urethra in menopause
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Girls, my urethra feels sore/damaged. Im in peri, had some UTIs that I took anibiotics for. I dont think there is any infection right now. Should I apply coconut oil for maintenance ? would you recommend vaginal hormone cream ( long term usage ) ? please advise, thanks
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Sassyr12a menopolized
I had the same thing, its common with menopause for thinning of the urethra to cause utis. I don't apply anything directly really, but take bhrt progesterone, estrogen and testogel. After a few months, it was so much better and I haven't had an infection in about 4 months. You can use emollient in your bath, or for washing which stops everything drying out so much. Good luck, hope you find something that helps xx
sharcerv52408 menopolized
I get UTI's so often that it's a shame. At the urgent care clinic they know me. They are running out of which antibiotics to prescribe because I'm sensitive to so many of them. I try taking probiotics and using a herbal supplement that treats UTI's. I'm terrible about being consistent with them. I never used to get UTI's until peri hit. Sometimes I feel like I have one and get tested and it is negative. So I think in peri sometimes our bodies can mimic symptoms to certain things which only adds to our anxiety.
Sassyr12a sharcerv52408
Hi sharcerv
I was the same, just permanent antibiotics for 6 months. I couldn't tell you which ones if any worked for what. Now if I do feel some inflammation, I take over the counter medicine for cystitis which seems to help. My urine tested positive with the dip stick, but always negative for infection when they sent it away for cultures. Xx
sideways67 menopolized
I’ve had chronic UTI all my life and was prescribed Cipro (as given for most bladder, kidney issues)a year ago and it gave me tendon damage. I couldn’t use my arm. I researched levaquin and cipro and the side effects were horrendous. I searched for natural cures and cured mine with mixing baking soda and water into a drink, prelief pills, aloe Vera pills, oregano pills, D mannose pills . The vaginal area can become inflamed from ph being out of balance. Doctors are not much help. Research Cystitis. I still take aloe Vera daily as it helps many tissues. Our bladder, intestines and other organs have a lining that can become inflamed. I try to keep a more alkaline diet, also. Acidity seems to become a problem for most as we age. I have not had a UTI since. UTI are so painful that I had to find a solution as it was robbing my quality of life. 🦋
Sochima822 menopolized
I buy otc azo or uristat. This will help with the pain. My doctor also prescribed something but I can't recall what it was.
menopolized Sochima822
Sochima822 menopolized
I assume you're asking about prescription. Premarin, only as needed. Estrace is a better choice for long time use.
I do recall now my doctor prescribed Estrace. But since my insurance wouldn't cover it I went with Premarin but by the time I got my rx my pain was gone. Probably because I was taking the uristat, which is way cheaper than any medication.
Hoping you're feeling better.
DearDoe menopolized