Urinary issues, changing doctors, moving forward

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The results of my urinalysis from a week ago came back showing infection.  I finished the 7-day antibiotic today.  This afternoon, I missed a call from the gyn while working and they’d already left when I tried to call back.  I’d already seen the results online 3 days ago and don’t suspect that they’re going to tell me anything new, but I left voicemail for the nurse to call me tomorrow when she’s back.  They tend to be slow to call back.  Anyway, I have wondered for a while now if I might have interstitial cystitis.  I’ve received a referral to a new gyn and am also getting information about urologists.  The gyn is an older male doctor whom my sister recommended, which is very reassuring.  She spoke highly of his communication style and overall manner.  So I am moving forward with getting a new care team in place and feel optimistic about it.  I also am checking on a service I can access for help with the anxiety.  It is good to be taking these steps.  

Has anyone else dealt with urinary issues and peri?  I’d never had a UTI until 2 years ago and now have had this one.  I’ve had occasional frequency/urgency issues this last year, but tests did not show infection.  This is why I wonder about having IC.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Hun I've suffered with cystitis most of my life since I was 16, but strangely enough I've not suffered from it in peri, but had frequent trips to the loo, I've heard lots of stories of ladies having this symptom, luckily I've not as yet

  • Posted

    Hi Liz, i hope you can develop a supportive relationship with new gyno. Helps to have a good recommendation. I had two utis last year that came on very quickly and were very painful. Unfortunately my gp was unhelpful about perimenopause issues and apart from antibiotics, gave me little support apart from telling me to be more mindfuI of my personal hygiene (!!!!!). I had one uti when i was in my early 20s and am now 50, so it was quite a shock. The symptoms were very severe (fever , pale blood in urine and excruciating lower back pain) and came on very quickly (overnight).

    In november last year i ended up with a kidney infection that was terrible. Again, just antibiotics and no awareness of how perimenopause might be related to this.

    I ended up seeing a gp at a menopause clinic, and she advised that she sees lots of utis in women at this stage of life. She gave me a very low dose of HRT and ive been fine for the last six months.

    Wishing you the same in relief of your symptoms.

    • Posted

      Thanks.  Oddly enough, it’s a female gyn who is not providing good support and communication.  She dismisses my concerns about peri whenever I mention them or ask questions and there have been other issues with her practice.  Your GP at the menopause clinic sounds great and I hope to find someone like that.
  • Posted

    Yep, my original gp was female and i trusted her completely. Any issuez i was having with perimenopause she dismissed and told me i was depressed and needed anti depressants. I just wish i had heeded my friends and other advice ive read on this site - if you arent getting the support from your medical professionals then change them till you find ones who do.
    • Posted

      That’s exactly what happened to me.  She told me to find a psychiatrist and get on medication.  I was stunned.  You are absolutely right about finding the medical professionals we need!
  • Posted

    It's very common to experience UTIs while transitioning from Peri into menopause. I, too, suffered from several UTIs while going through the phase, and like you my doctors were having a hard time diagnosing what type of UTI it was because it was not exactly a UTI. I was having symptoms as if I was having urinary tract infection but what I had was a gram-negative bacterial infection which mimics UTIs. I had gone on several antibiotics to fight the infection of a UTI, and none of the antibiotics used for UTIs were working. I finally asked for an antibiotic that's not normally used for any type of UTI infection and that one killed the bacteria, of course I had to go on a 10-day course because I knew exactly what my body was needing. Have you asked what kind of UTI or what kind of bacterial infection you may have? Hopefully your new doctor will run you new tests and see if you were having the gram-negative type of bacterial infection which will require a different set of antibiotics. Also, this type of infection seems to be more prevalent during perimenopause which doctor's are now understanding is becoming increasingly common.

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