uterine/endometrial polyps
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Been on this forum a few times with questions about post-menopausal bleeding. All of you are such an encouragement and I thank you. I am bothered again by the spotting and fairly light bleeding I am having. Have had a clear biopsy. Vaginal ultrasound showed lining somewhat thickened. Taking progestin to thin it out. After 5 months on that, started up the spotting/bleeding again. Doing a hysteroscopy and D and C on October 6. Doctor wants to look for polyps. I am still concerned about how often and how long I bleed. I may go several months or weeks with nothing and then it just appears. Hangs on for a couple of weeks mostly spotting, sometimes more like a light to moderate period. I know I have asked before, but if you have had experience with polyps, please tell me all you can about your experience. My last bleed/spotting was just a month ago and lasted two weeks. Now I am doing it again! The constant bleeding plays with my mind as though there is something terribly wrong. In addition, I sometimes feel crampy as well. Please, anyone else like this? I need a bit more reassurance before the 6th of October. I just want it done.
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Judyp debbie73263
I had bleeding 10 years after mp
Large fibroid benign
Since no bleeding
No low pain
Will keep a close watch though
Fibroids grow back
debbie73263 Judyp
glynnie debbie73263
How did u initially find out you had polyps. I wish I had some information for you. But I don't know why I'm bleeding. Maybe that is normal for polyps to bleed.
debbie73263 glynnie
I don't know for sure. That's just what the doctor is going to look for when she does the hysteroscopy.
Guest debbie73263
debbie73263 Guest
I did have a light to moderate period the first two months on the progestion, but I started it back in March. The doctor said I shouldn't be continuing any bleeding from that at this point. That's why she wants to look inside the uterus, possibly stating that there could be a polyp, and then remove it along with doing a D and C.
Guest debbie73263
debbie73263 Guest
pudds66 debbie73263
Hi Debbie
I also take prostegen tablets every day without any breaks . My consultant said I could due to heavy bleeding but I had already had the hysteroscopy and had my biopsies were clear. They did find a polyp which he recommends that it should be removed . I had an appointment but no was too high do it needs to be rescheduled.
So far I've only had a couple of day if very light spotting during th time I've been on them . But this last week I have been very achy in my pelvis area not sure if it's anything to do with tablets / uterus or what it is. I'm just seeing how it goes. I was told to expect some breakthrough bleeding but so far been ok . I do think if I do get it I will panic though I seem to have become paranoid !
Guest pudds66
pudds66 Guest
I was having heavy bleeding they wanted me to have the coil or ablation but I didn't want that . I take 3 a day
Guest pudds66
pudds66 Guest
It can cause breakthrough bleeding , but I think the cool can aswell. Upto now I've only had a couple of days where I have had a very small amount if spotting . If I start to get it more often or heavier bleeding then j think I will be asking what else I can do .