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I haven't been posting much lately, too busy keeping my appointment diary up to date! I'm having so many investigations at the moment that there isn't time for much else.

Following my PET scan in May, my rheumy decided that I needed to see a haematologist to check on inflammation on my spine spotted on the PET scan. I'm currently waiting for appointment letter for a further full body scan.

Next is a bronchoscopy to check my lungs, there is still crackling and something there since pneumonia during August. My voice has also got more and more hoarse and tight, in addition to being quite out of breath. That's scheduled for 1 December. They will also check for TB. I had a skin test, but had no reaction, no doubt masked by the pred.

I found out that if you have latent TB, methotrexate can activate it. Of course, I had 6 months of Methotrexate until I could no longer cope with the side effects.

Then I saw my gastroenterologist for my 6 months check up. She had warned me before that she might request a liver biopsy, and she said she now wanted this to go ahead. Although my liver enzymes are mostly good, one enzyme is not and she wants to have this done, as she says that there are too many uncertainties about my health and once you have an autoimmune illness, you could get liver immune disease. My liver is already fatty. Its also a good time to do it, as I've managed to taper the pred down to 15mg, so it won't mask any symptoms as much as it would do on a higher dose. This is scheduled for 5 December.

Also coming up mid December is a scan on a nodule on my lung.

That's it at the moment, I think!

I've managed to taper to 15mg pred, which is the lowest I've been since GCA started 2 years ago. I don't feel particularly better, I'm still very fatigued and rest/sleep a lot. I've still got a horrible round face and am still very overweight, a bit of a vicious circle though, I'm too exhausted to exercise or walk any distance, so am not using up many calories.

I manage to get out for my weekly art group and the odd brief outing to the shops or lunch with friends, but really, life is not very exciting right now.

And...I'm going to the Chertsey Support Group Christmas do on 6 December (the day after my liver biopsy, so may hobble in!) and really looking forward to that.

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    Spinal biopsy now confirmed for 23 February, with new MRI the same morning. The reason for the 6 week wait is supposedly because they want to be sure I'm free of the chest infection. I suspect it's also to do with lack of availability of consultant/room on ward. 6 weeks is long enough time for me to catch another bug!

    Meanwhile, I've had a GCA flare, but have managed to go up to only 20mg pred, from 14mg, to get rid of scalp and eye pain. My GP sent me to the eye clinic as an emergency and all was OK. Still, it's such a nuisance to be back at 20mg, which has always been my sticking point. Seeing rheumy on Tuesday for standard follow up, so I'll see what she has to say.

    I'm not really surprised at the flare, considering the stress of recent weeks and the infection.

    • Posted

      Susanne, as you say, it isn't at all surprising that the stress of all you have been going through recently has caused a flare in your inflammation, frustrating though it is to have to increase again when you were finally doing so well in that area at least.  However, that fairly sizeable increase seems to have done the trick, so, hopefully, you will find you can get back down a little faster than previously, although not quite as far as 14mg bearing in mind that you still have some stresses to face by way of the spinal biopsy.  Remaining at a slightly higher dose until that is all over may give you extra protection.  BUT please don't "catch another bug" in the meantime!  A friend always swears by smearing a little vaseline on her lips and nostrils if she's going out and about in large crowds at the moment with all the nasty bugs around!  I don't know if it works but I must admit I've tried that a couple of times in the past when I've been visiting someone in hospital for instance!  But I mainly stick to the Manuka honey - no, not on my nostrils or lips!! 

    • Posted

      I take a teaspoon of Manuka in my tea daily and I'm fanatical about using antibacterial hand gel when out. I try not to touch handrails, doorknobs etc when out, using my coatsleeve instead!

      Trouble is lots of people sneeze and cough without covering their mouth and nose!

      I'll see what the rheumy says next week and I'll suggest to her that it's not a good time to reduce too quickly.

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      I'm so glad I'm not the only one who is obsessed about using the door handles leaving loos etc - I've seen so many people just walk away from their cubicles without washing their hands.  I feel very lucky if someone else is walking out through the door in front of me as they usually hold it for you to just walk through!  Other than that, I and a friend of mine, open the exit door with a tissue and then throw it in the nearest bin, on top of which (especially if we're going for a cake and a scone afterwards) I use an antibacterial wipe!

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      It is claimed (as a result of studies) that using a face mask will reduce the chances of picking up something by as much as 80%. People really are revolting! But a face mask with a scarf around your face on top would probably help when just out and about. Keeping your nose warm DOES help - when the blood flow is poor because your nose is cold it removes one of the barriers to invaders. That has been proven in German studies.

