Urethra Dilation Experiences
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Dear All,
I had a urethral dilation in December last year and I am still in pain. I now have urgency, pain and a burning (squidgey feeling) in my back passage.
None of these symptoms were present before my ridged cystoscopy and dilation. I had the cystoscopy due to a dull (pain-free) constant need to go to the toilet.
What are other peoples experience of urethral dilation?..
I am sure I shouldn't be in pain anymore.. any guesses on a cause most appreciated.
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kdawg2791 AnonStricture
AnonStricture kdawg2791
AnonStricture kdawg2791
kdawg2791 AnonStricture
Yeah my urethrograms didn't show any additional urethral damage either. Problem is strictures can take a very long time to developer. In the meantime we experience itching, burning and pain that ruin our lives while our doctors keep us in the dark to what's happening because they're at fault for hurting us.
AnonStricture kdawg2791
kdawg2791 AnonStricture
Everyday all day for the past year and a half. I know my doctor destroyed my urethra I'm just playing the waiting game now: waiting for the scar tissue to build. It's a depressing lifestyle. And antidepressants don't help. But it's my fault too I should have left it alone I was getting by.
AnonStricture kdawg2791
What meds have you tried? Sounds like you're in a similar situation to me... my prostate feels like it's taken a battering and is very disconcerting
kdawg2791 AnonStricture
I'm not on anything doctors don't like to hand out pain meds anymore they would rather see you suffer. I had one doctor give me tamsulosin because he thought I had a prostate issue, but i didn't care for the retrograde ejaculation and I quit them. What makes you think it's your prostate?
AnonStricture kdawg2791
You need to ask for pain medication as this should help with the depression too.
My GP has prescribed me all the pain meds under the sun... it's so important to get the pain under control.
There isn't any specific pain meds I can recommend as they all have horrible side effects .. I am getting by on co-colomol, paracetamol, ADs and sleeping tablets at the moment.
I'm due to go to the pain clinic soon hopefully ... I'd recommend you ask your GP to get you onto that.
Can I ask if you've had another scope ?.... did they find anything?
AnonStricture kdawg2791
I can feel my prostate swollen in my bottom.. feels like I've got a squishy melon stuck up my backside. It's horrible and terribly uncomfortable
kdawg2791 AnonStricture
I havn' t had anything done since my last urethrogram back in December they saw nothing but the original bulbar strictures. But I know there are new ones developing in my penis I can feel it. I am so sore in there. Where do you live that it's so easy to get pain meds? I can't get them to give me anything they're afraid I'll get addicted, so they say.
AnonStricture kdawg2791
I don't give them a chance to say no.. I just ask for what I need.
schuyler13221 AnonStricture
does your urethrogram show a stricture even though its very small being 2mm?