Upper abdominal cramps and nausea

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Hi, I was wondering if anybody could help? I have been suffering over the past 2 months with the

symptoms of upper abdominal cramps, tight throat feeling, tummy gurgling, followed by loose stools. I know this sounds yucky, but my stools are a mid brown colour, but often smell more nowadays. It

feels quite a chore for me to go in the mornings now. My upper abdomen is also tight and gets

Crampy, and it worries me! After I eat, it sometimes gurgles very loud too.

I have been for a series of blood tests, along with having a week's worth of stool samples done. The have all come back negativesmile. Also, I have visited numerous GPs to get 2nd opinions, and they all

say the same 'you seem healthy'! They have also given me physical abdominal examinations, where they feel and press into my tummy and abdomen. All feels finesmile. It does feel a bit tender in a

particular spot, but my organs are all in place, and they are happy. They also don't seem to think that I require any further testing of any kind. I am so frustrated and it's really making me feel depressed. Has anybody got any thoughts or advice, or whether anybody can relate to any of my above

symptoms? I have been very anxious about this.

Thanks so much in advance, much appreciatedsmile

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I sure can relate. Same things happening to me. All blood work, etc, comes back fine. Do you ever think maybe you should eat and it either helps or makes you feel worse? How do you feel when you get up in the morning?
    • Posted

      Thank you for your replysmile. I actually feel nauseous when I wake up and don't really feel like eating, but when I have food it seems to make me feel better for a while. My stools and cramps are just driving me crazy! I actually don't know whether to go for colonoscopy, my gps don't seem to think I need too though. Blood tests and stools and pelvic exams all fine. Just getting very frustrated with my tummy and symptoms.sad
    • Posted

      I really don't feel like eating when I get up either. I do feel some better after I eat as well, so it seems like I am eating all the time, but not gaining a lot of weight. My doctor mentioned a colonoscopy, which I don't want to do since all my other blood work, etc. came out fine. I am seeing the doctor Monday and a new doctor on Thursday. I can't take this anymore.
  • Posted

    Do you have acid indigestion? Have you tried gaviscon before a meal or any PPI? Also, have you considered food intollerance.  I am lactose intollerant after a bug and did not know for a long time what was causing my stomach cramps and nausea....give up wheat or dairy - one at a time and see if you feel any better.

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