Upper abdominal pain

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Hi everyone. My troubles started out as a flu/sore throat (an infection which I still interestingly have today) in which I was prescribed antibiotics. Halfway through the course I began experiencing bloating and painful stomach gurgling which came on all of a sudden. This continued on for a few weeks so I ceased the antibiotics because I was convinced it was giving me the terrible pain (knowing full well the implications of not finishing the pack). I then started experience severe upper abdominal pain that was just below my sternum and would creep under my left rib cage (when it got really bad). When it was really bad my stomach would spasm just with my rib pressing on it when expanding to breathe. It also would make awful gurgling/spasming noises which made me very anxious at work knowing people could hear it! (And my pants unzipped at work because of the bloating wasn't a good look) i self diagnosed myself with a lot of gas and starting taking de-gas along with other over the counter meds like buscopan to no avail. I finally went back to the gp to have my stomach looked at and he made me do a stool test (which was pos for Aeromonas and blastocystis hominis). He then started me on more antibiotics, ciprofloxacin and promised me my symptoms would subside! Phew I thought!! Well..... unfortunately my symptoms didn't subside and I was referred to have an upper ultrasound done to test liver function, gall bladder and  pancreas - results ALL CLEAR as were my blood tests. I was then referred to a gastro specialist that told me that my symptoms were quite "vague" - my bowel movements were normal at this stage and he would need to investigate further with an endoscopy/colonoscopy. The procedure came back fine- only a single erosion ulcer on my terminal ileum but no evidence of crohns, U/C etc. h pylori biopsy also negative. Following this test I began to have some strange bowel movements- a blood globule in my stool and often white mucous (booked into my specialist straight away but couldn't get in for a few weeks) I was convinced that my problems were also diet related, not that I was unhealthy beforehand but thought with all my doctor google research,  cutting gluten and dairy out could help. I followed the low FODMAPS diet and further the auto immune paleo diet for about 2 months (with a nutritionists support) along with some omega ease and high strength probiotics which she prescribed but didn't see any improvement unfortunately.  I continued living in pain and desperation for another month until I decided to make another appointment despite the surgeon saying I was "fine". He is now suggesting a pill cam test to rule out small bowel Crohn's disease (family history) and in the meantime start on colofax to soothe the symptoms. Interestingly enough he also suggested I start taking a small dose of an anti depressant that has worked "miracles" for those suffering with chronic pain and IBS. He seems to think that this whole thing has been brought on my anxiety or stress (which I must admit I am quite a worryer and have started a new job in the last 6 months so it is possible) however I can't help but think something is really wrong with my health. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced symptoms like these or has a way to manage the pain? It almost seems like the unknown is just as bad as the illness itself. 

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Typo: should read: Sliding Hiatal Hernia?
    • Posted

      Hi Josephine,

      I have been told that this sort of thing would have been diagnosed by an upper GI endoscopy which I have had and all clear sad 

    • Posted

      Just keep getting as many opinions as you can. There is hope. I would be curious to see what it is. I'm stumped. Keep us posted.

  • Posted

    Blood in your stool could be a result of haemorroids or a fissure due to diarrhoea or constipation if the blood is bright red.  Haemorrhoids or fissures are a common complication of IBS.  Bleeding and weight loss can be signs of IBD.  The pill capsule would show this up.
    • Posted

      It is so frustrating when tests show nothing or when you get different answers.  A lot depends on getting a good doctor who understamds your pain.

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