Upset symtoms returned
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Hello Ladies, I have not been on the board for a few days, due to work, but today has been AWFUL, ok, severe and I mean severe joint pain, I discovered accidentally that the swelling knotty feeling in my shoulder is also in my wrist and elbows, so its not just my shoulders. I am having significant health anxiety so afraid of everything, everywhere I go and I mean everywhere there is something about cancer or heart disease. I have no one to talk to about any of this. I am a basket case. I messed up again, ate cereal and fruit and had gluten. I know this makes all of this worse. I am having the mammogram next month, totally freaked out and I should not be but I am. Its all due to the health anxiety. I wake up with the feeling of dread and disease. For the next two weeks, I am gong to go strictly with vegetables and fish and chicken, no sugars of any kind, to see how the joint pain goes. I missed you guys. I went to the 66 symptoms and that helped tremendously because I keep telling myself this is menopause related, but when you are hurting you still worry its something else.
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unico31026 lennie45832
lennie45832 unico31026
Rhino2015 lennie45832
Loui x
lennie45832 Rhino2015
Zigangie lennie45832
I can sympathise with the shoulder pain I've got it in both left worse.
I can't sleep on it because it keeps waking me up,only 3 hours sleep again last night and it wasn't good and sound because I keep waking getting back onto my back.
The last few days even holding a cup of tea in my left hand is hurting it.
I'm now thinking of trying cod liver oil or something for it, I've run out of ideas resting makes it worse and using it for anything I think I'm holding it funny because now getting neck pain on that side as well.
My anxiety is a bit better on HRT. I've got the dentist tomorrow and haven't thought too much about it where normally I would be fretting for a couple of weeks before.
lennie45832 Zigangie
jamie50513 lennie45832
lennie45832 jamie50513
jamie50513 lennie45832
Michellestar87 lennie45832
Snowbell1975 lennie45832
lennie45832 Snowbell1975
juliesutton lennie45832
The exactly same thing is going on with me to
It's off and on alot. Every time I eat things I'm not supposed to. This really is getting old isn't it
Hugs to you. Takecare of your self.