Urethra pain
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Hi girls
Not sure if it's a bit of thrush but I'm getting sharp pains near my urethra opening. Peeing doesn't affect it but it just throbs a bit and feels uncomfortable and maybe a little bit itchy. Makes me feel the urge to go for a pee but not like a UTI. I had a urine check about 4 weeks ago and there was no signs of a bladder infection. I have fibromyalgia and it's like the whole area is supersensitive.
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Sochima822 patricia16507
patricia16507 Sochima822
jerry72101 patricia16507
Hi Patricia
Recently I have been having cramp like pains not sore as if my period about to start ( not had one for three years) went to doctors think it's coming from my phybriod so going for a scan next month. But since this discomfort I have been getting strange feeling and sensation
patricia16507 jerry72101
I have had a painful urethra tube many years ago after a UTI had cleared up. The doctor put it down to sensitivity at the time.
Guest patricia16507
Hi Patricia
I have had a sting when I first go to the toilet that lasts a couple of days and then it goes away. It has happened about three times randomly over the last 6 months. I went to the doctor thinking I was getting a UTI...i have never had one or thrush....and all was ok. I ruled out changes to soaps, washing powder, toilet paper, diet etc. It just comes and goes so must be hormonal I am thinking?
carolrd patricia16507
Okay I'm not medically skilled to know where all those parts are, but if its in the vaginal area I had that this month where there was achy, sharp pains and or the stingy pain and the like sore or sentivity all in the area. But I did bleed during all this and spotted. I don't think the transvaginal ultra sound helped that any or the biospy which they didnt get enough tissue to check. My urine was checked it was okay and they took 4 tubes of blood.