      Antibacterial wipes may help - but nothing beats soap and water for viruses. And don't use the hot air hand dryers! 

    • Posted

      I am exactly the same about loos and handles etc, my sister too, who has RA. With taking pred and DMARDS (sister) our lowered immune systems can`t take it....I have just had pneumonia and doctor said it was because of pred......

      ​Well, I am now lowering pred at a VERY fast rate (not recommended normally) 1mg per week! from 10mg to 5mg.....down to 7 now and going to 6mg on Tuesday....which I`m dreading!....but this is what the rheumie has instructed so he can test adrenals at 5mg......he had bettter come up with an alternative, because I am feeling  drained have hip/leg/shoulder pain, but I did expect this.....so fingers crossed I am still walking when I see him on Feb 7th!.....will post on here what happens....he is a second opnion that I requested.....

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      I have thought about face masks and I suppose I'd feel ok about it now with the cold weather, as I can cover with scarf. I know I really shouldn't worry, and the Japanese use them all the time, I just think I'd feel a bit ridiculous walking around with a mask, but maybe I'll get some. It's not a time to worry about feeling ridiculous at the moment! 😷

      I always wash my hands with soap and water as soon as I get home. I've heard bad reports about hot air driers, full of bacteria apparently.

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      Good luck with the fast taper Linda. And having just had pneumonia will have lowered your immune system even further. I had pneumonia at the end of the summer and it took me a long time to feel even vaguely better.
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      My Mum warned me off the hot air hand dryers years ago, Eileen - never was quite sure why but just did as I was told and used tissues instead!  As for soap and water, when I heard about the need to wash the hands for long enough to get through two choruses of happy birthday, I told hubby, Mike.  Wish I hadn't - I'd never heard hime sing before!!!

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      You might set a new trend among the group if you turn up on the 14th Feb in your new adornment - not a bad idea though!
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      Linda, not fun having to reduce so fast especially from the 7mg point as that is roughly around the equivalent amount of natural steroid (cortisol) that your body makes when well.  When we reduce the artifical steroid we can have a shortfall in our body until our adrenals catch up.  Let's hope that your adrenals have got some function at least at 5mg so that you can still be upright on Feb 7th!  Take care and take things easy meanwhile - like a precious princess as someone calls her alter ego on another forum when she is suffering.

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      Thank you for that, it terrified me when the rheumie told me I had to do this....but didn`t really have a choice after feeling so ill for so long on steroids (5 years) and requesting a second opinion.....I refused to see original rheumie, wasn`t even allowed to ask a question....

      ?Yes, you are right, my immune system is lowered even further....that`s why like you I don`t touch handles etc.....and I don`t care if people think I`m paranoid either!

      ?It is awful waiting to go into hospital, but I know of two people waiting for operations that keep being cancelled....the stress dosen`t help either, but having watched the programme on TV this week called "Hospital" well......heaven help us all!  Nothing surprises me any more with the NHS.

      Keep as well as you can....

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      Thank you for that....this precious princess is going to call on the adrenal fairy to wave her wand to give me some cortisol!....not much to ask is it.....wink

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      Yes, watch it, it`s such an eye opener to the stress that the consultant`s have looking for a bed for their patients!....They are spending precious time doing that when they could be attending them.....and then there is the patient`s (like yourself) that are ready for the op.....only to be sent home.....

      ​I fear no-one has the answers any more!

    • Posted

      I think they do - but won't admit they've made a mess. This was posted on the Big up the NHS FB page:

      "Dear David Cameron. During the time you were Prime Minister, the number of hospital beds in the UK fell by 12,634. That is nearly 100 beds per acute hospital trust. Do you think that this might have something to do with why thousands of people are currently on trolleys in A+E corridors waiting for a bed to become available?"

      It starts at the top of the pyramid - there are not enough ICU/HD beds for post op patients who may need them - and that blocks all the way down to A&E and routine elective admissions believe it or not. Plus A&E in Hospital D is faced with the patients who used to go to A&E in Hospitals A, B and C which have been closed or demoted to MIUs because "Bigger and more specialised" is better. Yes it is - but it then needs the same number of beds in total and they aren't there. Every new hospital that has been built using PFI (which costs the NHS a large fortune in rental) had fewer beds - because patients would be sent home after day surgery to be cared for there. Except they can't be - because the structure to do it doesn't exist.

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      Quite right, 10 years ago new hospital built for our city with 100 less beds at least and using PFI.....there was uproar from public, but of course no-one listened....it has struggled ever since......there is just no continuity of care either.....where are the nurses that used to visit homes after release from hospital.....gone....it`s worrying....

