Urinary Issues
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Hi ladies!
I was wondering if any of you have been experiencing recurring uti issues since you've been in peri/Menopause? I just came from the urgent care clinic and I have yet another one. So tired of this madness!
2 likes, 19 replies
Sassyr12a sharcerv52408
Yes, I experienced ongoing uti problems, it's quite common with menopause as it causes a thinning of the urethra which then leads to inflammation. I used over the counter stuff for cystitis which helped but it didn't settle really until I had been taking bhrt for a few months. I do still get it sometimes, but it's much improved and manageable. Hope you feel better soon xx
columba84250 sharcerv52408
Hi! yes i wrote about it a few months ago here. I never used to get UTI's but now its very common that i get them. I started taking cranberry pills. But sometimes i do feel like i have UTI and go to doc and i dont. Its weird. But Ive been drinking alot of water. I got a UTI a few weeks ago. Two UTI's this year already
. If its not one thing its the other. When i think i am done with doctor bills something new comes up
. I hope you feel better because UTI's are so painful!!!
monique_93857 sharcerv52408
Hello my lovely ladies yes it is true not so much now but in the past yes UTIs were horrible I've learned over the years to drink plenty plenty plenty of water also I drink organic apple cider vinegar when I feel that coming on just a couple tablespoons in some warm water twice a day it flushes it out text a couple days but it works I know you have been going through this a long time these menopause symptoms I keep up with you because majority that you have went through I've been through I remember the 66 symptoms of menopause the aches and pains that you had wrote about the burning tongue the aching elbows shoulders I hope it all gets better for all of us lately I've been okay still have the aching joints but I did notice that when I do have to go to the restroom I do get up and go because if I don't when I do get up I start leaking a little bit we all have to just keep encouraging each other to get through this horrible thing we call menopause
sharcerv52408 monique_93857
Hi Monique,
Yes I remember you as well. How have you been? How is your daughter? I remember ordering some supplements from her in the past. Hope you are doing well these days. Thanks for the reply. It's always good to know that you are not alone with these crazy symptoms. Take care!
olive8 sharcerv52408
I put up with that for years and years and then I had the feeling of having a UTI all the time with stinging and burning but not feeling ill. Didn't know what to do and put up with it for weeks if not months. Had urine tests which were completely clear and was beginning to think my doctor didn't believe me. It was getting worse I had this constant feeling of UTI bathroom trips about five times nightly. Anyway am on estriol cream I had to take nightly for two weeks then twice weekly for two weeks then once weekly for the rest of my life doctor said. It is much better and am told estriol is a very mild oestrogen cream doctor said he would struggle to find any in bloodstream. Look it up and you will see your symptoms are similar to postmenopausal problems.
Just another one of the many problems we pick up along the way.
I am still not completely better but 100% better than I was
hope you get sorted soon
all the best
Guest olive8
Hi Olive, your situation is very similar to mine. I am interested in knowing more about the estriol and will look into it. Glad that you are doing better! 🌸
olive8 Guest
Well doctor said to me it was a very mild oestrogen cream and he said post menopausal ladies are susceptible to this what he called vaginal dryness. I was very against any kind of oestrogen treatment but the feeling was so bad I felt I had no other option but to try it. My daughter told me to try it too. I remember getting the cream and thinking *thank goodness now it will be better* I was so desperate to get rid of the horrible burning/stinging sensation I used it straight away and just wasn't overly happy when I thought it made it feel worse and of course I think when you first use it you feel it swimming all round the ovaries or something like that quite a nippy sensation. I took it every night for two weeks then twice a week for three weeks then once a week for evermore doctor said to me. It was a good few weeks before all of a sudden it began to feel a bit better. I am currently trying to take half of one applicator twice a week instead of one whole one every week and it's certainly helping I think. At the height of my problem I was up five times each night hardly doing anything and the burning sand pain was bad. I would need to contact done of the ladies here who use another cream round the other parts because I feel I need that. Will do that tomorrow. If you had any problem like that tgecestriol cream is worth a shot and I have read a lot about it and I actually read it can be beneficial too because the minimal amount absorbed is so small my doctor said he would struggle to find any in the bloodstream.
See how it goes but do far so good it isn't doing any harm at this point in tIme apart from still knowing it is there.
Take care
Guest olive8
Thanks, Olive! This is very helpful. Take care. 🌸
CarolKelso sharcerv52408
Hi there... Yes when you go through the change we are open to these types of infection due to a lower immune system... It's common.. Hope it clears up soon... Ck
lucy48229 sharcerv52408
I did have recurring UTI for a couple years. These two years, I feel better. But when immune system is not strong enough, it is easy to come back.
Indifferent sharcerv52408
I had a period of time that I felt uti issues for a few days at a time but it resolved itself everytime. This past week I have felt a very slight change in the way I urinate again...and hoping it passes. Haven't yet had to see a doctor about any of it though.
olive8 Indifferent
Yes that was and is one of the things I haven't yet got on top of and know I am not completely *out of the woods* yet. I still sometimes have cloudy urine, next day it's clear. I feel I never do enough like I used to but having said that is 100 times better than it was I feel as though it's little dribbles sometimes. The estriol is working for me, I think. How about you?
Marinab sharcerv52408
I went to an urgent care and after a dip stick test they told me I was positive for a UTI but when the result came back from the lab it was negative. Unfortunately I didn't receive the report until days later after being over treated with antibiotics including Cipro that caused a cdiff infection. My recommendation to anyone with UTI symptoms is to make sure the test is conclusive. This allows for identification of the bacteria and the right antibiotic to treat it with.
Indifferent Marinab
Cipro and any of those floroquinolones are a very dangerous family of antibiotics. I will never allow a loved one on mine to take them again. Almost killed my son after they said he had a bladder infection and prescribed cipro. And when he couldn't even get off the sofa anymore instead of looking into cypro side effects like I was suspecting...they started testing for mono instead. I am really unsure about our medical clinics these days. I took my son to an alternative quack who knew what the issue was right away...and had my son well within 24 hours. Cypro is deadly. I have a friend who also ended up with cdif from it.
What I did learn in the process though is that sometimes recurrent bladder infections can be directly related to high yeast (candida albicans)...and I suspect uti infections are as well. Something to look into perhaps for those having issues with this. Antibiotics will increase the yeast in your body...so beware.
sharcerv52408 Marinab
Thanks that's great advice.
olive8 Indifferent
Yes that's good advice cipro especially is a deadly antibiotic and its effect can be long lasting. Here it's one of the readily given antibiotics for UTI's that and trimethoprim and it's just as bad.
Guest Marinab