UPDATE: I need a referral!!

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My gp finally got back to me regarding a referral to an endocrinologist. She said she wants me to make an appt to go see her so we can "talk about my exhaustion and anxiety." WHAT?! I live about 45 minutes away from her ... I refuse to take anti depressants because I want to get to the root of the problem and not cover up my symptoms. I know she'll just want to give me anxiety pills. She already admitted that I could very well have a problem with my thyroid. So....why not just refer me to one?! I don't get it! My TSH has doubled in less than one year. I have all kinds of annoying symptoms. The worst symptom being my anxiety and brain fog/feeling crazy. Because my TSH falls in a "normal" range...this is what happens? It's 3.255. She told me they won't even test my T3 or T4 or antibodies. She won't do anything until my numbers are worse. Wth?! I'm sorry but I'm so frustrated. Can I self refer myself to an endocrinologist??

Also, I want to start supplements...but I have no clue what to take. I should probably get those other blood tests done first, right??

Lastly, I've been reading up on the dietary changes. I read not to eat gluten or soy or broccoli or cabbage. Tips on the supplements and diet are appreciated as well.

Thanks guys!! I feel like all my gp can do is basic stuff. I'm new at having health problems. I've been so lucky my whole life with great health!

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sunny, I completely understand what you're dealing with. Maybe try getting a new GP if this one continues to offer "her" solution that doesn't resonate with you. You are within your rights to refuse treatments you feel will be harmful or ineffective. The truth is that incorrectly prescribed drugs put you at risk for all the adverse side effects without benefit. The result is that you just get sicker.

    Somsick with what you feel is the best approach and use your resources.

    As for supplements, I have tried many!  And I mean many!

    Here is the best recipe for thyroid help that I can offer:

    1) Glutenfree, paleo diet- absolutely no cheating on the gluten! Get lots of protein in your diet. Forget pea, hemp and other vegetable protein powders. Go with a whey or egg white protein powder. You'll find the protein powder smoothies using almond milk and fruit with ice are a great low calorie way to increase your protein intake. 

    2) Supplement with: Essential amino acids, multimineral, multivitamins containing coblimated B vitamins.

    3) Learn what you can about cleansing and adopt regular cleansing into your lifestyle.

    If you incorporate these lifestyle changes and supplements in the proper quantities, you will feel much better.

    I share this, as I feel I've tried pretty much everything imaginable! These actions will give you the most efficiency in your healing.


  • Posted

    The most telling point is that your TSH has doubled in under a year. This alone should have your doctor sending you for more tests including antibodies and you should press that point with her, as well as your symptoms of brain fog. She should be looking at root causes and I agree with Catherine that antidepressants are not the answer and often bring their own issues. 
  • Posted

    I take thyroxine and I don't think my dose is high enough either. I yawn and yawn when I sit down and am always tired and my head is foggy and I still think my voice is croaky.  My GP tries to tell me my results are 'spot on' and I know I was always at the high end of normal so if I am 'spot on' now it means I am not at the high end of normal. I give up. I wanted to take a supplement so researched a few and came up with Phyt.Aloe Food supplement with Dried Fruits vegetables and Vitamin C. It cost £50 for 60 capsules. Well right from the start I had a feeling they didn't agree with me so changed from taking at tea time to taking in the morning to see if that was better. I only took one a day even although I could have taken two. I dread to think what I would have been like with two. I was on my third tub so would have taken them about three months.  Then I started to feel achey all over my arms and legs felt as though I was walking through water and a really croaky voice and sore eyes and extreme tiredness.  I was not sleeping properly and I thought I looked awful. Well I carried on with them thinking I needed more thyroxine and was going to see my GP when my heart started fluttering around and missing beats - I didn't like that at all - so then I was convinced it was too much thyroxine I was taking and contacted my GP the heart fluttering was too much for me to ignore. I also felt hot and clammy I was also convinced by this time it was something to do with the supplement I was taking. Well my GP told me to reduce my thyroxine stop the supplement and did a blood test. Well the blood test came back 'spot on' and I certainly didn't feel spot on. Well the end result is I was left with my thyroxine reduced and had to increase it again back up to what it was and its getting better again without the supplement except for the extreme tiredness. I think everyone is different but better to ask the chemist or GP before taking anything yourself because my GP told me anything with an active ingredient in it would affect Hypothyrodism I really felt terrible.  I am not sure what that meant 'with an active ingredient' in it think it could be something to do with the powdered broccoli and cauliflower etc. 

    I wish you well with your GP because they are very slow to start you on anything 

    even when you know yourself you are far from right. 


  • Posted

    Hello it's me again 

    I forgot to say, although I haven't tried it yet, Turmeric powder made into tea or sprinkled on food is very good for hypothyroidism but after my experience with supplements I have only thought about it, I have always taken high strength cod liver oil and a probiotic capsule without any problem (I think) I take the probiotic capsule because I am not a fan of yoghurts. 

  • Posted

    Hi, my GP also won't test for T3, and antibodies. I paid for a private blood test if you can afford to do it.

    When you get your results take them to your GP, she will have to act on them. Check for Vitamin D too it plays a big part.

    Do not take antidepressants they will make you worse.

    You can pay to see an endocrinologist and don't always need a referral check online. I did pay to get an early appointment but did get a referral.

    Good luck and hope you get sorted soon let us know how you get on please.

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    Also I should have said your TSH should be around 1.0 mark but everyone is different.
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    My dr approved a referral! (Happy dance). Turns out I was talking with the MA on my mychart and not my doctor. Anyway, I will be referred to an Endo but they don't have openings until sept. But this is good news! smile

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