health issues can trigger RA, I thought the recent events might be linked.) I took prednisone for a time, and other RA meds that helped with the aches, fatigue, head pressure and head fogs, but they have scary long term side effects. A second doctor could not confirm the RA for certain, and stopped the meds. I feel like I'm back at square one.
I have no energy or stamina. My legs just ache through after simple things like cleaning dishes and cooking dinner. Most evenings I fall asleep in my chair after dinner, and I feel like all I do is work then sleep, with nothing left for family or fun.
I don't know if I have RA or not. But, I feel like something happened when that vertigo struck, and I've not felt the same every since.
Muche lily1999
Please see my response to kate2127. Good luck.
rachel47196 marcuscent
I have a somewhat similar story. I really had to be my own advocate and keep researching for myself. I was finally diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome after we ruled out many other things, however, that is not the end of my story. There is no real cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and I wanted a better answer. While doing all of my research I too discovered the word "labyrinthitis" which caused me to look at my balance issues and past Vertigo episodes in a new light. Pretty much everything you describe could be symptoms of Vestibular Disorders. I suggest you google vestibular.org or VEDA they are both the same site and look at the symptoms page and continue your research from there if that makes sense to you. My story is on going but I am getting some answers finally. I have recently learned that I have a growth in my ear that has been there and growing off and on since birth (I'm 50 years old) I have been to ENTs off and on years ago, Emergency room for Vertigo twice. Neurologist, Neurosurgeon and three MRIs and finally a specialist ( 3 weeks ago ) who looked at the MRIs and took one look inside my ear and knew exactly what was wrong. I am scheduled for follow up tests and meeting this Tuesday and will be scheduled for surgery to remove the growth. He said many others should have caught it before now. Where I am at in my story is because I discovered the word labyrinthitis which led to the word vestibular which I brought up to my primary care provider.
cmarks rachel47196
Have gone through the exact same issues as you said. I have an appointment scheduled to see a neurosurgeon, but I'm wondering if like all the others, he won't find anything. Will you please let me know what type of specialist you went to that diagnosed this?
cmarks rachel47196
Have gone through the exact same issues as you said. I have an appointment scheduled to see a neurosurgeon, but I'm wondering if like all the others, he won't find anything. Will you please let me know what type of specialist you went to that diagnosed this?
rachel47196 cmarks
jodi30028 rachel47196
david86669 rachel47196
danielle99733 marcuscent
Where to even start! Please note that I entirely sympathize and can relate to everything everyone has said in this discussion.
?Until 2 years ago, I was an avid runner, and a real go-getter in all aspects of my life. I was fit as a fiddle, mentally sharp, and a very capable woman. Until one day, it felt like the rug got ripped right out from under my feet. I started having a lot of pressure in my head, neck and ears, accompanied by weird shooting pains through my head. I also get very sudden, piercing electrical-like sounds in my head when I lay down to sleep at night. Those sounds are very fleeting, but disturbing nonetheless.
?While driving, I get a periodic floating sensation, and that's when I know it's going to hit: My vision gets all weird, like things are too bright and oddly surreal, and this numbing tingling sensation through my head and face. That's usually when I have a complete melt down and succumb to all-out panic attacks.
?I feel like I'm going to die when it's at it's worst. As a result, there have been several trips to emerg, some by ambulance.
I can no longer travel to work, and as I am fortunate to have an accommodating work environment, now work from home. I also find it difficult to get through even a half hour of aerobics (can't run anymore, and I have to get some cardio in, so I thought that worth a shot). After going along for 15 minutes and enjoying the movement and activity, I get a physical sensation that it's not going to end well, and I start to shake and feel sick.
?With all of this, the following symptoms are also present:
?heart palpitations and blood pressure fluctuations
?tingling in extremities (I believe this to be part of the resulting anxiety)
mid-sleep sudden awakening to total alertness accompanied by anxiety
low energy
lack of ambition
?mental fog
?Also, sometimes when standing, I get a feeling like I'm sinking, or being drawn to the ground.
?I continually fight the urge to nap. This is the most disturbing and depressing, as I was a very high energy person before this all started.
?I've had the following medical tests:
?EKG and stress
?MRI and CT Scan
Blood tests
Ultrasound on carotid arteries
I've also seen a neurologist
?I'm waiting on an ENT, however, because of where I'm situated, it takes 18 months to get an appointment.
I've completely changed my diet to incorporate probiotics, eliminate chemicals such as chlorine fluoride, pesticides and meat raised with antibiotics and/or hormones. I also make certain that I never, ever go hungry. It's been 2 years, and still no relief.
?I am a very moderate smoker (about 4 a day, if that), moderate coffee and wine drinker. I am turn 55 this year, and was looking forward to retirement, simply because I was always too busy to work. I have a multitude of interests and projects outside of work - my life was very full, and very very enjoyable.
?Now, I barely have the ability to get through a day and accomplish more than making the bed and getting a meal ready.
The only thing that I've gotten better at, is hiding how terrible I'm feeling from my husband. I know he's worried, because he sees that I am not myself.
