Upping Zoloft from 50 mg to 75 mg for anxiety/ depression
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I have had very bad panic attack at work which started my anxiety and depression, I had continuous bad thoughts that I was goin to lose control, my husband didn’t have a job at that time, so I had thoughts that I would be on the streets and homeless which were not true but so real that it would get me depressed, this happened 2 months ago, the doctor put me on Zoloft 50 and Xanax .5 mg
The first 4 weeks were bad, but on the 5 th week there was a light at the end of the tunnel, my anxiety was under control but I still would feel anxious before work, I would take a Xanax and that would calm me, now after nearly 8 weeks I feel very depressed all day, I can go to work without anxiety or panic and don’t need the Xanax but I am deeply depressed all the time at work, I work as a waitress so it’s really difficult to keep a smile on my face, my doctor has upped my doze to 75 mg of Zoloft , it’s my first day taking it today .. hopefully I feel better again
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gymmynzl Redsummergal
Hi redsummergal
. Sorry to hear your having a bad time of it, but things do get better. Panic is a funny thing, the more you pay attention to it the more it will become an issue. Just remember that it won't kill you and to just let it wash over you, it will only last at Max 10 mins as long as you don't re-enforce the behaviour. I'm on 75mg at the moment, I'll up mine again tomorrow. For me, I get a bunch of symptoms again like increased anxiety, but it only lasts 2 weeks and I'm away again. Also remember that it's actually normal to get down, but not for weeks on end. I don't really get panic attacks any more after my CBT sessions, I do get anxious though , I'm working on that at the moment. Drugs aren't the sole solution for anxiety / panic / depression. If you can find a really good ctb trainer or nlp, if you can't afford that then I'd recommend a really good book like anxiety and panic by a Dr called Harry Barry, takes you through multiple CBT sessions on GAD, Panic, Depression . Hang in there, it will get better and you have seen that, but not every day will be wonderful !
Redsummergal gymmynzl
Phil1980 Redsummergal
I’ve just got from 50 to 75 and then to 100mg over the last 3 weeks.
I left it 14 weeks before upping to 75mg as it took that long to level out
When I upped to 75 it was fine but now I’m on 100 I’m getting increased anxiety again and feel like I’ve gone back 10 weeks !! This is normal and I’m hoping it will pass as I’ve only been on 100mg 5 days...
When I upped to 75 I had 3 days where I felt so goood !!!!! Then a few bad days so don’t lose hope ...
I’d say don’t judge or worry before 12 weeks and when you up it can also take weeks to get to work .. z
Redsummergal Phil1980
Phil1980 Redsummergal
So I’ve been on 100mg for 3 weeks tomorrow and it’s been a rocky road ! Had 1 bad week, 5 really good days and the last week I’ve felt physically anxious - the intrusive thoughts seem a little better. I think I upped too quick and I’m hoping it settles over the next week..
I’m on the Aurobindo brand and it’s fine - another member of this forum also makes sure he has Auro so hopefully it will be ok...
How you feeling now ?
Redsummergal Phil1980