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Hello, I just thought I'd let you know that I managed to get an appointment with a doctor at my local clinic, we're lucky if we see the same one at each appointment, unless you want to wait for 2/3 weeks.  Anyway, I saw a new one and she seemed quite bemused at the fact that I had come off the Tramadol, she really didn't think it was a problem.  her words were if I hadn't come off them I wouldn't have suffered all weekend.  Mmm, sure.

I asked her about acupuncture and there is a doctor at the clinic who does this treatment hence I am going to start having that in a couple of weeks.

She said that  if I didn't want to take medication for the pain then really there is not a lot they can do for me.

Apparently the Rheumatologist I saw at the hospital had more or less said the same thing in a letter to the clinic.  In other words in my opinion, if I don't want to follow the rules and take all the nasty little pills they want to dole out to me and get stupified on side effects then there is nothing they can do and I just have to suffer the pain.

I am sincerely hoping that the acupuncture works, I've read some good things about it.

Thank you for your posts, I have read some really interesting things here.  

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    It's my opinion that careful use of hydrocodone is a much better, and safer option than tramadol for most people. But if you suggest hydrocodone to your doctor at this point, they will likely tell you that you are ignorant, crazy, or both. Tramadol was marketed as a safer alternative to opiates, and most doctors still believe that. I was on hydrocodone for over two years, and had no withdrawal symptoms at all.
  • Posted

    It makes me so mad that if you see a Doctor they will never tell you to look at alternative ways to deal with pain, even if they don't know themselves! They are there to dish out the poision (Tramadol) without understanding what the damage is and have not got a clue about the addictive and horrendous side affects off trying to get off this drug! I've seen three Doctors at my surgery and not one have a clue on Tapering, what effects to expect etc....Big Pharma does not want you off these pills! I am doing a very slow tapering at the moment. I open a 50g tablet and divide it into 4 with a blade to make 12.5g. So it's taking 4 weeks to get off one pill. This is slow tapering (was on 8/50g daily) withdrawals have kicked in, but I'm still managing to function and look forward to the day I am drug free!!!!

    Hope you find your way! x

    • Posted

      Hi Ruth, just wanted to say well done, you are doing really well.

      hopefully withdrawal will be minimal for you. I myself went cold turkey 

      from a dyhydrocodeine depedance it wasn't good but the worst was over

      in a week and every day after it gets better. Although I understand Tramadol to be a lot harder owing to the serotin effects.

      just wanted to let you know it can be done and is worth every bit of

      withdrawal, as it does get your life back so good luck I shall be

      thinking of you all one day at a time stay strong x

    • Posted

      Hi Ruth, thank you for your response, I decided to go cold turkey as it's my way, I find tapering doesn't work for me, although having said that, the withdrawals were horrendous.  I'm beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.  My jumpy legs have stopped, but I think that's more down to me constantly going to the gym and working until I could drop.  Now just waiting for the acupuncture and will take it from there.

      Good luck with your withdrawals & it will be a day of celebration when you are totally drug free.

      Docs., ain't the best at look at complementary medicine I feel as the first thing they do the minute you mention pain or any other symptom, is look on the computer to see what they can prescribe you.  I think sometimes you have to scream and shout to get anything done.

      Having said that I do think there are some good docs., out there it just getting through the debris to find the gold.


    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply! I went cold turkey from trams and lasted 37 days and wasn't feeling any better :-(  so had to go  back on them! Hopefully this way will work for me! x
  • Posted

    Hi Tricia,

    Do you suffer from  Rheumatoid arthritus? My cousin developed that in his early 30's. Nothing really helped until he went to see a chinese herbalist. He got acupuncture and some herbel drinks (which he said tasted really aweful) but he did improve substantially. Basically he went from limping to walking. He said he still felt some pain but he basiccally got his life back. Mybe it was placebo or conincedence, I dont know but he definatly improved.

    • Posted

      Hi Tony,

      Thanks for your response, yes, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, have had it for approx 20 years now, have been through many forms of treatments...I decided way back at the beginning when offered meds that could effect my liver to go down the route of Homeopathy and in general it worked, only thing was it was costing me approx., £200 a month....Which as you can imagine can't last forever, eventually my piggy bank ran dry, also everything I was earning went on this Homeopathy.  I couldn't have a night out as I got to the stage I couldn't afford anything else other than my treatments.  

      That was when I ended up going back on traditional meds., I had often thought acupuncture but having a needle phobia kind of put me off.  I'm glad your bother found it helped, I'm going to see how I get on with this doctor and then I think he can only give me 5 sessions, which I am hoping I can see some improvement.  I won't give into this horrid illness.  I keep saying "I have R.A.  But R.A.  Doesn't have me".  I hope I can keep this up.  

      I go to the gym and zumba as I won't give in & I sometimes think that the docs., think if I can do all that then there can't be too much wrong.  But you get up put the mask on and work through it, they can't seem to see that.

    • Posted

      In acupuncture the needles only go in the skin just enough to stay in place. They do not go through the skin like with injections. They are also a lot thinner.

      You seem to be strong but please remember to rest now and then. I hope you find what works for you and good luck.

  • Posted

    Hi Tricia, have you thought about yoga and meditation, these are things you

    could practise at home without always paying out. I have read a lot

    of articles that say these help.


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