?My GP has chalked it up to PTSD from a period of stress that happened 10 years ago, and is free to offer anti depressants, which I vehemently refuse to take. I do NOT believe that to be a solution. What he's not getting is that it's the physical symptoms that are driving the anxiety (aside from the tingling when I do finally have a total melt down), not the other way around.
?I've also tried acupuncture, acutonics, and chiropractic adjustments to my neck, shoulders, back and hips. The chiropractor even pops my ears to ensure proper drainage.
?Although I feel your pain, some comfort is to be found in knowing that we are not alone. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have considered the fact that I'm either crazy, or well on my way to being crazy.
?If any of you have found something that works, or were finally diagnosed properly, please please please share.
terrie27149 danielle99733
For time sake let me just say I too suffered with exactly what you are going thru..the dizzy spells, the weird head sensations, even sounds in my head lie slamming, bumping, and wave like feelings, the jitters, the visual like my eyes were actually doing REM b4 sleep. Amost ALL the other symptoms uou are sharing. Weakness so days, just out of sorts. Gp, catscans, ENG test..ultrasound etc. Then found out at ENT that I had eustation tube dysfunction. He put me on flanase, steroid nasal spray, I got otc generic,. He said all the strange feelings in my head and dizzy spells and off feelings were all related to that. The sounds as well like knocking..Belueve it or not, I'm much, much better. It was like 2 wks on spray and I felt like a new person. I also had brain zaps and electrical charges like fire cracker duds Goin off, no more. I belueve those were from the stress I was carrying due to the other symptoms I was having. Hope this somehow helps. I know it sounds too easy of a fix, but hey, what's to lose just trying it..I was on spray for about 2 months or longer, now off and symptoms are still gone..I do still occasionally get the brain zaps but I noticed it's when I am tensed up and stressed from the day. Hope this helps take care
danielle99733 terrie27149
?Thank you so very much. I guess this is the thing that the other medical practitioners overlooked, as they are not ENT specialists. I'm hoping to have that appointment soon. I will come back to this discussion, once I've had that appointment to post the results.
?This has given me a great deal of hope, and, again, I can't thank you enough.
Take care
terrie27149 danielle99733
You are quite welcome. That above meant to say flonase nasal spray, over the counter..truly helped me..now if I can get rid of my tinnitis, I'll be in pretty good shape..
lorraine15646 terrie27149
terrie27149 lorraine15646
Oh wow, can relate to the never ending attacks against the body. I too am USA and I just turned 60. Last two yrs since Tinnitis of the ears, iv had one thing after another. I also get the tightening of the head feeling, as well as aches behind my eyes and temples. I did take the generic over the counter floase for a few months and it has truly helped alot of the strange head sensations and recurrent dizzy spells. Still have the Tinnitis, The eye and temple aches, fatigue, and wave like motions in my head, sometimes that awaken me in the night..nothing lie I was getting tho. I still occasionally get like brain zaps in my head as well..I'm at a loss and drs blame it all on ETD. EUSTATION TUBE DYSFUNCTION, which I was diagnosed with..hope u soon get some answers..
danielle99733 lorraine15646
Hi, Lorraine. My sympathies, and I can totally relate. Please note that if you're insane, so too am I
. I have an appointment with an ENT in June, and will post the results, Like you, all other tests have come back normal....and I feel anything but.
I'm noticing the ages of you and Terrie, and myself as well. This makes me wonder what the ages of the rest of the people posting to this particular discussion. If any of the other patients are reading this, can you let us know your age? This seems to be striking us in our early to mid-50s. Just wondering about the pattern.
julie30428 danielle99733
Hello ladies. I'm 44 and I've had problems for years. Let me try to sum this up in as little words as possible. When I was about 5 (Maybe younger) i had partial seizures. Docs, at that time, didn't know what it was. I also had very sensitive hearing. They stopped when I was 10. Two things happened at age 10....i started my period and a lot of stress was lifted off me. The next 20 yrs was great. No problems. After my 2nd kid, age 28, I started to have visual migraines. The lightening bolt that would grow out of ur vision and I would also experience my vision shaking from side to side....not my eyes. Freaked me out. Just had to hold still and it would pass after about 20 to 30 mins. Then the crap really hit the fan after my 3rd kid. My partial seizures started back. The visual migraines stopped after about a year after partials started again. Then I had my 4th kid at age 34.
