Upper right sided pain , gall bladder ??
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had this pain on and off for weeks now, its on my right side just near my ribs upper side . It can go as quick as it comes on . ANXIETY over drive , i have read somewhere ref perimenopause and gallbladder , hormones , estrogen ....... had enough of all this .
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Guest Clare1971
Hi Clare,
I am 52 and started having awful symptoms at 48. I am in full blown menopause (no period for 2 years). What I have found is that my symptoms wax and wane and even change. Even though I am period free, I am certain I am still having hormonal ups and downs. I can go days feeling totally normal and then bam - feel awful again which can last for a week or more.
My first symptom was my digestive tract...it went completely haywire. I got awful heartburn, gastritis, nausea, odd pains and distention throughout my whole abdomen. I would go for 7-10 days where I could hardly eat anything other than instant oatmeal and saltines. Then out of the blue it would go away and all would feel 'normal' again. I ended up doing an upper GI (endoscopy) which came back "unremarkable" except for an area of erosion which was the result of the gastritis according to the doctor. He recommended a PPI which I chose not to take.
Since then and until most recently, I can go months where my eating and digestive system have been good with the occasional heartburn (which is terribly painful when it does happen). Since August however it has all come back again. Since it has lasted for a couple of months, I am scheduled for an MRI next week. I have a kidney and pancreatic cyst which they like to watch so the MRI is due but I asked for it a bit ahead of schedule because of the stomach issues.
I am a huge fan of ginger gum for my nausea. I purchase it at CVS pharmacy. It is in the aisle with Pepto and other antacids. It's in a box and titled "Anti Nausea Gum". It really does help.
It is so hard when we can't enjoy food any longer...I find it so depressing along with the other debilitating symptoms I suffer from. Hoping you feel better.
Clare1971 Guest
thanks for your reply , i do think it is my gallbladder and my gp as well thinks this , my friend and aunt have both had their gallbladder out and wish they could turn back the clocks and were more knowledgeable about it now and tried to change their diet before having it removed now . Trying to watch my diet and see how it goes ...