Urinay Issue
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Is anyone having urinary issues? I 've been dealing with urinary problem for about 2 weeks now. I'm having urinary frequency, bladder discomfort , irritation, pressure in lower bladder/pelvic area. Their is always the feel of urine at the tip of my urethra . I have no burning when I urinate. I had burning at one time but never during urination it was always afterward. At first ., I thought it was a yeast infection so I started treating for yeast . Then , I took an over the counter uti test and it tested positive. ( are these test accurate? In the past of using this test it always tested negative). I started treating with natural remedies , because I cant take antibiotics or can I tolerate cranberry juice. It seem to get bit better. I just took another test yesterday and still test positive for uti. It is really getting to me... these symptoms one after another.
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pamela2016 mary27278
im dealing with it too at the moment Mary horrible
jane66356 mary27278
I had the exact same symptoms for a few days and also had cloudy, bad smelling urine. It sounds like the test is accurate, You probably have a UTI. There are several different antibiotics you can take. I know you said that you can't take antibiotics? The one the gave me is Macrobid (nitrofurantoin) for 5 days. I tried the natural remedies, cranberry capsules and D'mannose. It didn't help enough after 2 days so I went to the doctor. I can't mess around with UTIs being I have MS. I need to get it cleared a quick as possible. Good luck. I suggest a trip to the doctor.
debra64760 mary27278
Yes sweets I have since two days after Christmas this year and it is a pain in the rear. been to gyn n urologist they say its weight gain and perimenopause . I have lost 7lbs in the last 3 weeks on weight watchers. I just drink a lot of water to keep flushed out and it relieves it a while but comes and goes also a half of bc powder or tylenol. Believe me when I say it is sticking. I see the bathroom more than I see my family n dogs ugh. Also still have hip pains stomach pain back pain and spasms in uretha from bladder and pelvic pain. I hope you feel better dear. Also you might still want to go to your doctors to see if you have a uti or etc.. I got tested for it and all was negative I used azo and microbes before the results came back but did not do anything. though I did get put on a oab medicine from the urologist took it for 4 days got off cause it caused constipation, but got back on it today so I can stop going to the bathroom so much ty dear.
Gigi368 mary27278
Our bladders depend on estrogen. I had all the exact same symptoms you ladies are having, only one time I tested positive for a UTI.. my issues stemmed from lack of estrogen and dryness. I'd check with your gynecologist and get looked at and go from there. I was put on a vaginal estrogen and my urinary issues went away, it took about a month but, it's been 2 years and only an occasional flair up.
Good Luck!
debra64760 Gigi368
I thought the same thing that it was due to lack of estrogen kinda of scared of that isn't it an hormone? I'm on a oab med now and today has been ok a little thank goodness
Gigi368 debra64760
Yes estrogen is a hormone.. and obviously we lose it or most of it in menopause. Our bladders depend on estrogen and when we lack it some of us get urinary problems. Mine was the feeling of needing to go every 2 min, pain in my urethra and actual bladder pain, along with dryness. After trying to figure it out I went to my gyno and was told I was in menopause and also had vaginal atrophy. She put me on a vaginal estrogen (very little if any gets absorbed into the blood stream). I used 1 gram for 14 days, then 1 gram twice a week for a while now I use a half gram twice a week, I also use a pea size amount smeared on my outer bits almost nightly and my issues cleared up. Occasionally I have a flair up but not too often. I also went to pelvic floor physical therapy, they taught me how to retrain my bladder and how to do kegel exercises the right way. That also helped a ton! If the meds you're on dont help I'd go see your gyno and get checked out. My GP was clueless lol
mary27278 Gigi368
Gigi I agree that it may be lac of estrogen that 's causing my bladder issue, because my estrogen level is extremely low. I had my level checked a few weeks ago and it is at 10. I've had the same issue in the past and my dr gave me estrogen cream to put down there. But when thing is when I use it , it makes my hot flashes worse, shake with anxiety and heart races and palps all day long. I just tried it again a couple of days ago and the same thing happens each time. Yesterday I was just told by a Dr that my adrenals are stealing it and converting it to cortisol . This seem to happen with any type of hormones whether progesterone or estrogen.
