URGENT ADVICE REQ - hi my father is 80, diagnosed with adenocarcinoma prostate with metastasis in the bones.
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PSA Levels are raising after hormone therapy for 4 months. currently at 73. with no symptoms at all. is it advisable to start with chemotherapy wid docetaxel or wait n see since de disease is assymptomatic?
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archemedes nyra51093
Dudley71081 nyra51093
I am sorry to both hear of your Father 's condition and to witness, your understandable distress. Sadly however, only you can help yourself with this.
Although asymptomatic your Father is of an age when sooner or later, if not PCa then some other condition is going to end his life. And firstly your duty, both to yourself and your Dad is to prepare yourself for this eventuality in a calm and serene way hopefully, believing in Life Hereafter. Naturally though all of us hereon wish you many more happy years together.
Regarding metastatic PCa, this can be extremely painful and it is usually treated by radiotherapy to the tumour, which together with analgesics, affords pain relief. Progress of the disease itself can be slowed down by hormone therapy. There would also seem to be merit, we now understand, in eating four apricot kernels daily.
Although this scenario is emotionally painful for you, in recognising that sooner or later your Father will succumb to either PCa or something else, you now have the ongoing opportunity to firstly appreciate that him getting to 80 without symptoms is pretty terrific and secondly to value anew, every day you spend time together.
I wish you Peace.
Kind regards,
carl05115 Dudley71081
Hope you are well. Carl
Dudley71081 carl05115
it is good to hear from you again and I am pleased to learn that apart from some nocturia you remain asymptomatic. I didn't think you of all people, had fallen off the perch !
You have started an interesting ball rolling here and I shall follow this discussion with interest although these days I do not follow many because my opinions and attitudes are now a matter of Site record and anyone researching PC topics can easily access them.
I hope recent unfriendly environmental acts of lesser Oregon Gods have not touched your neck of the woods.
Finally and for my part, my last PSA reading was 0.74 on x42 IMRT's only and Rad/Onc think I now have a five year ' window ' , with Hormones and Chemo waiting in the wings if needed.
Slight incont, nocturiia + sleep deprivation, strictures x2 and retention, require ongoing management. Am not impotent yet but probably getting there.
I wish you Love, Peace, Beauty and ... Mung Beans,
Happy New Year