Upper abdominal and back pain

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Hey all new to the forum. 

I have pain and tenderness in my upper abdomen just below the ribs in the centre aswell as in the back,and also chest and shoulder blade. 

The pain comes with or without eating, when i have hiccups, burping and deep breathing.. 

what could cause this? 

Have had xrays and ct scans of the chest and abdomen and a full heart check.. please help 

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Also i am 22yr old male, i do smoke cigarettes and have had extensive blood work, ecg’s, holter monitors, chest xrays, ct scans and an echocardiogram 
  • Posted

    Have you been checked for gastritis and h pylori?  Have you had any heartburn? This can cause chest pain too.  Costochondritis can cause chest and ribcage pain as well as back pain.  Maybe ask for an endoscopy and provide a stool test which looks for h pylori.  I don't know what could be causing the shoulder pain.  I would go back to your doctor or see someone else.

    • Posted

      Hi pippa thanks for the reply! 

      I have done the breath test for h pylori about a month ago, i have had heartburn and do get a bit of reflux. Have had a few cases of costochondritis over the year aswell from overuse..  i did stool samples back in February which come back positive for blood in it so had a colonoscopy and endoscopy which they said were fine..

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      Reflux and costochondritis may well be your problem and can be caused by stress and anxiety.   I have chronic reflux triggered by stress and I had costochondritis for three months due to stress.
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      My reflux has been around for years now has just been getting worse, 

      The costochondritis has been coming and going but doesnt hang around any longer than a week.. 

      not sure if it has anything to do with the breathing issues ive been having though

    • Posted

      If your heart check was ok and asthma has been ruled out, it is possible that your costochondritis is causing breathing problems because the pain can make it hard to breathe.   Try an antacid and milk for your reflux and try a food diary to see if any foods are causing your hearburn to worsen. Stress will make both conditions worse and can cause breathing trouble too.   Try distraction techniques such as light exercise or a hobby to take your mind off your stomach and costochondritis.  This can help to reduce or get rid of your symptoms all together.  Don't eat rich, spicy or fatty foods, eat little but often, and avoid eating late at night.  All these things will help.

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      All heart checks have been fine although i still get light headed and dizzy alot aswell as palpitations. 

      All lung checks have been normal aswell. 

      I have lost my appetite for quite sometime now and have lost a bit of weight, i sweat alot and get hot flushes like a light fever. 

      Im borderline lactose intolerant but still have dairy products as it doesnt affect me to much. I have been taking nexium to see if it helps. 

      The breathing issues make it hard to exercise the way i once did but i still am pretty active. 

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      Some of these symptoms could be due to anxiety especially the palpitations.  if you are on any medications, check the patient leaflet to see if any of these symptoms are listed.
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      I realise that, i have been taking meds for anxiety but they havnt seemed to stop many symptoms at all.. 

      no medication i take says it would cause palpitations 

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      Sometimes anti anxiety medications can cause anxiety as a side effect.  Anxiety can lead to palpitations.
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      I've been dealing with a lot of your same symptoms. If you haven't discovered the root of your symptoms, I recommend h pylori testing again. I had a false neg stool test and they're supposed to be 96% accurate. Had blood antibody tests done and my IgM was high, indicating acute infection. IgG and IgM were normal, which are usually high in long-term chronic infection. I know I've had infection for at least close to 2 yrs. I'm guessing maybe IgG and IgA were not high because my body isn't fighting it? Idk. I think my stool test was false neg because certain meds like acid reducers or antimicrobials can mess with the results. I had been taking lots of natural antimicrobials. Sometimes they'll only offer IgG antibody test, which I wouldn't be satisfied with. Hope you get well soon.

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      Sorry, meant to say my IgG and IgA were normal
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      I got a confirmed, confident diagnosis of IBS 3 years ago.  On the day of my diagnosis, the crippling despair and health anxiety I had suffered for three and a half months, vanished and my IBS symtoms changed for the better.  Instead of having daily, constant symptoms, this changed to come and go symptoms with long remissions.  This happened because. my stress had gone and I decided to accept my IBS.  I was told I had stress related IBS.and this has been borne out by the fact that when I am calm, I have no IBS but when I get the slightest anxiety, I get a flare up. 

      My symptoms respond well to Buscopan and Nurofen and I only take them as and when I need them.  So I am not looking for any other diagnosis. I am perfectly satisfied.  My IBS is not triggered by eating..

    • Posted

      Thanks for that.  I was a bit confused by what you had written before.

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