urethral stricture
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i am a 59 year old woman suffering from urethral stricture, are there any women that have suffered from this. i would be interested to hear their story. it seems to be all men that are posting on this forum. i know it is very uncommon in women about 2 cases per 600,000.
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delores07948 s
donna53699 s
1. It is rare in women.
2. often times you are not taken seriously when you tell a urologist that you have a urethral stricture, simply because it is that rare.
3. Many urologists do not know what to do with it except to perform dilations.
I was diagnosed with the stricture over 5 yrs ago and had been going for dilations. The dilations worked in the beginning, but over time they tend to create more scar tissue.
I was finally referred to a urologist in NYC that performed the reconstruction surgery and it has worked. Urine flow is much better and no more dilations.
Ladies, my advice is to seek out a urologist who performs the surgery. Over time, with the stricture, the bladder gets compromised, and you ultimately damage the interior of the bladder since the urine is sitting in there way too long.
If you truly have a urethral stricture, surgery is a better option than the dilations. MIne had gotten so bad that it ultimately was too difficult for me or any dr. to dilate me. I wouldn't wait to get to that point, and the dilations in themselves are painful, present infections, and we all know they are not something that we look forward to. I was going every two weeks for dilations. I originally started going 8 weeks, then it decreased to 6, 4 and then I would have been going weekly. My quality of life was not good, I wouldn't go out or on long car rides. Everywhere I went I needed to know where the bathroom was located.
You will need to know where the stricture is located. I would be happy to share my experience or any questions since I did go through with the surgery.
Best to all of you :-)
bernp donna53699
Thanks for the information as my stricture continues to be an issue. The question I want to ask is did you develop your stricture as a result of pelvic radiation. The reason I ask is that when I asked my urologist about reconstruction surgery he said due to me having had extensive radiation the area is compromised and he wouldn't advise this. Is your stricture as a result of radiation?
Also for the women on the forum who have had radiation and have a urethral stricture and catheterize to manage this. How have you been managing ongoing infections. I have been catheterizing 3 times a week for nearly 2 years and in the last year have had ongoing infections.
Any info greatly appreciated.
Donna I'm so happy you have had positive results as it really wears you donw and now you can live a full life. Thanks for the post and I look forward to hearing from you.
donna53699 bernp
Thank you so much. I did not have pelvic radiation, however I would still seek out another opinion.
here is a great article with regard to the female urethral reconstruction. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3061629/
They can reconstruct with the skin in the mouth, as well as the vaginal wall.
If the vaginal wall is still in tact from the radiation, it may be an option.
Each stricture is different (ie. location of the stricture, etc.) so it's not an easy answer. I would want to make sure that the surgery is absolutey not an option by speaking to a urologist (or two or three) who actually performs all of the surgeries. My doctor never did a surgery on someone as bad as me, but it was sucessful, and I am now voiding much better. The bladder is not in great shape due to the long term damage, ( I was advised that I have the bladder of an 80yr old man with an enlarged prostate)...
My goal was to preserve my bladder. I was so bad I was not able to self catherize. My surgeon couldn't even do it, it was so closed up. At some point the catherization may not be an option, if the scar tissue continues to grow due to the catherizations.
I would definatley seek a second opinion. Its always worth a shot. Not enough urologists that do not perform these surgeries seem to understand or know how to approach the strictures in women. I
In office dilations seems to be the treatment of choice by the urologists and then they teach you how to catherize so you minimize office visits and /or so they dont have to perform them (they are just as challenging for the doctors to do the dilations when the stricture is bad.
I would seek a second opinion. I am in the US. Read the article and see if who performs these surgeries in the UK. might lead you in a good direction. Holler if you need more information. :-)
bernp donna53699
I hope this continues to be positive and changes your life and saves your bladder.
Trackstar1 s
betsy4 Trackstar1
deb2722 s
bernp deb2722
deb2722 bernp
bernp deb2722
deb2722 bernp
bernp deb2722
deb2722 bernp
I have had reconstruction mentioned to me, but there always seems some doubt as to whether it would help or make things worse - i.e. leave you incontinent. I've tried to research it online, but can't find much about it.
bernp deb2722
deb2722 bernp
bernp deb2722
Brosarah bernp
Her solution is another dialation, but in 2 months. I'm having side pain especially after a long day of not getting to the bathroom often enough. I am at a loss and feel so drained and tired everyday, scared I might be damaging my kidneys. Worried I'm not getting the tests I need. So frustrating that there is not enough information out there and all of the medical studies I've read are outdated.
deb2722 Brosarah
My very best wishes to you, and do keep in touch. Debbie
Brosarah deb2722
Take care
deb2722 Brosarah
I'm sorry you're in pain and I do hope it goes away soon. When I've had dilations I've found that there can be pain just after, but it has always gone away pretty soon. That said, I do get shooting pains every now and again, but it isn't constant pain. Very best of luck with getting some help from your urologist.
Brosarah deb2722