Urine infection and piles. Stressed and worried

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I'm due to have an operation next week on my neck which I am very scared about. I have suddenly developed a urine infection for which I am taking antibiotics and the piles which I've had for many years are incredibly uncomfortable. Could this be to do with stress and anxiety? Can anyone suggest anything other than the over the counter creams which could help wth the itching and discomfort? I am peri-menopausal and wonder if this is also making things worse.  Every day is a real struggle. Help!


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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Brevis. Sorry to hear you have to have an operation. I wouldn't think a urine infected could be caused by stress as you need antibiotics so you have an infection. As for your piles well there's over the counter creams and ointments that should help. I will private message you with the name of a good cream
    • Posted

      Oh please do!! That would be great!


    • Posted

      hi brevis

      oh poor you .. 😟

      Germoloids cream is very good and has anesthetic  in it too to calm 

      hope you feel better soon.



  • Posted


    Try to relax about yr surgery. See it as a means to an end: it may make

    you feel so much better to help an ailment.

    Piles. Emm,. I think I've been very lucky to have avoided them especially as I get frequent constipation. Think bowels are just sent to try us women! Often think I wish I'd adopted the "Martini Approach" - Anytime. Any Place. Anywhere!!! (Ad slogan in UK from yonks ago!). Seems every like bloke I've ever known can do that ha, ha:-) !

    Believe we have increased likelihood of due eloping water/kidney infections at this time too. Probably due to the dried bunny we've got to look forward too as well.

    Maybe I should have had loads sex when I was supposed to have been at my sexual peak in mid-30s - instead of caring for a family, studying, Ming a Business

    • Posted

      Sex? What is that? Not something I can indulge in very often what with a bad neck etc etc! Perhaps when I'm 60 I'll feel human again! I'm sure fluctuating hormones have a great deal to do with all this.


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