Upper abdominal pain after heavy drinking and feeling light headed
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I have some dull pain on my right side, plus i feel light headed.
This was also the First time i drank so much. I mostly drink a beer or two in one month, but this time it was Half of Jack daniels and 4 cans of beer.
I will write down the timetable of events might be easier to explain/understand.
Friday 12th september.
I went out to drink with friends, Didn't eat anything prior.
Had to call an ambulance , because i spent 2 hours vomiting.
They said that i had alcohol poisoning.They did a blood test.
And they left, Gave some advice to my friends on how to put me to sleep.
Saturday 13th September
Hangover feeling really bad.
Must be due to eating nothing prior.
Went home and drank water.
Also had really bad Acid Reflux in the middle of the night.
Sunday 14th september
Well after the midnight crisis my stomach didn't feel to well.
So i ate some yogurt, heard that it helps.
Which it did.
And this is also when i noticed the dull pain on the right side. Nothing too bad though.
Monday 15th september
Had work so i had to get up at 5am.
Pain is still there but this time my head feels light.
and it was almost like this allday.
after work it kinda got a better.
Tuesday 16th September
Work started a bit later today so i had plenty of rest.
In the morning i didn't not feel the the pain to much.
but it was there still.My head felt alittle better also.
I did though have a pretty painful poop so i think i tore my anus a bit.
On my way too work my head started getting light.
And at work i had to lift some stuff so that didn't help either.
The abdominal pain was there.
Needed a bathroom brake a little later.
and to my suprise my poop was redish in color plus the toilet paper had some blood on it, Could be the tear earlier this morning , but i never really had that much blood before.
Now i am at home feeling light headed with the pain on the right side.Like i said the pain isn't nothing to bad.
I am 18
6'7 and weight around 200 pounds/14 stone/90 kg.
I will thank in advance if theres anyone who can reply.
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Hurricane Moosey_Moo
Any discolouration in your urine?
If the blood is clean red blood on the toilet paper is is most likely from a low down cause, either a tear or haemorroids.
Moosey_Moo Hurricane
Moosey_Moo Hurricane
Other concern is that feeling light headed.
Hurricane Moosey_Moo
The upper right side under the ribs is most likely a bit of hepatits (inflamed / angry liver) from the heavy alcohol consumption and may well take a few days to go away. Though if you start to go yellow, or notice discolouration in your eyes it's best to seek medical attention.
The pain behind your kidney is your kidney. Kidney pain tends to be felt in the back. What can I say... the human body isn't always wired sensibly. Have you noticed whether your pee creats bubbles on the top (a bit like firing water into a sink with washing up liquid but not quite that much)?
What do you mean by light headed exactly? doy uo feel dizzy / unsteady / have problems standing up / sitting down / other sensation? What exactly do you experience when feeling light headed?
A couple of causes could be straight out dehydration. Alcohol causes the fluid in the organ which controlls balance to become diluted and flow more easily. This makes it hard for the brain to work out whether it's coming / going / spinning / sitting. High dose alcohol (a heavy night on the lash) is known to cause dizziness for up to a few days afterwards... depends on the level of consumptiona nd how well your body deals with it (by the sounds of it... not well).
While you are tall you don't have a lot of space to store alcohol in. Also being tall means you're at higher risk of getting dizzy spells anyway, so pushing your body hard is probably best avoided if you want to feel "normal".
Moosey_Moo Hurricane
My eyes are normal ,skin aswell.
Pee wise, haven't really looked, might doo next time i pee.
Really thankful too you though, this makes me worry less.
lilian05079 Moosey_Moo
Hope this helps.
louise91796 Moosey_Moo
Hopefulagain Moosey_Moo
I agree with all those who have said your liver lis likely the cause, due to all your alcohol consumption. Alcohol has a nasty affect on the liver. It could also be your gall bladder, but gall bladder issues are generally due to liver problems. If you are not against taking natural supps Milk Thistle not only helps detox the liver, but strengthens it as well. I personally know people who had cirrhosis and other liver and who took this aloneand got better. I myself have taken it. You might want to consider getting checked for gall stones too.