      ​How does your health system compare....and what may I ask (don`t have to reveal!) do the residents have to pay, or how rather...is it when you need the treatment?.....

      I just wish we could change our NHS finances...it`s obviously not working!

    • Posted

      All GP services are free. If you are admitted to hospital it is free. As an outpatient you have a small co-pay for a consultant appointment, any blood tests, x-rays/scans and physiotherapy etc unless it is an approved chronic condition in which case you are exempt the charges. Prescriptions cost 1 or 2 euros (ordinary and exempt) and a visit to A&E 15 euros unless you are admitted when you aren't charged. It seems you are exempt when over 65 and on a low income - happens automatically on the basis of your tax declaration! Everything is linked - if you run and licence a Ferrari but don't pay any tax - they want to know how! They apologise profusely for the long waiting time for an appointment for certain specialities, 4 months usually for routine dermatology. Emergency is days, immediately if you are sent to A&E by the GP.

      And if you are in hospital - the food is good! Some departments are full but not like in the UK. But there is no difference really in the concept of free at point of provision - after all, there are prescription charges in the UK. I'd rather pay a bit than not have the care. When we were working though the equivalent of NI was far far higher than in the UK - self employed in the UK is less than £3 per week which is basically your healthcare and pension. Here it was more like £100 per month which is far more realistic. But like the UK everyone is covered either because you pay your way by working or are exempt because of low income.

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      Thank you Eileen for that....very interesting...

      ?My husband thinks it may sound harsh, but he thinks here, if everyone had to pay a small fee for to see a doctor, far less would go...and what I really don`t understand is at my surgery they post how many patients didn`t turn up every month.......last month 93!!  When I asked if they do anything about it, receptionist  said no......well to me that`s not good enough, of course there are elderly and confused with good excuse....but it should be three times and off the list!  (aren`t I brutal!)...I have to wait 2 weeks for an appointment......if I ring on the day there are only 3 available, so they go in first few minutes....now we are told go to a "walk-in" surgery in the city, that`s ok if you can get there!

      ?Changing the subject....I think I have now hit the brick wall with my drastic drop of pred (every week 1mg) 6mg from tomorrow (dropped from 10mg 4 weeks ago) feel weird/dizzy/tired ....dry mouth...so expect this must be it do you think...as for pain, I think I have got used to living with a certain amount for so long......

      ?Go to rheumie on Feb 7th....he`d better have some answers!!

    • Posted

      We have posts up at my surgery too about missed appointments. No, nothing is done about it.

      If people are asked to pay, they would no doubt, reasonably so too, argue that they already pay through their NI contributions. A lot of people also go to A & E for incredibly minor problems that could be dealt with by their GP, the trouble is they can't get an appointment. It's a vicious circle.

      You've got a while to go before your rheumy visit. Are you going to keep dropping no matter how you feel?

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      I think you should have to pay a deposit to get an appointment - which is returned of you at least turn up. 

      But the NI is not enough to cover it - it is less than £3 that is for healthcare AND state pension, most of it is covered from general taxation. But being asked to pay a small amount more is going to be peanuts compared with what it will be in the future when the NHS collapses. And collapse it is going to without more money. 

      But for us there are a lot of things that aren't covered - the basic drugs are always covered but some aren't on the list and if you want them you can if you pay the difference in cost. And nowadays, if you have a leisure injury - you will get the bill for anything other than very basic care. That is to be covered by sports insurance - which I think is perfectly fair. 

      There seems to be a lack of knowledge about what to do for yourself - people run to the doctor for colds - for most people that is absolutely OTT. 

      Linda - do keep an eye on how you feel, and make sure your husband knows to call 999 and tell them you are on a fast reduction of pred dose if you get poorly. It's better to know what to do and do it if you are worried - it may not happen, but it could. And the paramedics won't mind.

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      Thank for that....I have looked at the side affects of dropping pred and I have all the classic withdrawal symptoms....the upset tummy and nausea I thought was from having high dose anti-biotics just before Christmas, I now think is part of it as well.....I am fed up with the close friendship I have with the loo!....

      ​I agree the NHS will collapse......but unfortunately the powers that be don`t seem to see it!....they keep making the GP`s/Paramedic`s etc the scapegoats....but truth be told...it`s really not fit for prupose!....such a shame....

      ​You have a much better system.... 

    • Posted

      It has its problems too - they haven't enough GPs and specialists either but here they have to speak both German and Italian, not many people who can do that! But they have said out loud: we are going to have to spend more money. It really isn't rocket science...

      But do write out a bit of paper with your doses and when you reduced - so your husband has it to hand to the paramedics if you need them and they know what's going on. 

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