And can u guess what docs said about everything?😁 Everything was "within normal limits". I know u all prob hate that phrase too, huh? Lol. Anyway, I have done sooooo much research. Years worth. And I too have the dizzy, ringing, feels like my head is filled with water, ear pressure, sinus pressure, constant clearing throat...for years. Doc told me it was just a habit. I KNOW it's not. I hate when docs think they can tell u how u feel even when u say different. Ok, ok...back on subject. About 4 or 5 years ago I had a mass come up on my thyroid. They said it was just fluid filled and not to worry. It was 3.25 cm. About a year and a half ago, I got the yearly ultrasound and everything was still fine. Right after that my periods started coming every 3 weeks for the entire year. Went for a ct scan back in Dec of last year for a salivary gland that was stopped up. The mass on thyroid was right at 6 cm and I had it removed and part of thyroid. It was cancerous but they didn't think it had spread. Keeping an eye on that. My ears started to ring 100 times worse this past year also. Some nights I'd totally freak bc it would make my face feel numb and major pressure on ears. The ringing would be louder off and on but always there. I'm still fighting that right now. My vision will also change. My neck and shoulders hurt all the time. Well, majority of the time. I was having major headaches the past year and a half. Now, let me tell u all that I've tried and some things I've discovered. I hope and pray that maybe some of this can help u all bc I KNOW the frustrations and just wanting to be normal again. I've been dealing with everyth for the past 15 years almost. Sigh. And I've also had the short term memory and can't concentrate or focus. Can't remember things I was in the middle of saying. It's awful!
Magnesium. I think this helped me the most. At the time I was trying to fig out my partial seizures. I still think it has to do with hormones but docs say.....nah. Roll eyes. I take the powdered magnesium by Kirkland. I buy it off Amazon. I take about a spoonful a night. Of ur stool starts to get a little too soft then just cut back a tad. Won't hurt regardless. Take zinc also. It goes together. Research the deficiency symptoms for magnesium.
Also B12 and B6. Research those.
But D.....
And iron.....ive had such heavy periods for years that I started taking iron and it's helped with how tired I am around that time. I never took before bc I always had too much iron.
I've tried acupuncture also.
I go to the chiropractor once a month.
And for the past 6 weeks I've been going to physical therapy for my neck and shoulders. There's so many nerves and muscles in the neck. The nerves can become compressed by the muscles and after years u can have bad problems. So....im trying that. I can say that my headaches aren't has frequent. I have to make sure to do the exercises they give u. I also think that a lot of people have too much estrogen. Lots of foods have it in there and it can build up. My ears had been doing better....actually forgot for like a day or two about the ringing. I started yesterday and wham!.....ringing loud, ear pressure....which had gotten better, dizzy and light headed. Sigh. I believe it has to do with hormones.......all if it! Menopause, I know, can cause a lot of this so makes since if ur hormones are wacky then that would cause it too. I know when I ears ring loud it makes me dizzy.
And something one of u said about having certain feelings and then it went in to a panic attack ..... have ur Neuro do an REG to see ur brain and any firing off. U might have slight partials. They can cause all kinds of feels. Depending on where it's firing off from. I'm sorry I took up so much space but I fig maybe something would help. Just research the things I said and don't just trust docs to say ur levels of this or that are within normal range. Normal range might not be normal for u. U really can't overdose on magnesium. Iron u can be careful.
Oh yeah....my ears are super sensitive ago like when I was little.
I also think I have ETD bc of things with my ears. But I take flonase every day. Idk. If any of u have any other suggestions then I'd love to hear. Hang in there....u all are not alone and we will fig it out.
danielle99928 julie30428
Hi all, I'd love some advice too! I am suffering from pressure at the front of my head and blocked ears. My balance is not great because of my ear and I had an ear infection a few weeks ago. Docs gave me Amoxicillin to clear it. I went back to docs and they said it was cleared, but the symptoms wont go away for a few weeks. To this day, my left ear is still blocked, I get really dizzy, I've pressure at the front of my head. I've tried, antisickness tablets, sinus tablets, painkillers, anything at all that could help. Can someone please give me some advice or what I could get over the counter? I'm UK, northern Ireland specific. Would appreciate it!!!
pakpimp786 danielle99733
terrie27149 julie30428
terrie27149 danielle99928
Lolasmom lorraine15646
Can you tell me about your migraine without pain. I was told I had that, but it just seems so weird to me
corinne62311 lorraine15646
I hope you found a cure for your issues, I myself have these issues - I am on Hormone Replacement Treatment for Menopause . These are all symptoms of that as well.
Muche danielle99733
I have been dealing with symptoms very similar to yours for more than 4 years. I have made numerous doctor visits to find out that everything was ok. I even ended up taking anti-depressants, but it didn't treat the cause of my ailments. Eventually, I took things into my own hands and became my own doctor, without relying on clinics or hospitals. I have narrowed this condition down to chronic sinus disease (not exactly sure what kind). The symptoms I had was daily present (on and off) back of head pressure around ears (almost headache but not quite), trouble concentrating, memorizing (short term memory), tiredness, sudden needs for sleep, fatigue, irritation to bright light, irritation to louder sounds. What cured me (not completely, still in the process) is a vegetable that anyone can find in their house. ONION!. Here is what you do with it. Cut the onion (the stronger the scent, the better) in rings of 5 millimeter thickness. Usually 3 to 5 rings. Place these rings on a long scarf (long enough that could go around your forehead and be wrapped). The onion rings should be placed on your forehead in the area above eyes. Wrap the scarf with onion before you go to sleep, and repeat this for 3 nights. Repeat more if needed (even during daytime). This has healed my sinuses, and the symptoms I previously had, have been decreased greatly. Also avoid cold and drink and eat warm food. I hope this will help you or anybody else reading it. Good luck.