Upsetting toxic smell from me! Help!

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Hi. I am just joined this group in desperation to find some genuine answers to relieve the symptoms of Atrophic Vaginitus. Im 53 was diagosed with this a year ago, 2 years after my period stopped. The vagifem pessaries prescribed make me really sore so I have stopped using them. I am using nothing at the moment but very sore and very depressed. I seem to be producing an almost toxic smell from down there a bit like amonia, it can be smelt with my clothes on, I work in a busy office and I see peoples faces often grimace or start coughing when around me.  I go home and cry often, please can anyone else let me know if they suffer from this and what actually helps. Any suggestions would be really welcome. Thanks. 

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81 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Hun

    poor you ..

    you need to get checked first off ..

    could be a type of bacterial vaginosis .. flora problem.

    i am 13 months post meno ..

    i dont take HRT but my Gyno did suggest Ovestin Estriol vaginal Cream for dryness.

    or Gynest Estriol Vaginal if in UK ..

    Estriol is the most gentle estrogen and it plumps up the vaginal walls that are dry and thinning and delicate and helps alot .

    also.. look at an ovule called premeno duo from stressnomore uk 

    these are a good lubricant rehydration and also dual acting and keep thrush type feelings at bay.

    if you have a type of BV you will need anitbiotics ..

    also you can do a home remedy douche if preferred.

    i will post the info 

    jay xx


    • Posted

      Thanks for the information. I'm finding it hard to cope with, any advice from other female sufferers is a great comfort :-) 
    • Posted

      This may help 

      Ammonia Smelling Discharge

      Ammonia smelling discharge occurs mainly due to bacterial imbalance in the vaginal region, leading to bacterial vaginosis.

      Other factors like concentrated urine, nitrogen-rich diet, excessive sweating, etc. are also seen to spearhead a foul ammonia smell.

      The vagina houses various good bacteria that maintain an acidic pH, thereby preventing onset of vaginal infections. However, if the pH balance is disturbed, an infection-prone zone is created.

      Sometimes infection sets in along with foul odor.

      The foul, ammonia-like smell emanating from vagina can prove to be quite disconcerting for many women.

      Embarrassment sets in because they quickly link ammonia smelling discharge to poor personal hygiene.

      However, it is important to remember that very rarely is inadequate hygiene level the cause for smelly discharge.

      So then what causes the vaginal discharge to smell like ammonia?

      Bacterial Vaginosis

      Dietary Intake



      Excessive Sweating

      Washing Panties with Bleach

      » Conditions Resulting in Ammonia Smelling Discharge «

      Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

      This is one of the most common infections plaguing the female reproductive system. If your vaginal discharge is watery, white or gray with a fishy smell, you may have contracted bacterial vaginosis. BV can also be accompanied by pain, itching and/or burning.

      When Not to Panic

      ► Vaginal discharge is a natural and essential phenomenon of the body. It's the way of the body to keep the vaginal region healthy and clean. 

      ► Vaginal fluid is nothing but the collection of old cells that previously lined the vagina and which are now sent out of the body. 

      ► Normally the vaginal discharge is clear or milky white, however, its color and viscosity changes with one's monthly menstrual cycle. Moreover, on ovulation the vaginal discharge becomes thicker, so also when a woman is sexually excited, pregnant or breastfeeding. So if the viscosity of your discharge changes, don't get worried. 

      ► The amount of vaginal discharge released varies from one woman to another. So if you feel your body is releasing more vaginal discharge it's completely normal. 

      ► Every woman has a unique vaginal scent. It's something that is natural and is distinctive to each woman. Some studies also say that the natural scent of vaginal discharge is what makes the man feel even more 'turned on' when a woman is the most fertile. So if your discharge has a distinctive mild odor (not foul), it's nothing to be concerned about.


      What exactly causes BV and how is not very clear until now. Nevertheless, it has been observed that occurrence of BV has connection with an imbalance of bacterial concentration in the vaginal region. Normally, a woman's genital area is supplied with a combination of good and bad bacteria, wherein the good outnumber the bad.

      These good bacteria are seen to fight off unwanted foreign and potentially dangerous bacteria.

      If there is any kind of imbalance in the ratio of good and bad bacteria in the vaginal area, be it too much or too little, the condition of bacterial vaginosis is triggered.

      The bad bacteria take over and convert nitrogen into ammonia compounds, thereby causing the foul ammonia odor. BV cannot be caught during sexual intercourse, or from some public toilet or swimming pool. However, it is also observed to occur after a person has had intercourse with a new partner or multiple partners. The reason is unknown. 

      Prevention and Treatment

      Avoiding multiple sex partners, unprotected sex, intrauterine devices (IUD), vaginal douching, smoking and application of vaginal deodorants or perfumed soaps, can help reduce the incidence of BV. However, those that refrain from the mentioned activities are also sometimes seen to be affected by this condition. Most of the time, BV clears off on its own, and when it doesn't antibiotics like metronidazole or clindamycin are available to help treat it. Wearing a pad during the day can help curb the foul odor, until the condition clears. However, for pregnant women the mode of treatment will be different. As the complications (premature delivery, etc.) of this condition increase during pregnancy, one should visit the obstetrician immediately. 

