Update on sertraline 50mg

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Well I have now been on sertraline for 5 weeks 4 days (39 days) and today I have woken with no anxiety!!!! The past 3 days I have only had a little anxiety but it soon went when it did pop it's head up, also I am more chilled in the evenings when as before I used to panic about about getting a panic attack (nights were worse for me) and even during the day when I get those thoughts I can easily say to myself there is nothing to panic about as I have got through it before, whereas before I would be crippled with panic about panic all day long.

so I think they r starting to kick in now, it's still early days and I know I will have good and bad days but I'm just hopeful now that the good will outweigh the bad from now on.

for anyone just starting sertraline or worried about taking them please don't be. I was so anti med before the anxiety crippled me, I tried all the natural ways ie 5htp, kalms, Chinese herbs but nothing worked for me, so I bit the bullet and went to docs. I had the tablets 3 weeks before I plucked the courage up to take them as was so scared of the side effects, but then i just took it one night as I thought I can't live like this anymore, I felt like I was loosing it so it couldn't get much worse. 

I took mine just before getting in bed so I would sleep through most of the harsh side effects, some people have trouble sleeping on these but I have not a problem with that. I did get some start up side effects which were dry mouth, bit of upset tummy, foggy head, feeling lazy, feeling tired, nausea but that all went by day 10. I started to feel good at week 3 with a few good days but then I got the flu and the anxiety returned but not as bad as before starting sertraline, so now into week 5 I am feeling abit better as the flu is going, so I don't know if it was a blip or caused from the flu.

im hoping this is the start of getting back to being to the old me but I am feeling hopeful and will continue to think positive.

i must add also that on the days when my anxiety was bad I used rescue remedy and learnt how to knit which really took my mind off the anxiousness. U can get rescue remedy from any supermarket or chemist and it's about £4, it's all natural and even kids and pets can use it to feel calm when anxious and it really did get me through the worst times. 


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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi vikki. Im so happy for you. I cant wait to get to where you are. I cant start taking my sertraline until Sunday as I am decreasing my prescription of cetalopram. Im down to 10mg and today has been the worst day ive had in almost 2 years. I was worried about starting a new tablet so its always good to hear about good results.
    • Posted

      Thankyou, it's still early days but I am enjoying the days where I feel good. Try the rescue remedy I mentioned for the anxious days u have if you have not already tried it, it might not work for some but it definitely helped me. I wish u well and if u need any advice or a chat then I'm here x
    • Posted

      Hello Perthshire,

      How did you find the citalopram? I took 30mg for about 6 months but really didn't feel any improvement!!

      But sertraline definitely is difficult but it helps a lot. I haven't properly got the benefits of it yet but it's starting to help. It initially made my anxiety so bad, when it really wasn't bad in the first place! But it's finally getting better again now so I'm able to live my life again smile hope all goes well

    • Posted

      Hi brendan. I was in a really bad place when I started citalopram. They helped me get out of bed, get dressed and just get on with general daily things. But 2 years later im still not back to what I used to be, and my anxiety stops me from going out visiting and socializing. I feel like the citalopram has helped alot but after 2 years I was hoping to be further forward than I am so I hope the sertraline has more of an effect. Hope you get the results you want too. I just want to have a normal life again.
    • Posted

      Been on sertraline for four weeks, still feeling tired, worse first thing, on 50mg. Sertrsline

  • Posted

    Great news! Great advice as well. Make sure you enjoy feeling normal again, get used to it & remember that you deserve it. 

    I was recommended Rescue remedy stuff by a counsellor. She said she didn't really think there was any reason why they worked, but she knew people who were Doctors who'd used them and who swore by them! I'm similalrly skeptical but I've found them good too! Almost the opposite of placebo!

    • Posted

      Yes I think rescue remedy is very good, it certainly helped me when I was crippled with anxiety, r u on setraline aswell? X
    • Posted

      Hi Vikki, yes I am. 2nd time around for me. Last time I stopped/gave up as the bowel side effects got too much, though it had really made me feel better. This time some side effects are the same, some different.
    • Posted

      How long were u on it the first time and how long have u been on it this time so far? 

      I found eating toast and biscuits and bananas for a few days helped with bowel side effect and only drinking water. 

  • Posted

    hi Vikki

    Have just started taking mine this week,like you I daren't take them.Hope I'm as positive as you in a few weeks

    good luck



    • Posted

      Yes I was so scared as I read up on the side effects but i think it is best to know what to expect if anything so then u know how to handle it. 

      It does get worse before it gets better and u may feel heightened anxiety and feeling awful and may want to give up or feel like theyvr not working, but try and stick to them as they do take a while to kick in, I'm not where I want to be yet as have been told it can take up to 12 weeks to work but I am feeling a lot better than when I first started. If the side effects get to much then go bk to docs as they can give u something to ease the side effects until the sertraline kicks in. I wish u well and take everyday as it comes and think positive x

  • Posted

    Hi Vikki! This is marvelous news! You made a couple of really good points here. One is the time of day that you take them and another is that you found a relaxing hobby to fill in the gaps that the medication cannot.

    No medication will cover every part of our problems and you have found ways to comfort yourself along with taking the medication.

    BRAVO! So happy for you!

    Dawn, US

  • Edited

    hi vikki your comments are really helpful. I am on day 28 today and made a big step by going back to the gym this morning . Prior to the sudden onset of anxiety Xmas day I was using the gym to get healthier and lose weight. I really enjoyed it so today was pleased to try again. I did ok but got a sharp pain on heart side so then worried and slowed down. luckily it didn't set off major panic but I feel it's lurking in back ground I feel a little worried about being on my own incase I have a heart problems but this I know is the anxiety in the back ground as I have no pain and have been home an hour and have eaten. I feel a lot better now 4 wks on and am slowly feel like things are going back to normal just niggles in the back ground that it may come back. I need to stop that worry I know and take it 1 day at a time.
    • Posted

      Yes I to get that niggle in the back of my mind, it's just like waiting for it to happen again, but the attitude I have now is that if it does it does, I've dealt with so much anxiety the past few months then the heightened anxiety from the start up of sertraline and am still here so I am taking everyday as it comes and believe I am strong and can get through anything that life throws at me. I can't actually believe I am saying that!!!! X
    • Posted

      That's the approach I am trying and keeping busy. I love busy family life so fingers crossed onwards and upwards now. I considered myself a strong person before this happened so I think your right I need to carry that fighting spirit through.☺
    • Posted

      Yes I love the busy family life, we were always out doing things and going places but I found myself with agrophobia for 2 months solid then I went out in the car but only local, ( I don't drive my partner does) I still don't go out a lot but I'm getting out everyday for the school run and to the local shop, I'm pushing myself with baby steps everyday. U will find it is the strong people that caught up in this horrid illness, I've always helped anyone that needed it and gone out of my way and gone without to help others which has now made me ill so I'm learning to say no and not to get to stressed about things x

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