Upper Abdomin pain, gall stones pancreatitis???

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Hi Guys!

I want to give you my back story here.

Almost 3 years ago I woke up to what felt like a golf ball lodged under my right rib. Not painful but super uncomfortable. I initially thought I might have done something to a muscle at the gym...fast forward 4 months, still there, same discomfort. I go to my GP who initially puts me on heartburn meds and different eating habits. Nothing changed. I didn't really have heartburn to beging with. So he does a blood test to check for ulcer and I am sure other stuff but that is what I remember. Bloodwork comes back fine. He finally sends me for a sonogram of my gallbladder to see if it's stones. Nope, not that either.

So, here I am 3 years later with the same discomfort, it is always there. Recently I've been super gassy with both long term constipation and also diarrhea. Now I am having discomfort on the opposite side from under my left rib (almost mirroring my right discomfort) down to the left side of my belly button. Again, not exactly painful but seriously uncomfortable.

I have an appointment with a GI next month but it's driving me nuts and was wondering if anyone else had similar issues. I would love to hear from you!


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Was IBS ever mentioned?  Bowel habit change, feeling gassy and shifting stomach pain are IBS symptoms. Have you heard of the Fodmap diet? Ask your GI about the possibility of IBS.

    Were you ever tested for h pylori? 

    • Posted

      I was tested for H Pylori 2 years ago. Along with my ultrasound for gallstones. Everything came back clean and my GP said it was all in my head. This was before I was gassy though. My symptom was only the golfball feeling in my right ribcage. I would not be surprised if I also have IBS but something else is going on.
    • Posted

      If your GP said your symptoms were in your head, you should change your doctor.  Your doctor should be supportive of your symptoms.
  • Posted

    Whoa, your symptoms are identical to mine! My ruq started when I was pregnant tho, so I thought it was my baby's foot lodged up there! But then after he was born it started back up. I have the golf ball like feeling too on the right with similar pains now on my luq. I have a hida scan scheduled in 3 weeks to rule out my gallbladder (or rule in...)

    • Posted

      Yes! The foot in the rib is exactly what I'm feeling! Hasn't gone away in nearly 3 years. Not painful just highly annoying and now my left side bothering me. I'm going crazy.

    • Posted

      I'm following your post. Please come back and update, I'll be sure to do the same!

  • Posted

    Also wanted to add that I have an appt with GI as well in a month, and that my gp started me on heartburn meds too & my ultrasound was negative.

    • Posted

      I will update. My appt is June 7 but it's a first appt with the GI so I have no idea what we will accomplish

  • Posted

    I have had this same feeling under my right rib cage for nearly 4 years now.. had every test and blood test you can name.. Everything came back normal. Only several tiny lesions on my liver that appear benign.. that is all my test results showed. I still have this very uncomfortable feeling in my rib cage off and on all the time. Sometimes it is worse than others. If you get answers please share.

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