      Dietary Intake

      Did you know the constituents of your diet can also spearhead this foul odor? Well, it's true! One of the causes of ammonia smell down there can also be linked to one's dietary intake of nitrogenous foods. The foul odor is mistaken to be from the vaginal discharge, but actually is from the foul-smelling urine (containing lots of ammonia and urea) that trickles and stains the undergarment. 


      Vegetables like broccoli, asparagus and other nitrogen-rich vegetables are seen to be the culprits. The leftover oxalates from the asparagus are seen to cause the fishy odor in the urine. Moreover, food items like meat, eggs and other high protein foods contain large amounts of nitrogen and cause excess ammonia and urea to get excreted in the urine. This results in ammonia-smelling urine. Several food items we consume also have arduous oils that end up being secreted in the sweat. 

      Prevention and Treatment

      To prevent this condition, make sure you eat a healthy and balanced meal, with the right balance of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. This will strengthen your immune system and arm your body against any infections. Those who suddenly shift to a vegetarian diet, tend to consume large amounts of leafy vegetables which cause ammonia-like smell in the urine. So consume everything in moderation. Moreover, consuming yogurt on a regular basis will also help treat the foul odor. 


      As a woman enters menopause, the body begins to experience change in several ways. During menopause the ovaries quit producing the hormone estrogen and progesterone. Besides the basic menopausal symptoms of hot flashes, mood swings, urinary leakage, etc. ammonia-like odor is also experienced. 


      During menopause, women are seen to not take in enough water. This lack of adequate water results in formation of concentrated urine which imparts a highly stronger smell or odor. Oft, women mistake the ammonia smell to come from urine left behind on the panties, to be coming from the vaginal discharge. Bacteria convert the chemicals in the urine into ammonia smelling chemicals. Thus, these altered chemicals on the panties are responsible for the foul odor. Another reason can be a vegetarian diet. Many women shift to a vegetarian diet after they hit menopause. The sudden consumption of excess nitrogen-rich foods can also result in the foul odor. Urinary tract infections can also conduce to foul-smelling odor. 

      Prevention and Treatment

      Women should consume more water during menopause. Moreover, those on a strict vegetarian diet, should consume different vegetables in the right proportion. This will help avoid the unwanted smell. In such cases, no particular treatment is required. By consuming adequate water and the right proportion of vegetables, the smell is bound to go away. However, if the condition persists do not hesitate to consult your obstetrician.

      [Back to Index]


      Several women complain of a foul ammonia odor from their discharge at various stages in pregnancy. 


      Ammonia-smelling discharge during pregnancy can be caused by either bacterial vaginosis or concentrated urine. Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy is quite dangerous and can lead to various pregnancy complications like preterm delivery of the baby, low birth weight issues, ectopic pregnancy, birth defects, etc. Another cause for the ammonia smell is leakage of concentrated urine. During pregnancy, the body requires adequate amounts of water intake. If the water consumed is not enough, the urine will turn out to be concentrated. Moreover, the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder results in urine seepage. When this concentrated urine comes in contact with the underwear, bacteria act on it and a foul odor emanates. Urinary tract infections can also be the reason for this odor. 

      Prevention and Treatment

      During pregnancy, one should ensure one drinks plenty of water and other fluids. Keeping one's body hydrated is the key to keeping the foul smell due to concentrated urine away. Moreover, wearing a panty liner will soak the intermittent leaks and prevent the foul odor. However, make sure you change the liner frequently. In case of bacterial vaginosis and urinary tract infections, the obstetrician will prescribe the necessary treatment to get rid of this condition as soon as possible.

      Excessive Sweating

      If we restricted sweat odor to our armpits and feet, we should understand that sweating down there is also a natural phenomenon. 


      The vulva comprises several apocrine or sweat glands and as we all know, where there are sweat glands, there is sweat and unpleasant odor. This is because the body's waste product urea, is also excreted through the sweat. Moreover, the region also contains oil glands which produce oil. The more the oils present in the sweat, the stronger will be the vulvovaginal odor. When this odor combines with the skin bacteria and detergent from washed undergarments, a foul ammonia smell is released. Sometimes consuming a new vitamin pill can also conduce to foul-smelling vaginal odor.

      Prevention and Treatment

      Wearing a panty liner throughout the day is a good solution. Keep changing the liner frequently and ensure the vaginal region is always clean and dry. Wearing cotton panties is also a better option. Wash the vaginal region with antibacterial soap and try keeping the area as dry as possible. In case of excessive sweating, there exist various pills that can be prescribed. However, the medicine will reduce sweating uniformly, in all sweat glands of the body.

      Washing Panties with Bleach

      While you thought rinsing your panties in bleach solution was a good idea, turns out it's not. Using bleach while washing one's underwear can impart an ammonia smell.


