Up and down
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I posted a while back saying I felt low, a mixture of the 'wonderful' peri symptoms and also grief as we lost both my mum in law and father in law last year, 7 months apart.
I had absolutely no idea how hard this would hit me and tried to stay strong for my husband.
Since then I've been pretty much up and down.I feel as if I'm dropping to bits with peri symptoms and I have been overwhelmed with a total fear of losing my own parents.. I try to spend as much time with them as I can but feel as if I can see them ageing in front of me 😢
I have also felt very cranky and irritable too.. Oftern taking my despair and frustrations out on my hubby. Sometimes I need to be alone and can't bear to be in the same room as him. He tries to help in his own way... Which is him suggesting, 'talk to GP' and 'maybe they can give you something to help you' Grrrrrr
Sorry for my moaning girls, I just hope I sleep well tonight and tomorrow is a new day.
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jayneejay Camikitten
Oh your post so sad, so sorry to hear of your loss.
i know what you mean about seeing parents growing older in front of you, we do and are too to ours 😞
As for needing space. Yep i love my own space, went throu the peri ' want my own space 100% ' phase mid way.
Think we may feel other half doesnt and cant understand how we feel thing, as they dont have all this peri and post meno stuff, and i think we tend ' some of us' to push them away, as we dont want to keep telling them about how we just feel lifeless at times, like we are failing to them.
It did pass for me, mine works overseas so i get my space now lots of, still want it sometimes when hes back 😀
Big hugs lovely
Jay x
Camikitten jayneejay
Thanks for your reply.
My hubby worked away too until last summer so we are still adjusting to him working locally. We do rub along quite nicely... Til I have a Godzilla day 😉
susan556 Camikitten
Sue x
Camikitten susan556
Some days I feel quite strong and other days the total opposite.
Us girls go through so much. Xx
margaret04348 Camikitten
Camikitten margaret04348
Today unfortunately has been another naff one.. I'm on a weeks holiday from work which I would normally love but just feel sad this week. I'm wondering if a period is on it's way😁
I had lunch out with my sister today which wasn't a good move as she's naturally quite depressive ( I'm normally the more up-beat one)
Unfortunately today wasn't one of her better days so I was pleased to get home!
I find if I'm feeling like this I'm better off at work as it's so busy I don't get chance to think and i just ' put on a smiley face' and throw myself into work.
I'm planning on heading out to tidy garden tomorrow if the weathers ok ( or at least dry), in the hope that fresh air will do me good.
Take care,
Cami Xx
shaznay96184 Camikitten
Yep, I too had a lot to deal with when my father-in-law died. He was our last parent between us, and we were only 43/44: we felt like orphans. So I completely understand your fear about losing your parents.
I'd say that my husband has found losing his father life-changing for him: I think a little bit of him went too. Very sad
Talking would have been great for me: meds, no thanks. I'm pretty good at showing my feelings/venting my spleen etc.
I know its cliche'd but time really is a great healer.
I think you should spend all the time you want with your parents: that's a lovely thing to have. And don't forget: as you see them age, so do they see it in you too (Bonnie Raite sang about that too
Go give your ol' man a hug and a kiss: I'm sure just by posting your message here, you feel better for just getting how you feel off your chest. We're all ears on here, don't forget
Chin Up Kiddo.
Camikitten shaznay96184
Big hugs Xx