Update / GYN
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I got my GYN bill today and this is what all they have done so far:
colpo/biopsy cervix w/ecc - the OB/CONV PAP (OV-25) - they also did a U/A DIP W/O MICRO NON AUTO - Thats what all they did and it all cost $746.00
Have'nt Gotten ER bill yet there they did the transvaginal ultra sound and pap (checked for STD-Infection-and make sure I was bleeding from uterus) and rolled that things on lower stomach to find ovaries I guess they will make that a different cost and procedure not sure .
My old GYN called left message on my phone saying he will try again in the office and that he understood the insurnace and cost ,and this time he said he can try some different things such as give me anxiety med before procedure of the uterus biospy , shots in the cervix and give me something to dialate the uterus you ever heard of that?
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Sochima822 carolrd
carolrd Sochima822
Sochima822 carolrd
carolrd Sochima822
So he scraped my cervix plus biospy I wonder if some of those stingy pains and still uncomfortable feeling can still be from some of that. My face seems to feel like hot (feeling it heat up) a lot, blah feeling , breast feels like I need a 18 wheeler to carry them! feel sad and low like not yourself, and can cry with a drop of a hat, heart rate speeds up (I did have doctor to listen the other day to see if she heard any murmurs or stop beats and any rythm problem she paid close attention and said it sounded fine and in good rythm) Anyone else get any of these? Then this horrible fear hits out of the blue like doom /gloom and you don't look forward to nothing and like life is over feeling does anyone ever feel any of these?
maisie05 carolrd
Sending you hugs Carol, you do seem very fed up. Some of the symptoms you describe sound like peri menopause or hormonal feelings. But you've been through a lot lately and it's worrying for you. Try not to stress. Hope you find some peace and take care of yourself.
maisie05 carolrd
Thinking of the doom and gloom and nothing to look forward to... When you wake in the morning, try to choose one thing to look forward to. Whether it's a phone chat with a friend or family member, half an hour working in the garden or reading, a food treat whether cake or fruit. Anything you used to enjoy. Just something to focus on,
carolrd maisie05