      The genital area contains sweat glands that produce sweat. When this sweat combines with the bleach in the underwear, it forms an ammonia kind of smell. Often this smell is mistaken to be coming from the vaginal discharge. 

      Prevention and Treatment

      The only way to avoid the foul odor induced by bleaching panties is avoid bleaching them. Try opting for the milder liquid detergents that not only wash the clothing clean, but also leave minimal residue on them.

      Sometimes while urinating, some women fail to empty their bladder completely. The presence of this residue urine in the bladder for a long time, results in ammonia generation. When this urine is released, a foul ammonia smell is observed. Then again, some forget to remove their tampon, which results in bacterial growth and again causes foul odor. Some sexually transmitted diseases also cause ammonia smelling urine. Often women mistake the foul smell from the discharge, while it's actually emanating from the urine. If you want to find out for sure, try smelling the discharge alone, without the panty.


    • Posted

      I recently bought a pack of vaginal PH home check sticks

      they tell you your vaginal PH balance then you know if over the right range that its BV ot thrush etc ..

      very handy 

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Theres a home remedy too

      its hydrogen peroxide 3% H202 vaginal douche for BV 

      mix with water ..  

      where by you use a vaginal douche .. 

      Need a 35ml syringe or a douche though..

      seems a good remedy 

      hey dont get down, its one of those things and fixable 

      keep positive 

      jay xx


    • Posted

      What a comprehensive and helpful reply for naturangel
    • Posted

      hi sus 

      they are called 

      EcoCare Comfort Vaginal Vaginosis pH Test Stick - Pack of 15 Tests

      amazon uk 

      or ebay 

      very good 😃

      jay xx

    • Posted

      when i had my Gyno check and smear i was told i had BV and thrush

      & atrophic vaginosis ( dry vagina)  one year post meno ..

      i had no idea i had BV ( Cytolytic vaginosis) 

      i was given Clindamycin antibiotic Vaginal Ovules for three nights ..

      followed by thrush treatment for three nights ..

      also metronizadole is given either vaginally as gel/cream or orally

      always take a probiotic daily and more when using antibiotics 

      keeps all the good bacteria in order 

      i take Acidophilus Mega 3 billion daily 

      dont take with a hot drink as it kills the bacteria 

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Wow! Thank you Jaynee. There is lots of interesting information there which I will definitely look into and a few symptoms that I can certainly relate to. Glad I joined the page now  biggrin
    • Posted

      hi sweetie 

      more important get it sorted and you will feel tonnes better ..

      these things happen so we have to grin and bare it 😩

      good luck hun

      jay xx

    • Posted

      bacterial Vaginosis home remedy ..

      Hydrogen peroxide douche generally refers to a combination of peroxide and water that is administered into the vagina using a bottle with a long nozzle.

      It is used to treat vaginal infections, and is sometimes recommended by natural health professionals for use instead of antibiotics, but it should be heavily diluted with water.

      Most formulations recommend between one teaspoon (9.9 ml) of 3% hydrogen peroxide ( H202) per cup (236.5 ml) of water.

      The use of a hydrogen peroxide douche is usually recommended in the treatment of a bacterial vaginal infection, also known as bacterial vaginosis.

      This method can also be used to treat vaginal yeast infections since peroxide has been shown to kill candida, the yeast which causes such infections.

      The medical community is under debate on how safe and effective this treatment actually is, but many patients and natural health practitioners highly recommend it.

      It is especially useful if other methods of treatment, namely antibiotic medications or inserted yeast infection creams, have failed to eliminate the infection.

      Patients can make a hydrogen peroxide douche by mixing the peroxide with lukewarm water.

      This combination is then inserted into a douche bag with a nozzle attached at one end for insertion into the vagina.

      It is also possible to purchase over the counter douching products to empty out the liquid contents in order to use the bottle and nozzle included with most kits. If this is done, it's important to fully rinse out the existing liquid before douching.

      When administering a hydrogen peroxide douche, it is important to do so carefully.

      Women should slowly insert the nozzle as far as it will go comfortably.

      The bag or bottle should then be squeezed very slowly with an even pressure so that the liquid flows into the vaginal canal.

      It is important that air is not forced into the vagina, as this can cause a rare condition known as an air embolism.

      This is more common in pregnant women and those with certain conditions, and it can be quite serious.

      Although using a 3% hydrogen peroxide douche will kill yeast or harmful bacteria, it will also kill the beneficial bacteria found naturally in the vagina. This can sometimes lead to secondary infections if pathogens grow back more quickly than the good bacteria.

      For that reason, women using this method as well as prescription antibiotics should take a daily probiotic supplement to replenish the vagina with beneficial flora.

      It is best to choose products designed specifically for feminine health. Many health care providers recommend against douching entirely.

    • Posted

      I thiught a person was not supposed to douche with vaginal atrophy?
  • Posted

    Good luck with advice from  this sharing site. Sounds like BV.

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