Upper back pain

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does anyone else have chronic upper back pain from anxiety? i have constant pain and it doesnt get worse from movement but i was told its anxiety because tests have been negative. but this has been going on for over a year.

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6 Replies

  • Edited

    My osteopath fixed my chronic upper back pain. If you can find a good one it's really worth the investment.

    • Edited

      @sasical72 do you mind telling me about your chronic upper back pain? if anything caused it or if it came out of no where, how bad it was, etc? thank you!

    • Posted

      Hi Heather,

      I have had a couple of car accidents resulting in whipplash but I think mainly it was tension. After my second car accident I was sent for rehab, 6 months 3 times a week with no improvement, then I was recommended this osteopath and with about 3 sessions he sorted it. Ironically 5 years later I started working for him, he is the best. If you have good references of an osteopath I would say they are so worth the money, but it really does have to be somebody who knows what they are doing.

  • Posted

    could be tight muscles from the tension that anxiety causes. have you tried heat like a heating pad? or soaking in a warm tub?there are also some exercises that would help to ease the tension.

    • Posted

      Hey, Jan. I have tried using heat. for the most part as long as i have heat on the area, it helps. but as soon as heat is off the pain returns. i am currently doing an 8 week physical therapy course so I am hoping that helps. i dont have any tenderness to the area though, just a deep pain which makes me wonder if its even muscle related.

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