Upper hamstring/outer glute pain! Help!

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So i injuried my right hamstring/glute for about 3 months ++, doc diagnose it as glutes tendinopathy/ piriformis syndrome, as i have not yet done my mri, it is due in about 1month time. Its getting alot better, HOWEVER, about 1 and a half week ago, my left side ( also upper hamstring/ glutes) started hurting, but this was more towards the outer side and just 2 days ago it escalated from a pain scale of 2-3 to almost 8-9. It was ridiculously painful, the pain ususally occur when i sit on the painful side or if i were to stand on the painful leg or bend to the opposite side while lifting up the painful leg. I am just curious how does this sort of thing happen, when my right leg is recovering and all of a sudden the left side just gets injuried out of nowhere and to add on, the pain feels more of a nerve issue, however strangely enough, it does not hurt when i stretches it. Please help me as my mri is a long time away and im helpless...

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, you do not mention your age or activity levels but these things are often either overuse injuries, runners get these sort of problems or just part of aging. Tendon issues are much more common the older you get. 
    • Posted

      I 20 this year and apparently it was due to overuse of the muscle, however i am just curious how does the non-injuried leg got injuried all of a sudden
  • Posted

    Does your sitz bone hurt?  Have you had any steroid injections yet?   I assume your other one started hurting because you are compensating for the other one.  I went 2 years with this pain before mine finally completely detached.   The MRI will definitely give you answers.  Why do you have to wait so long for it? 
    • Posted

      Yes it does! Especially if i were to sit on it and then get up and walk, normally it will hurt the most after the few steps. I did not get any steriod injection. The mri have to wait quite awhile since it is in a public hospital as i really cant afford a private one. I am currently doing physio for the right leg however, due to this my physio told me to concentrate it more on the left.
  • Posted

    If you are offered a steroid injection in your shoes I would say no. Steroids reduce inflamation so can help with pain if it is due to inflamation. However, the down side is that steroids permanently weaken tendons which is why they will limit you to 3 injections anyway. But it is not the case that 3 do no damage and suddenly the 4th one does. Each injections does damage so, particularly at your age and probably sporty I would avoid at all costs. If your trouble is due o inflammation then with correct physio and adherence to the exercises you can get the inflammation down anyway. It will just take longer but there are no long term risks.
    • Posted

      Sorry missed a couple of commas in the first sentence, should be a comma either side of 'in your shoes'. One day I will proof read before clicking post!
    • Posted

      Its alright, thanks for the help! And yes so far i been doing physio and steriods injection has not been a viable option.

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