debra64760 Gigi368
ty dear. I have been to gyno but he never said anything about that at the time. he has asked me in the pass if I wanted hormones I said no because I was just having night sweats then and still do but now its different since the weight gain . but like i said I'm loosing the weight it will probably take a year or so lol due to me not being young anymore it's like the older you get the worse is everything. i have thought if the estrogen cream too. but yesterday was a pretty good day for me but today well on and off. the meds seem to be working but on it 3 days now. they say it takes a month but I'm the kind of person where meds work for me instantly. ty gigi for replying back i dont wish this on know one but knowing there are other women out there like me makes me feel like I'm not going crazy. ty
Gigi368 mary27278
Oh my.. that's terrible! I know I was absorbing more in the beginning bc my tissues were paper thin, my hot flashes and night sweats were horrible and I have had a panic and anxiety disorder for over 30 years so I don't think it adds to that, my meds help with that. But since I've been on the cream for a couple years now the night sweats have all but stopped, however the hot flashes are ridiculous and happen at the worst times lol. I have heart issues I was born with but the palpitations are just horrid in the mornings, and I had those before I started the cream. So all in all I'm happy I stuck with it, in the beginning it stung bc of all the dryness and thought about quitting several times.
I hope you get relief soon. this is miserable!
Gigi368 debra64760
I'm so happy it seems to be working!! I hope it keeps improving for you!!
Gypsy014 mary27278
Hi Mary, these uti's can be a nightmare.. I never personally have had one, however my 75 almost in a few weeks 76 year old mom gets them, she lives with me and I care for her.. Hers stared 3 years ago with her first really bad one where she wasn't at the time then staying with me, she had a really high fever from it and was very confused suddenly and couldn't wake her up from a deep sleep, ambulance was called and was hospitalized for 2 weeks with what we at first thought was a stroke because of the confusion.. It was NOT a stroke thank God .. She was treated at that time with antibiotics, which worked not over night but over time, in fact when she came home from hospital after being in there for 2 weeks and treated ambulance was called again because of the confusion..that is when paramedics really filled me in on how scary the uti's can be in the elderly, they told me keep giving her the antibiotics and eventually it will clear up and her confusion and other symptoms would subside, and they did.. But she would stand at the foot of her bed and say to me I don't know where I am.. I was so scared with all this and had just started my own bad symptoms with my perimenopause I felt like I couldn't cope I had anxiety so so bad like a nervous scared child myself, and I can remember that night driving myself at 3am to the hospital 45 minutes away to a stroke hospital because thats what they thought she had, and nobody was with me a real scary nightmare these uti's can be.. Fast forward to today. And now, shes fighting one now and often, they keep coming back but I'm much more educated on them and know that they flare up with any little infection and that they become resistant to almost all antibiotics another real nightmare, she can be on one antibiotic and all of a sudden it stops working and need to try a different one which becomes a visious cycle, and she has ibs so lots of diarrhea from the antibiotics that aren't working anyways.. So maybe Christmas time she had a tooth that needed to get pulled suddenly and suddenly the uti flared up and shes been fighting it since then, shes now seeing an infectious doctor and honestly none of the antibiotics are helping her I think its making it all worse because of all the side effects.. Ive started giving her more foods to make her urine more acidic and its been helping a lot also ive been giving her probiotics to put the friendly bacteria back into her system.. Her pee is clearing up now from that and her confusion is lifting..but I did read estrogen cream helps uti's a lot and we are looking into trying some of that.. But these uti's can be a never ending scary nightmare.. And personally I don't know what what I will do if I develop them because I can't take antibodies either, but then again it seems like the uti's become resistant to them anyways..
Gigi368 Gypsy014
Your mom sounds exactly how my mom was before she passed away, from a severe uti that put her in renal failure and sepsis. If she had recovered we were going to put her on vagifem.. the nursing home she was in actually has several elderly women that uses it. I use estrace cream and swear by it! There's very little if any that gets in your blood stream and is also safe for cancer patients.. Do some research on it so you'll be comfortable with it if they go that route with her. Good Luck! I know how scary that is.
Gypsy014 Gigi368
Thanks gigi yes it can be very scary these uti infections they're down right dangerous! I'm sorry for the loss of your dear mom.. So what do you suggest for my mom the vagifem or the estrace I just wrote down both with the amounts you use/used so I can take it to her gp?
Gigi368 Gypsy014
The cream can be messy in the mornings, I actually use a pad the night I use the cream to catch leakage. Vagifem is convenient bc it's a teeny tiny pill that once inserted sticks to the wall of the vagina. They're the same drug just in different forms. I loved the ease of Vagifem, but for whatever reason it gave me leg cramps so I switched to the cream which in the long run works better for me bc of being able to use it on the outside and around my urethra especially.. it comes down to a personal choice .. I believe the vagifem can be used any time during the day, the cream needs to be used at bed time so it stays in to do its job. Let me know what the doctor says!