Up against a brick wall?!....
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Hi ladies, hope you are all doing ok. Well, me? I'm frustrated, befuddled... something 😏 seen my Dr, no mention of my blood test result so assume that all is as expected(meno & no period for about 14mths) after talking to him about several issues like my bad days of weird sensations, wooziness, low blood sugar feeling etc then good days etc it sounds as though he has the idea I'm depressed/anxious & sleep all day, over breathe which is creating my heady wooziness so I'm now under the mental health system & due to see a counsellor OMG!! 👿 I'm flabbergasted....If I am down, moody n tearful & P'd off its because I'm over feeling like this...I didn't even ask about continuing Livial or whether they might be making feel weird & funny in the head, I left upset & frustrated. Might be looking for a new Dr which is easier said than done here. Oh yeah, the doc told me that evening primrose oil is basically useless & I should be on A/Ds, Drs seem to be so against anything natural. I'm in my 3rd mth of taking Livial. Is this weird head thing common/normal? feels like I'm going pass out...is any of this normal? does it go away? Ok, done my spit n rant LoL 😤 sorry, just a question, any info about HRT Progynova?
Thnx, take care xo
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nixnix NuttyNan
NuttyNan nixnix
louise25018 NuttyNan
I havent tried any meds yet as really trying to manage without but ill see how it goes.
All i can say is you are normal love and you arent going crazy. All us ladies are struggling on and its so hard but this forum is great for letting off steam to other sufferers at least.
Please take care -and remeber always that you arent alone. I really hope you feel better soon keep me posted 😄Lou xxx
NuttyNan louise25018
Zigangie NuttyNan
There's nothing to stop you trying a different HRT.
I tried livial didn't get on with it read about oestrogel and Utrogestan and they are really suiting me well, it seems very different.
I did try anti d's several types but they come with side effects big weight gain was one and I feel fat enough without that.
I take a good quality ionic vitamin and extra b12 but really my head space has improved within the first month of oestrogel.
Hope this helps.
jamie50513 NuttyNan
Know that you are not alone. All of this craziness just started a few months ago for me. Some days are good and some days are crazy. The slight dizziness, the weird head pressure that I can't describe, the weird body sensations, the shakes, burning feet, and occasional heart palpitations. I was going to the ER every week not knowing what was wrong with me and thinking they kept missing it. The last time I went for the weird head pressure, the doc told me it was anxiety that was common in women in my age and talk to to a psychiatrist. I was livid. I felt like no one was listening or understood. I'm only 38. But after talking with my aunt and finding out that most of family including my mom went through peri in their early 30's has shed a lot of light. I have been having a menses since I was 9 years old so I'm convinced I'm in peri. I have a GYN appointment this week and hoping I can find some kind of relief. I have to work and just want to be able to function. I have been leaving work early every day or not going because of these crazy feelings. My dating life sucks because I would rather stay home then to be out and have a crazy panic attack or start crying and don't know what for. This forum has helped me to know I am not alone and that someone really does understand. Being able to vent this way is a form of therapy for me. I hope you get relief soon and know you are not alone.
nixnix jamie50513
NuttyNan jamie50513
Take Care & keep well
didi0613 NuttyNan
Most drs. don't understand how peri-menopause works. All my drs. thought I was nuts too when I told them all my symptoms. Been tested for everything and all was norm. Just slightly elevated BP and my I'm borderline diabetic which I blame some on the peri and my stressful job too. My PC disagreed with me when I asked about that too.
I eventually worked through the anxiety myself. Taking B12 & D about every other day I take it. It seems to help keep me more on an even keel. While exercising and keeping busy with other things helps too. I found the more I worried about my symptoms the worse I felt. It's mind over matter. I still have sime bouts of anxiety but its definitely not as bad as it was. I would try going to an herbalist or why not try some natural supplements. They are natural. I don't like taking meds. I worry about what they can cause later. You can say I'm not a fan of the medical industry.
Goodluck Nan!
NuttyNan didi0613
didi0613 NuttyNan