Update on experiences Mirtazapine

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Hi I just thought I would post an update of my experiences of mirtazapine. I think that I have been on mirtazapine for seven weeks now. Most of the annoying side effects have disappeared. I am much less drowsy in the day, I sleep at night but still have trouble rousing myself in the morning. I had experienced tingly lips and numbness also unreality. These have almost gone apart from the unreality which is still here. Unfortunately I am having difficulty going off to sleep. I'm really tired but can't stop my brain from functioning. Overall my general mood has lifted but I am very irritable although this could be hormonal. I try not to look too far into the future as it causes depression and anxiety. Mirtazapine has certainly 'hit the spot' for me. How long I am going to be on it I dont know. At the moment it has helped lift the paranoia and depression at least they are more manageable now. I still have a voracious appetite but it is under control. I see the psychiatrist next week and I'll post after that.

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8 Replies

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    I too have had a mainly good experience. OK everyone will experience an increased appetite but as the months go on this should level out and settle down. Remember too(anyone who is new to this drug)it is mainly people who have problems with the drug who'll post a message- those who have a positive experience will not be searching for answers.
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    Hi Emelda I'm not sure I agree with your comments. When I first entered this site I was desperate for any information about mirtazapine good and bad and I found it. It has been a long time since I had to change my meds and I felt quite ill. I have tried to give a balanced view of my experiences good or bad. I didn't seek to post because all my experiences were negative they are just common to someone starting on mirtazapine. I was curious to know the effects of the drug and these effects seem common to other people as well. If you have been taking this medication in the long term I would be curious as to how it affects you now?
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    Hi again, yes I see your point that most people want to give a balanced view. However, I still feel that people who have experienced a positive result will, on the whole, just get on with their lives without even looking at these sites. It would be inteeresting to know what others' think. From my obsevations though most of the remarks about this drug have appeared negative. It was only after I read your remarks that I thought-perhaps I'm not the minority-at last some good news and thus I entered into the discussion.

    I have now been taking the mirtazapine for 4 months and I feel the side effects appear to have dicipated whilst the positive effects are increasing. I suffered from insomnia for a year and only now feel a state of normality returning. My anxiety levels are reduced and, on the whole I get a good night sleep.I believe its worth perservering for at least 3 months.

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    Most of the views expressed here are by people who are experiencing depressive illness. The common feelings expressed are those of hopelessness, worthlessness feelings of inadequacy and suicidal feelings. This list is not exhaustive. Anti-depressants which initially make the patient worse might not be tolerated. I have found it reasuring that other people had experienced the same thing. I hope you continue to feel better.
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    I have found Christmas very difficult and am glad it is over and am feeling exhausted. Just what the psychiatrist told me not to do. Family and friends irritate me more than they should. Before Christmas the psychiatrist said I could increase the mirtazapine to 15mg but I have left the dosage as it is. If things get impossible again I can increase it. I will see him in a few weeks time but as I see him privately will have to ration my visits. I have used up all my psychiatric benefit. He is quite brilliant at what he does but that comes at a price. Very unsure what I would be without the drugs though. I would probably collapse.
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    I agree that it seems to be making me more irritable. is this a common side effect? i have only been on for a week.
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    I agree that a forum such as this is more likely to catch the 'hardliners' re. depression, but also those who wish to be more informed about their medication.

    It's been interesting to pick up on the increase of irritability some are experiencing. This is definitely with me and I am having difficulty controlling it, any suggestions?

    My sleep pattern has improved, with the exception of last night. Had a bad Migraine attack during the night which I aborted with a Sumatriptan Injection, but today, sadly, my fuse is very short.

    As an aside, if their are any Migraineurs reading these postings, there is a possibility that Mirtazapine may help. I have just had 2 attacks in 2 days, but went 11 days without an attack immediately prior. There is a positive recording of Mirtazapine/Migraine interraction on the Web.

  • Posted

    [quote:8eef3ab373=\"Pooh bear\"]I have found Christmas very difficult and am glad it is over and am feeling exhausted. Just what the psychiatrist told me not to do. Family and friends irritate me more than they should. Before Christmas the psychiatrist said I could increase the mirtazapine to 15mg but I have left the dosage as it is. If things get impossible again I can increase it. I will see him in a few weeks time but as I see him privately will have to ration my visits. I have used up all my psychiatric benefit. He is quite brilliant at what he does but that comes at a price. Very unsure what I would be without the drugs though. I would probably collapse.[/quote:8eef3ab373]

    Hi again Pooh Bear - Its Pippa from the 'other page!'. You too huh?! Christmas is such an expectant time of year; expect to be jolly, expect to be friends with everyone, expect to eat too much, expect .... it goes on. Sadly for us, it doesnt quite pan out like that does it chick. As much as you try to be all the things that other expect and more, ultimately it comes down to just you and the inside of your head in bed at the end of the exhausting day. Kinda glad its all over, and I'm not a bah humbug, honest! Do you see your GP for your prescription or does your psychiatrist prescribe? I feel that way too about the tablets - but they are there to help us get better - like a zimmer frame for the brain perhaps? Its not forever ...... I keep telling myself.

    The worst is over now - just a nice new fresh year to ..... GET through!

    Thinking of you xx

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