Upper Stomach Pain My Explaination and Possible Diagnosis

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So I have been having constant severe upper stomach pain after using Hpylori antibiotics course. It has been more than 4 months with no relief. Endoscopy, blood tests and ultrasound all normal.

I am explaining my pain here for possible diagnosis. My stomach gets stiff with even slight activity as brushing teeth or walking. It continues to get stiff but the real pain starts when it seems like the inner stomach wall stiffens or get tires and it feels exactly like someone punched me in my stomach. I find it difficult to walk or talk when pain is extreme. It seems like stomach is so much irritated that it does not relax at all. Even if for sometime it feels like stomach is relaxing when I stand it starts stiffening again. Pain is in upper stomach in the middle and left and it radiates to back as well. Walking gives cramp like pain in the upper stomach as well and back. Bowels are normal but I have lost my appetite and lost 10 kgs in just 4 months.

Pancreatitis from ultrasound and blood test is not diagnosed. I dont particularly feel pain after eating, I have not vommited but extreme pain does make me feel nauseated now most of the time. If it was pancreatitis wouldnt I feel extreme pain after eating?

It cant be nerve damage because bowel movements are normal but it does seem like stomach muscles have lost its ability to relax. What have these course of Amoxicillin and Clairythromycin done to me can anybody please diagnose or relate to this issue. My mistake was to continue taking the antibiotics for 7 days even though on very first few days I was in extreme pain.

I was healthy before with no issues and no hpylori symptoms as well but now even if I clench my stomach (when it feels like its a bit relaxed) within an hour inside of my stomach feels like someone punched me its disabling pain I cant do anything, I havent stepped outside of the house or done anything because slight activity stiffens and pains my stomach. Why its not settling it has been more than 4 months why no relief and what could it be?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I do want to add that although I was a healthy person. But when doc prescribed me these antibiotics for hpylori, I was very weak because of not eating well because I was in some other country so gotten really weak. My Vit D levels were very low and B12 were on lower side aswell. So in short I was not in best of my health. My pain is in upper stomach and it has almost disabled me.
  • Posted

    Pancreatitis can cause extreme abdominal pain after eating.  However, as to a diagnosis, you will not get one here because this site is for advice and support only.  Very few of us are doctors. I would strongly recommend that you take your doctor's advice and have a CT scan with contrast.  This will offer you best chance of a diagnosis.  Speak to your doctor about your fears about side effects from the contrast dye and he or she will be able to help you.

    • Posted

      Yes you are right but maybe someone can relate and went through this and may know the answer. My condition doesnt exactly seem like pancreatitis. I pray its nothing and just recover. I was an active person and now even brushing teeth stiffen my stomach and it hurts so much sad
    • Posted

      You may have an overgrowth of bad bacteria in your gut because antibiotics can destroy good bacteria. Ask your doctor about this possibility too.  Have you tried plain probiotic yoghurt to see if that soothes it.
    • Posted

      Tried yogurt. Tried probiotics. Probiotics did debloat and lightened me but the pain is very severe I am not really sure whether it is working for that or not. I am confused about something and havent found an answer to that. Can bacterial imbalance cause Upper stomach pain. Normally intestine is the place where bacteria resides and if overgrowth or imbalance happens shouldnt the person feel lower abdominal pain?

      And about docs they have simple answers to everything... IBS. Actually most of the time they do not understand the type of pain patient is explaining. I have experience with different docs although I dont blame them but its just that they dont have answer to everything and they generalize everything and if you are young and energetic they sometimes dont believe you that you are suffering from so much pain.

  • Posted

    The h pylori antibiotics have destroyed your whole bacteria inside your gut. And your stomach lining is probably hurt. 

    So you need to add probiotics to your diet and eat food that won’t hurt your stomach but heals.

    Oatmeal (no sugar) with water and a little salt and apple sauce, kefir, kombucha, mashed potatoes, cooked vegetables.

    No spicy or fried food.

    And drink lots of water, no caffeine or alcohol. And I also stay away from milk since mor than just a little will stimulate the production of stomach acid. 

    Plus take a Vitamin A-Z to make sure you get your vitamins.

    And for your stomach pain Aloe Vera helps very well. 

    I had the same thing and this helped me to heal. 

    Good luck

    • Posted

      How long it took you to recover? My pain is in upper stomach and its like someone punched me, upper stomach stiffens and hurts. It has radiated to back as well. It has been more than 4 months. I find it difficult to breath sometimes. Was your pain disabling too?
  • Posted

    I am surprised endoscopy didnt show any inflammation. I think endoscopy can miss irritated or swollen stomach, the condition may not cause redness thus missed by endoscopy?
  • Posted

    Has anybody have any experience with endoscopy missing irritated stomach? Mine didnt show any redness, but I am disabled with so much pain. I thought my endoscopy would show most of my stomach bruised or swollen because thats how I feel and the upper stomach pain is unbearable.

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