Upper abdominal pain no answers

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Hello! I'm posting as I could really do with hearing other people's experiences.

I have suffered with abdominal pain on/off for a year or so. In November this got much worse.

I now have upper abdominal pain everyday and well as digestive problems plus unintended weight loss. Doctors orignally said it was gastritis and gave me omeprazole. Went back with in a week still in a lot of pain and just changed me to lansoprazole. Another week later went back again on a Wednesday with same pain, this doctor examined me properly and doubled the lansoprazole. He said if pain doesn't go away by Friday to go straight back to see him.

Throughout all of this my partner paid for me to have a test that finds any food intolerances. I'm already vegetarian and gluten free at this point. So sent off for the test.

The pain did not improve so went straight back to the doctors Friday (by this point feeling like I'm in and out of there all the time) he was worried about my symptoms so sent me to a and e.

At a and e the surgeon was not worried about the upper abdominal pain and all tests and xray we're clear. He sent me home with solpadol (cocodamol) and booked me an endoscopy.

So put up with the pain for some more weeks and got the medications on repeat. Finally went for the endoscopy hoping for some answers. It showed just a bit of gastrol reflux disease. Which is not what is causing my pain.

Back to doctors again who agreed that gastral reflux was not the cause. He booked me a referral to GI and Liver specialist plus a ultra sound.

I received the test results. Turns out I'm am 85% plus intolerant to quite a few things. Main ones that effected me was Milk protein, Garlic, Cumin, and more. Plus the one I found weird Pepsin the protein digestive enzyme. By now I have also lost around a stone and a half. Even when I have tried to loose weight in the past never managed more than a few pounds. So I have now changed my diet and keep a food diary.

Went for the ultrasound. It came back clear apart from a small cyst on spleen, which was told is quite normal and no effect.

Been back at work for a week or so. Had another day off today. It is getting me very upset and hating myself.

I'm taking pain killers everyday. And just have nothing more to do till my GI appointment on 27th.

Anyone else experienced similar I would really appreciate hearing.

(I may have missed things out and explained myself right but hope its readable)


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Could it be gall bladder?  I had a lot of pain at one time due to my gall bladder not being fully operational.  The only test that showed that was a HIDA scan.    I've also had pain that was caused by a blocked bile duct.  That was found after an MRI and an ERCP.   Just things to consider.  You many need additional testing.
    • Posted

      I have had an ultrasound which didn't show anything. But no other tests for gall bladder. Who suggested the tests for you? Gp or specialist?
    • Posted

      My primary phys ordered the HIDA scan (for gall bladder).  She had also ordered a ultrasound thinking it may have been gallstones.  The ultrasound showed nothing since it wasn't stones, so then she ordered the HIDA scan which showed my gall bladder was not functioning. They then removed my gall bladder, but I'm still confused on why removing it would help if it wasn't functioning in the first place.  The blocked bile duct tests (MRI and ERCP) were done by my gastro doc.  I had to have a stent put in my duct and then removed a few months later.  I'm not sure which procedure helped but I no longer have those "punch-in-the-stomach" episodes.  Thank God!
  • Posted


    Have they asked you to go for a blood test to rule out anything sinister, why dont you ask for one.  I got one and it came back i had ibs and i am going to a nutrionist/dietician about it as I keep putting weight on and then losing it and i have not been able to maintain weight.

  • Posted

    Hi keeleyann

    Do you get a lot of acid reflux and heartburn if so ask doc to check you for HPylori a bacteria that lives in the gut and duodenum and causes horrendous tum problems such as ones you have mentioned and dreadful acid reflux. The test is done via stool or breath test. This tiny stomach bacteria is very common and can be dealt with by antibiotics.....it can be a pain getting rid of it and for your tum to return to normal...if you test positive for it you have to be patient in getting rid if it....ive never had it but studied it at uni...best wishes for a speedy diagnosis........

    • Posted

      Sadly I had the tests for that when I had endoscopy, and all clear again.
    • Posted

      Hi there keeleyann, I am at my wits end as well, such a mystery and I wish I could find some answers. With me, my pain comes in cycles/flares, I can have a constant pain which is achey/twinges in the upper central abdomen, about 2 inches above my belly button. My pain will last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, then magically disappears, this is why I call it flares. Have had all the tests a few years back. Ultrasound, endoscopy, colonoscopy, tested for celiac etc... My pain is constant, it does very in intensity through the day, but it's always there, smack dab in the middle of my upper abdomen. Nothing I eat makes it worse or better, bowels are soft than hard, so i was told it's ibs. But why would ibs come and go like this? I can sometimes go months and be fine, but when it does happen, I have it for weeks/months and it is relentless. The only thing my ultrasound ever showed was a fatty liver (which I have been told is not the source of my pain) and if even I did think it was this, my pain is central, not to the right (where your liver is) My endocopy a few years back only showed mild inflamation, could these be gastritis attacks? Where is you pain?



  • Posted

    Hi keeleyann. Ive been having upper abdomal , stomach , pains for 8 weeks now . They are mild pains but start 2 hours after ive had food or drink. The more food the worse the pain . Over night and mornings are fine but starts afternoon and evenings when digesting food. Ive had 2 blood tests which are clear and stomach h p test is fine . Anybody any ideas . Thank u

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